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Posts posted by Hester

  1. Roofers who insist on shouting to each other, not caring that they're bothering all their client's neighbours with their racket. Seriously, shut the eff up! You're standing right outside my window!

    Telemarketers who call [desptie the fact your number's on the no-call registry] when you happen to be waiting for an important call from your family, making you run for the phone from the bathroom, and then they hang up before you answer, forcing you to use *69 in case it was the important call you were waiting for. I hope you heard me swearing at you over the frickin' dial tone! (I'm sure the roofers next door heard me.)

  2. ^ It's a toss up between Surf Journalism, Post-Modern Theory, and Pirate Romance Novels

    < I could really use a little yellow pill today!

    V Ever had an 'interesting' experience in the Emergency Ward?

  3. Today I lazily used the wrong ID on the wrong on-line board and inadvertantly 'outed' myself to someone I'd rather not have know about that particular alias. Within moments, I had a "friend request" from him for that ID.

    Oh, bugger! :blink:

  4. BBQ chicken wings, veggies & dip

    Piles of clothes

    My mom. [i called her on the phone, but she seemed awfully impatient and snippy with me today for some reason, so I didn't bother trying to chat, just said I'd call her later. ;) ]

    Mr. H [well, except for a quick goodbye this morning when I was still half asleep]

  5. Yesterday:

    Fish Taco (it's becoming a serious addiction!)

    Creepy guy hanging around inside the changeroom of a lingerie shop. Apparently, his girlfriend was too stupid or mind-controlled to be able to choose her own underwear without his input and approval. I'd really appreciate it if 'happy couples' could refrain from playing out these little fetish fantasies where I need to shop. Blech! :blink:

    Suzanne via e-mail. Yay!

    An odd assortment of people who showed up in my dreams last night.

  6. Baja battered shrimp tacos and a Corona (Why did I eat so many chips... ugh!).

    Oh, Jacky! Now you're tempting me with an even more decadent twist on the Fish Taco!

    Battered Shrimp Tacos -- yes! [but I won't use those bloody Bang-Bang Shrimp with the shells still on. LOL]

    And even Mr. H. has learned how to make a Fish Taco now. (Expanding his very limited culinary repertoire.)



    English muffin with pb & j

    Current issue of Surfer magazine

    Sandra via Facebook

    Claire (who's been kinda quiet lately)

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