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"Bloody" Bill Marley

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Everything posted by "Bloody" Bill Marley

  1. Bleedin brilliant Captain!
  2. I must say: Oh me floggin god that is bloody brilliant!!!!!!!!!! beatiful peice fox!
  3. wonderful imagery, beautiful language... I give it an A +. jk, great point Fiddle.
  4. wow, that had so much impact.
  5. you'd all better get it, Yellowbeards got my vote for best Pirate movie because, well, Yellowbeard is the best pirate! "I'll make ye eat both yer own buttocks!"
  6. there is no higher praise
  7. very informative, thank you. thundermug, great name.
  8. Might that be a cannon-goblet hybrid?
  9. It seems there aren't many takers.
  10. I am so tired of people praising the Harry Potter movies as achievements rather than failures. Pirates was loads better than anyone of them. Potter could learn a thing or two from Jack. And as for the public reception of Potc3, yes a lot of people thought the movie was a little fast paced and confusing, I didn't find that to be true at all. In fact, it inspired me to see it a second time in order to more fully appreciate all that was going on. I believe it was a very well made movie and Bruckheimer is a genius. PS: Jack kicks ass.
  11. It was sad to see Joe Don go. So much is wrong with it. They really did need him to break up the Triplets. Jupiter did what we thought she never would, use the situation to her advantage. She always seemed so nice. Kendra is just a horrible betrayer. She realizes her many shortcomings and knows shes about to get voted off, so she takes out insurance like a coward, and now theres no chance of a mutiny. Joe Don made a terrible mistake in only comparing himself to Louie and not calling for mutiny. If he made a really good argument for it, maybe Jupiter would have switched sides. And when it failed, that not everyone votes mutiny, they confront Jupiter and she says "No I was on your side". Then they realize that they have a snake in the grass and search. Kendra is severely disgraced and banished. Yay.
  12. So many people eligible to be voted off last night. I've been waiting for joy and kendra to be put back on the spot because they're both practically useless in a challenge. Joy is supposed to be this real fit runner, and that turns out to be her biggest weakness. Kendra has trouble swimming, although she did get to the beach in moderate time last night. and there was a great need to mutiny to break up that triumverate. joe don was fine. im glad that joy is gone, but i'm surprised there were no mutiny cards. Azmyth has almost unknowingly set up a nigh unstoppable captainship.
  13. originally watching dead man's chest, I thought that Jack "knowing" tia dalma was just what it sounded like, a nice sexual euphemism. After finding out that tia was the sea, it was probably an allusion to his love for the sea and the freedom it offered.
  14. c'mn, who can forget crybaby?
  15. sorry i much prefer Nessa to Kendra. Both of them don't do much, but at least Nessa's got it. Plus she can swim.
  16. Living right by the mayor? Lucky you, have you ever had to ask for a pardon?
  17. How about this, the locker doesn't belong to the ferryman but rather Davy Jones himself? In his anger and spite he creates this area of hell to deal out his own brand of cruel revenge for those on whom he displaces his rage towards calypso. So instead of the locker shifting into Will's hands who actually has no need of it, Davy Jones himself gets sent to the locker? So all that need be done to bring him back is a reference to a return trip to the locker to rescue him. He can even have a visit from Calypso once in a while, if they can ever bury the hatchet.
  18. Azmyth is eventually going to be viewed a too weak and overthrown. at that point they would have had two extremes in a captain, and the eventual result would be that Joe Don would become the best candidate for captain. He had been before and has experience, and he has seen how people react to a kind captain or a tough captain, so i believe he'd take that into consideration. Unfortunately, he'll never get reelected.
  19. I just do it because I thought it would make things more interesting, but it has not recieved a great reception. nobody seems to like it.
  20. lemme take a stab at rewriting norrington's part right now: instead of killing him, bootstrap could have caught him and they could have stuck him in the brig. Later when they shove jack down in the brig, he meets norrington, and the two argue, almost coming to blows. Jack eventually convinces norrington that beckett must be stopped, they both escape, jack steals the heart of davy jones. Norrington swings over to the black pearl just as will and liz get hitched. Close up on norrington's pained face, and renewed fury in the fight. he helps them win the battle, and afterwards a wrap up talk between norrington and jack maybe where norrington shows he learned his lesson about doing the right thing even though it's has societal consequences. better story in a nutshell.
  21. Captain Teague [jacks dad] wasn't the pirate king, he was the keeper of the pirate's code, as set forth by the pirates morgan and bartholomew. he might have been a pirate lord at one point and held that "piece of eight" that they needed from jack, but jack had it at this point and freeing calypso was the whole reason they had the meeting in the first place.
  22. by many accounts the steward is THE most respected man on ship, but these accounts would all come from drunks anyway. congrats
  23. oh, well thats all right then.
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