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Everything posted by Hester

  1. Hester

    ^, <, V

    ^ Well, I guess I'll make my "Who's your Johnny Depp?" answer do double-duty -- and say I was Clara Bow in a past life: < Nora Charles -- bloody excellent choice, Ransom! V Passing the Q further along, because it's a fun one...
  2. Kedgeree & Mango
  3. Have you seen my favourite place?
  4. I think a shawl is the appropriate attire for viewing the sunset, don't you?
  5. Roast beef wrap red canoe Kim Gruff Mike
  6. Sunsets? How about a sunrise?
  7. What, no life-size, anatomically correct Wookiee action figures?
  8. In Bram Stoker's classic novel, Dracula sailed from the port of Varna in Bulgaria to Whitby, Yorkshire, aboard a ship. He slept the days away hidden in a coffin in the cargo hold, amid boxes of his native earth, and he preyed upon the ship's crew at night: http://www.online-literature.com/stoker/dracula/7/
  9. Hi, Jesse: I love the idea of sails that are also solar-power collectors! And your idea's not so far-fetched. Apparently researchers in both the U.S. and Europe have already started to develop "solar-fabric" technology: http://www.powerfilmsolar.com/news/webpage...20attention.htm http://news.com.com/Researchers+band+toget..._3-5579562.html Making the fabric strong and flexible enough to hold up to the stresses that sails have to withstand might be a further engineering challenge though. Cheers, Hester
  10. You mean besides surfer boys?
  11. I have the following commercially-produced flag: ... which I'm only brave enough to fly on Hallowe'en, lest my house be mistaken for a biker hangout. Does anyone know where this design comes from? It looks quite modern in its styling. Is it perhaps associated with a sports team?
  12. I participate in English Country Dancing. Many of the dancers in that community also do Contra, the American style that developed from ECD. (I haven't tried Contra yet, though). Anyhow, apparently some men in the Contra community enjoy wearing skirts for dancing. For instance, in this video, you'll see an older man in a blue shirt and a long skirt: Apparently these men like the feeling of their skirts billowing out as they swing. I've worn both pants and long full skirts while doing English and Scottish Country Dancing, and I must agree that the motion of the skirt does add an extra dimension to the experience.
  13. Pogues, "If I Should Fall from Grace with God", live: "Bury me at sea, Where no murdered ghost can haunt me, If I rock upon the waves, No corpse will lie upon me!"
  14. Lamb curry & sweet potato chips The crumbling shingles on the south-facing pitch of my roof. Bugger! But then, later, on top of a house on the next block, I saw a very buff young roofer working with his shirt off. Okay then, getting the roof fixed might not be such a bad thing after all! Leanne & Liam over the fence Still Daithi [actually Gaelic for "tall, dark, and brooding"]
  15. Hester

    ^, <, V

    ^ Green Mango ... 15 minute walk, and the staff all recognize us < I've got blisters on my heels. Bugger! I suspect I was meant to live on a beach and go barefoot. V Do you have difficulty finding even "sensible" shoes that don't cut your feet to ribbons?
  16. overcompensating introvert
  17. Banana & 70% chocolate (breakfast). Pretty window box with pansies and miniature roses. Hollie, my 20-something punk-rock hairdresser, who trimmed my bangs gratis. Daithi [Gaelic for "sexy", I think.]
  18. But we took a Rockabilly detour along the way, didn't we?
  19. Hmmm... merge the two and you get -- Clara Bow
  20. But strong enough for a man
  21. "Aince crowdie, twice crowdie, Three times crowdie in a day": http://sniff.numachi.com/pages/tiNEVRMARR;...ttNEVRMARR.html
  22. Would the cat be wearing fishnet stockings? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gi46pd7iHWo
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