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Everything posted by Hester

  1. My venetian blinds sounding a storm warning.
  2. from his latest raid
  3. Cement truck pouring the neighbours' new pool. It's been at it since 8 a.m.
  4. Los Straitjackets rocking the Kinks: http://www.yeproc.com/upload/media/view_me...edia.php?id=404 ... in Spanish!
  5. Dogs http://www.myspace.com/dogsmusicspace
  6. Double chocolate cookie
  7. Smoked rainbow trout, with grilled tomatoes, and scrambled eggs.
  8. raw garlic -- yikes!
  9. Yesterday: Pizza Highway Dad Cousins
  10. Welcome back Siren! And to help with the anaemia, here's a feast of clams for you (they're very high in iron): http://www.feinberg.northwestern.edu/nutri...heets/iron.html Keep well & strong, m'dear!
  11. Not me! (Secretly, I'm shy)
  12. What if you have an "outie"?
  13. Painting my nails -- a two-tone iridescent shade of pale mauve/turquoise that reminds me of dragonfly wings, and should look stunning with the batik mini-dress I plan to wear tomorrow.
  14. summer cold -- blech!
  15. (Did you catch any John? Mmm... I love Cajun catfish!) Right now, I'm removing the gold nail polish from my toenails -- stubborn stuff! -- and drawing myself a hot bath in the jacuzzi tub, with cucumber & mint bath salts (more "therapy" to cure my cold).
  16. A "novelization": ... the literary equivalent of junk food!
  17. Hester


    Jingling jewels (as party favours)
  18. Have I met Cheeky's evil twin?
  19. Chocolate pancakes with strawberries Birds on my windowsill Mr. H. My parents
  20. Significantly better ... hurray! Thursday I tried Cheeky Actress's cure for a summer cold -- drinking a six-pack while lying in the sun. Unfortunately, it wasn't quite as effective as I'd hoped. Of course, that was probably my fault as I didn't follow the prescription to the letter. I only made it halfway through my six-pack of Corona, because the carbonation was causing my raw throat to sting a bit. And the day wasn't quite as warm and sunny as predicted, so I wound up feeling a tad chilly and came indoors early. Anyhow, yesterday, I tried "tweeking" the prescription slightly, and sat outside in the sunshine drinking Pimm's & lemonade, and eating plantain chips. Those two days of intensive "therapy" seem to have finally done the trick, and my cold virus is obviously on the retreat now. Fever's broken, and I'm breathing easier.
  21. Have tambourine ... will happily jingle along!
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