Significantly better ... hurray!
Thursday I tried Cheeky Actress's cure for a summer cold -- drinking a six-pack while lying in the sun. Unfortunately, it wasn't quite as effective as I'd hoped. Of course, that was probably my fault as I didn't follow the prescription to the letter. I only made it halfway through my six-pack of Corona, because the carbonation was causing my raw throat to sting a bit. And the day wasn't quite as warm and sunny as predicted, so I wound up feeling a tad chilly and came indoors early.
Anyhow, yesterday, I tried "tweeking" the prescription slightly, and sat outside in the sunshine drinking Pimm's & lemonade, and eating plantain chips.
Those two days of intensive "therapy" seem to have finally done the trick, and my cold virus is obviously on the retreat now. Fever's broken, and I'm breathing easier.