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"Bloody" Bill Marley

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Everything posted by "Bloody" Bill Marley

  1. Pirate.....Rock.......together.......why dint i think of this? Yeh men be geniuses! a real credit ta pirateyness in all its forms. Well met, well met indeed.
  2. I dont like much, but I knows what i like. A veritable masterpiece captain.
  3. Aye, Pirates of The Caribbean is one o the best pirate movies out thar but yeh cannot disrespect the classics like Yellowbeard. A fine bucaneer ee was if I ever saw one! edit by moderator: That color red makes eyes bleed to read it.
  4. If'n ya don' mind me askin, how did yeh come by yer ship?
  5. I like ta think tha if an when I get me own ship, I'd rip tha arse offa any scavvy modern day "pirate" what tries to filch a real pirate's vessel. Cutlasses, cannons, an anythin else happenin ta be on hand prove to mighty mighty powerful argumentation.
  6. Lad thats what razors and eyeglasses are for!
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