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Everything posted by depinux

  1. Woot. Up again this morning for a 2 mile run and some weights, sit ups and push ups. The other day i did 2 miles in about 30 minutes, and this time I managed to trim off 4 minutes which was surprising, but since I was running at a decline of sorts, it allowed me to run more easily than walk, even though it's not good fer the knees. I've decided for the first week or so I'm going to get up every other day, and slowly work into running every day. I bike to work everyday so it's a little under half a mile per day, it's not great but it's better than nothing! Running is so much fun.
  2. depinux


    Ha ha, at work today I was talking with this guy that works for us to get us our food (I work in a kitchen) and he was telling us he made a rum and coke float, has anyone tried that? On another note, I have god awful Bacardi rum, I don't like to mix me rum, but I can't stand this stuff. Got any good 'recipes' to make it a bit more palatable?
  3. I'm in the process of reading Nelson's Trafalgar and Patrick O'Brian's HMS Surprise. I've heard about the sea rover's practice and I would love to read that, but I have no money to buy it and it would appear no libraries around me have it. Booo
  4. Ha ha, I managed to get up at 530 this morning, went for a lovely 2 mile run, did some weights, sit ups and push ups, then went off to work, I'm about ready to pass out now for sure, but it was fantastic, now I just need to keep it up!
  5. Outstanding mate, thanks! I need me a summer project, so maybe I'll endeavor to do one of these as well.
  6. Nice man, may I inquire as to how you made yours? I'm thinking of getting one of Don's kits in the near future, but I was curious as to where you acquired the majority of your parts. -Mike
  7. Its only been two days since I've decided to join in, and today I didn't do so hot. I shall not let it set me back for tomorrow I'm GOING to be up early for a run before work, then probably die in a hot kitchen for several hours, woot. ha ha! Since I'm going to be up by 5, I think it's time to sleep now. I shall check in with you all tomorrow, have a good night!
  8. I'm 21 and 240 lbs at 5' 11'' so I'm not in the best shape of me life. I definitely will join in on this. I work in a kitchen so I might start wearing pants/sweatpants, because on good days it gets up to mid to high 90s or so, so that'll help shed some pounds while I work. I was planning on waking up a 530 every morning since I have to be at work by 7, but as I am having trouble now getting up that early because I can't get to sleep at night, I've decided to doing my PT after work from 3-5 before dinner. I will run 2-3 miles a day, do some free weights and some sit-ups, push-ups and pull-ups in 3 sets of 20/20/5 reps. Once I get into a regular routine I shall add some swimming into the mix. Lord knows I lack the motivation to do this so instead of putting off what I would normally start Monday, I did it today already. It's time for a change methinks. Ta!
  9. If given the choice between coffee or tea in the morning I would most certainly take the coffee, blacker than pitch to be sure. However in evenings since I already have trouble sleeping, there's no need for extra caffeine so I tend to go with tea..or alcohol..
  10. Op. 31-2 G.326 Minuetto Con Moto - Luigi Boccherini
  11. With regards to hatcrafters, I had purchased a hat there a while back, very superb indeed, but as of lately it fell into a lake and has thus lost its hardness and form, would steaming help give the hat it's form back? (I emailed them as well, just figured I'd ask here too.)
  12. Ahoy, Has anyone here build a sailor's hammock, or have any sources as to how to go about doing so? Or even a place that builds period hammocks? I'd very much like to have one for me dorm room next semester.
  13. Ugh I personally am rather annoyed at the moment. I moved back to college today to find out they my student ID card needed to get into the room doesn't work. I tried to get that fixed, but the office gave me crap about not paying a fee for moving in early, so now I either have to stay in my room for 3 days straight, or I just get locked out until I can fix things up, HOPEFULLY I can actually pull some strings and do that tomorrow. On the plus side though I get to see a lass I'm quite fond of tomorrow, so that's the only reason im not too ticked off, as it were. Ha ha ha :) edit: Ok, so now I realized there is another guy in the picture, so boooooo.
  14. I believe I'll be going, however not as a pirate unforetuntly, rather some DC comic character..long story..haha.
  15. Cpt Sophia, Nay, I didn't have to mess with the code.
  16. Aye, I be on myspace. http://www.myspace.com/themorse
  17. My pirate name is: Captain William Bonney Even though there's no legal rank on a pirate ship, everyone recognizes you're the one in charge. You can be a little bit unpredictable, but a pirate's life is far from full of certainties, so that fits in pretty well. Arr! haha, nice. If I ever had a different name, I would have wanted William.
  18. Hey, I got this from someone on a prop board I belong to. Hope it helps, and let me know how making the pistol turns out, I'm interested in doing one as well. Cheers! http://www.apachego.com/london/index.htm
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