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Posts posted by hurricane

  1. The proposed plan is to have the tryal of Anne and Mary over at the Truman Annex this year, if this expansion of Pirates in Paradise is approved by the city. So the large stage inside the fort won't be necessary. That should free up a lot of space for the encampment.

    -- Hurricane

  2. I said "on the boards" not "of the boards".

    Hurricane, you are a writer are you not? You know what words you use and how to use them. Had you simply made a suggestion rather than starting the post as an "attack" it would not have come across as a criticism.

    Honestly I think the suggestion has merit.

    It was not an attack. Rather it was a simple statement of fact. There are a number (not saying a sizable number) of people who are involved in PiP and the Fort Fest who don't visit pyracy.com much. Thought it important that all of us be mindful of the importance of inclusiveness in planning. As such, it was put forth in that spirit with no sense of malice, pot stirring or finger pointing. A simple request. That was all, with a framework of context placed around it.

  3. Did it ever occur to anyone here that they should perhaps email the leaders of the various encampments listed in being in attendance to see what they're interested in doing?

    The assumption here seems to be that everyone planning to camp actually visits the pub here often, or even still. This simply isn't the case and I'm sure they would all be excited to offer up their strengths, if there were to know this was all being discussed here. I know that Jill Handed Red and her husband know many of the period games and have been running them there for four years now. Might want to clue everyone in.

    -- Hurricane

  4. You sure will be sir. I am still putting the thumbscrews to Water Rat and Sloe Gin. Black was interested in adventuring too. I think he needs a road trip. Those are the only ones on the fence but I'm sure Water Rat will fall into place once he knows its virtually a band reunion that's been a long time in the making. Woohoo! Double T would eat you alive. Lucky dog! ;)

    And I'm putting the screws to my half-brother Bill. A fine guitar player in his own right, who wants to joint us. I think our Pyrates of the Coast crewe is going to be amazing this year, certainly the best we've fielded in at least six years. Especially since we've gone "the more the merrier" route.

    -- Hurricane

  5. 2)Peace tie ye weapons ~

    Eye have had drunkin patrons

    try to pull my own weapons before..

    It is a good rule.

    I'll disagree with that one. I don't peace tie my weapons and it bugs the hell out of me when I have to do it at those fairs where it is required. I think it it might be reasonable for new people or for people who only carry for show. On the other hand, weapons are what I do. I know where my sword and pistols are and who's near them. 30 years of carrying a sword on my hip, training with it, and teaching it give me the clue. And I never drink when carrying, so the "drunk in a bar' scenario doesn't apply.

    I think the rule should be more like "know your weapons and your weapons capabilities". If you only carry occasionally, or have never trained, or tend to drink more than one or two, then peace tie or don't carry. If you take your weapons seriously, train with them as you would any martial art, and make them part of yourself, then peace tieing is unnecessary.


    I'm with you Hawkyns. In all these years I've never been "pulled on". People have tried but I always have my weapon protected like anyone else who would consider it a weapon rather than a costume accessory. I like being able to show kids it and pose with it. I was trained properly on it years ago. And I would agree, if you're a newbie, maybe you'd better keep it tied because it does take time to learn how to keep it safe while enjoying your day as a non peace-tied pirate.

    That said, I don't go to many organized events that require it. Most of the events here in Florida (outside of ren-faires) don't require it and they didn't in Seattle either. So I've just been fortunate. If the law requires it, I do it, and more than once I've cut it away once inside.

    -- Hurricane

  6. You sure will be sir. I am still putting the thumbscrews to Water Rat and Sloe Gin. Black was interested in adventuring too. I think he needs a road trip. Those are the only ones on the fence but I'm sure Water Rat will fall into place once he knows its virtually a band reunion that's been a long time in the making. Woohoo! Double T would eat you alive. Lucky dog! ;)

  7. Here is The Pyrates of the Coast update:

    Pyrates of the Coast - Fort:

    Red Handed Jill





    In Town



    Sloe Gin

    Double Trouble

    Sir Nigel


    Black Skot



    Big Nick (tentative)

  8. I have performed for perhaps thousands of mentally and physically disabled children in my lifetime and never once have I had to resort to pretending I was like them to do it. It's akin to rolling up in a wheelchair, pretending you're like wheelchair bound kids, only to jump out of it at the end and be able to walk away. Sorry, just don't find that kind of entertainment necessary, if you already know how to work with these kids and be at their level without having to pretend you suffer from their afflictions.

    Perhaps it works in some settings, but the people who hired me to entertain their children - the counselors, teachers and parents - would have handed me my ass on a platter for trying that one. You can identify with kids by being yourself, for them, being themselves is their only choice.

    I doubt the little people's group would appreciate me walking in on my knees and pretending I'm a dwarf so they can identify with me. I know of one person posting here that would have ripped me to shreds (see above) Listen to the song "Don't Laugh at Me" and I think you'll get what I'm saying.

    I know I'm in the minority, so be it. Used to it here.

    -- Hurricane

  9. Don't you think we could have one or two forums in here without the Cousin Robbie schtick? It gets old, particularly when some of us have relatives who are slow and mentally challenged. It's just not that funny after awhile to people who are proud of their relatives who suffer a disability. And yes, I have a niece who is severely handicapped this way so I take it a bit personally. The whole inbred retarded thing just isn't that funny.

    -- Hurricane

  10. For those on the fence due to time constraints, the encampment days are only Friday, Saturday and Sunday this year (at least, according to the update I received for the website), so those with limited vacation time may now be able to fit it in easier, especially for those with new jobs.

    -- Hurricane

  11. You will definitely be missed, sir. Though I too think life was better before all these social networks and forums started sucking time away from what we really should be doing. Fair winds and enjoy the peace and quiet of life off the grid. Sorry that rough times precipitated it and things will get better.

    -- Hurricane

  12. That project is dead in the water and always will be. Port Royal is owned by the Brotherhood there. They would have to approve it an that won't happen because the people there like their quiet, non-touristy world. Plus, the area is a bit of hallowed ground - lots of people died there. It would be like putting a gift shop smack dab in the middle of Gettysburg. There's actual a great book on the cultural, financial and historical reasons this will never happen there.

    Interesting stuff. For me, just the appearance of the interpretive signs kind of diminished the experience the last time I was there.

    == Hurricane

  13. Picked up one of those lifesize climbing pirate statues, the ones that are always a thousand bucks, for $275. But the better part was I told a client who wanted one for her event that I had located one that could be rented... for $275. So, it was free, thanks to charging the client for it. Love it when things work out like that.

    -- Hurricane

  14. Oi...Hurricane...are ya still able to Dive Port Royal?? or is anypart of it closed off?

    Yes, you can. You just need to find a local who will take you out in his boat. There's a guy on the waterfront down at the end (near the old hospital). His name is Powder. He'll take you out where you want, wait for you while he enjoys a nice toke and then bring you back. He was one of the honest ones there, some others want you to give them money in advance to "fix their boat." Don't fall for it. Just ask for Powder. Everyone knows where he is.

    There's a dive shop in town, though I've never seen it open. So you want to bring your own snorkel, mask and fins.

    None of it is closed off, per se. Though it's best to be with a local since they don't draw any attention. A couple white folks with a boat might get you a visit from the Coast Guard.

    -- Hurricane

  15. I was to both Nassau and Jamaica and I was surprised at how little tourism is related to pirates. The resort I stayed at in Jamaica didn't offer tours to Port Royal and when I asked for a pirate themed t shirt at a souvenir shop the shop keeper almost had a heart attack.

    Outside of Fort Charles and the Old Gaol, there's little left to see in Port Royal, unless you know what you're looking at. They've been adding interpretive signs to the area, but they span a much larger period of time than the buccaneer area or GAoP. That said, if you do do your homework and lay over period maps with current ones, you can still get an idea of the layout of the town, at least the one third of it that's left.

    Port Royal is just a sleepy little fishing town of locals now and they don't often get tourists. And they kind of like it that way. There's no store to speak of, four restaurants, and homes that were all built much later than the period everyone's interested in.

    I should say that one of the reasons it isn't promoted so much is the fact that four thousand people died there in the space of a week, half of them in the few minutes that the three earthquakes shook there. There is a certain reverence to the fact and they don't teach the children there anything about the quake, since it is predicted to eventually happen again. There's also no information in the library there.

    We did an extensive pirate tour of the island five years ago, visiting Morgan's viewpoint on his estate, visiting the national archives in Spanish Town, seeing Gallow's Point and Rackam's Cay and having an underwater archeology presentation by the National Heritage Trust. Very fun. I have a slide show I did at PyrateCon once of the history, archeology, etc. Lots of photos of the artifacts there related to the destruction of Port Royal, along with architecture before the quake and narrative of what life was like there.

    -- Hurricane

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