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Everything posted by hurricane

  1. Glad you liked them. I know that they were originally someone else's... I just can't recall. I'm glad they found a new owner... especially one of my fellow mates on pyracy. I don't know why they ever ended up with me. -- Hurricane
  2. Michael, How are those shoes I gave you working for you? I think the black ones looked great with your kit. They obviously were a bit small for me but Loyalist had inadvertently sent them to me last year by mistake and no one claimed them. Sad, since they were the smashing looking black leather ones instead of the suede. Shame no one else claimed them. -- Hurricane
  3. Hey there! It was great seeing you to Sophia. We must play together again soon. -- Hurricane
  4. It was so fun to spend more time with you. I have a small rash forming from Sunday morning. I hope it hasn't spread north... :) Doc says I should be fine after a few more shots of penicillin. Good times, bunky. Seriously, you two are a blast to play with... Diosa and I enjoyed your delightful company and look forward to many more times together, fighting the good fight, roasting Snickers and marshmallows, shooting at the Spaniards, drilling at the fort and enjoying good times... -- Hurricane
  5. Yes, it's definitely fun. Buccaneer is by far my favorite era to re-enact. -- Hurricane
  6. This was truly a blast. I don't know of anywhere else where you can walk the streets engaged in a period gun battle where hundreds of rounds are exchanged amid period buildings. Simply freaking amazing! Add in the great encampment, the roast beasts and the fine company and it's a real "do not miss" event that any Spaniard or buccaneer re-enactor shouldn't miss. -- Hurricane
  7. Some basics for you: First, if you're ever going to print it for real (i.e., with a printer, not on your printer) all photos need to be 300 dpi. Second, you want to use the cloning tool to duplicate the area around the road so that it covers it over with a similar look of the area you want to keep. That's the easiest way to do that. The text, I believe, will want to Simplify if you're working in grayscale. Your file should be in CMYK, not RGB or grayscale. This should keep it from wanting to simplify what you're trying to do. Your work should be in full color if you're just starting out. Much easier to work with than doing any trickier stuff with duotones, RGB conversions of trying to get a grayscale file to print out correctly (i.e., accurately) on a printer. Hope this helps... -- Hurricane
  8. Fear not, Animal. I found a second reference in a book on the Bahamas that I'm doing a little research in. It also mentions the footwear made of boar skin, specifically the foreleg. So it was fairly common, really. And it makes sense. If you don't like the brambly stickery things, you can't exactly head off to the store. Got to improvise, so why not throw some spare skins on your feet and let them dry. Not only makes sense, but there's documentation to support it now in at least two places I stumbled upon. -- Hurricane Your humble captain
  9. Man, I could boil that up and feed the crewe for a week. Well three days with Animal around. Pigskin Soup! A crewe favorite. Eat it first, then wear the leftovers. -- Hurricane
  10. My shot bag is brimming with lead and the apostles are all loaded. Me mates hate me for it. All is good in my world. Thanks again!!! -- Hurricane
  11. I'm frightened by the thought that animal would have a ballsack on his feet. Egad, man! -- Hurricane
  12. That's right -- damn the facts and the information that is documented and easily attainable. Not sure what the fun of it is if you're just going to wing it and make stuff up. That's what Hollywood Pirates do. And that's what Airship Pirates do. But I thought this was a serious effort -- I know the guys from St. Augustine have a lot of insight into all this since they live an breathe it. Where's Sgt. Johnson when I need him? The point of the camp is to educate. That requires research and adherence to the best information available. Otherwise, it's just fantasy buccaneer time and no one (the people participating and the public observing) learns anything about what it was like. The impression should be as authentic as possible, I should think. And it's not that hard. In 2007 we did a spot on buccaneer era tavern in the fort, right down to the things that were eaten, the beverages (rum punch with muscovado, lemanado and red wine), politics of the time, the games that were played, the people who would have frequented the place and the clothing that was worn. By the way, buccaneers made boucan two different ways - the first was smoked (there are several good illustrations of the hut used to do it, but I doubt Harry will let you build one on the beach) and the second was roasted over an open fire. The latter was for short term use and akin to today's BBQ. Oops, sorry. Documentable facts again. -- Hurricane
  13. You do know that the buccaneers weren't alone where they were. There were natives who showed them all this stuff. They didn't do as much experimentation as you may think, but learned from the people who had already figured it all out. Not much different than now - if you go to the rainforests or even another country where everything is unfamiliar to you, someone has already figured everything out for you - what items you can eat, what will kill you, which vegetation has healing properties or can poison you and what wildlife it edible and what will eat you. Buccaneers just didn't show up on a deserted island in the tropics. The islands already had residents... ---- ALLIGATOR If you're looking for skins, here's a resource -- http://www.alligatormarket.com/?gclid=CJTm...CFQXGsgod4wKr0w -- these are top grade Florida skins from the wild gators. -- Hurricane
  14. A dream job to be sure. Sir Nigel in our crewe could actually go to parties as a pirate, pick out women who didn't seem to have any assets at all and show them how a bodice would give them the bust they always desired. I don't know how he got away with it... being a human bodice. -- Hurricane
  15. So, Chrispy. I'm only good as a "Puppies Propper". I can handle that (literally). I can see it now - Hurricane the Puppies Propper. A whole new vocation for me. Way better than being Captain, I can tell you that! -- Hurricane The Proper Puppies Propper
  16. The one with Diosa is fabulous... especially if you can Photoshop the "sod" next to her out of it. He ruins the shot. -- Hurricane
  17. Sorry Diosa and I didn't make it. That damned cold thing keeps circling around. -- Hurricane
  18. Of course a very happy birthday to my sweety! She's 29.95 this year. -- Hurricane
  19. Got this a few moments ago. Thought I'd share. I love the one blunderbuss. Sigh. Weapons Auction -- Hurricane
  20. Thanks for keeping track of this for us. Diosa and I would definitely be interested in attending. I already have my adventurer idea in the works. -- Hurricane
  21. This is beta right now, but it's pretty cool. I made a road trip from Melbourne to Key West and it turned out a pretty good list based on the travels there. Punch in a starting and ending point, a genre and it creates the playlist for your trip. Very cool! http://www.amplifiedjourneys.hk/ -- Hurricane
  22. That's really cool. The club has many good memories... that's one event I'd really look forward to. Is the Colonel coming? :) Diosa tells me that a lot of the best of the Adventurers are now at the American Idol attraction. -- Hurricane
  23. How is the balance on them? Want to know for throwin' purposes. -- Hurricane
  24. So true, so true. Me own crewe makes fun of me being 50, but I've seen this before and know that it always snaps back. I graduated in 1981 when there were probably 40 people vying for every position I was applying for. But I persevered and things did get better. And they will again to. I think the country has been through 20 recessions/depressions since the mid 1800s (I just did an article on it from a client of mine) and this one pales in comparison to some real doozies, namely one in the late 1800s that lasted 10 years. I think we'll all be fine as long as we don't all lose faith. The economy is a self fulfilling proposition - if we think it is all going to tank, it will. Our positive outlook collectively keeps it from getting worse. Like many of us 'old timers' I'm a survivor. I've been fired, resigned and laid off. When it happened the last time 16 years ago, I started my own business and haven't looked back since. So hang in there - something will come up in the most unexpected way. -- Hurricane
  25. Wow! You obviously have way too much time on your hands. :) I've written similar terms for other clients in my web design world. Nothing really surprising here. It's my bat, my ball and my playing field. You don't have to play there -- I'm letter you do so for free, so I expect something in return. It's not that unusual these days. Content is worth money... don't like the terms, don't post. Read the iTunes rules sometime -- I don't even bother these days. Don't plan to sue anyone and if they're that interested in what I have to say, I'm flattered. -- Hurricane
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