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Everything posted by macstink

  1. Greetings fellow bretheren this an early warning order for an event planned for the second bank holiday in may, to be held at chatham historical dockyard ( www.chdt.org.uk ). this is an open event, there will be onsite camping and hopefully a beertent/pub for us to use after the public go. those interested in attending, please contact us here or via the sheppey pirates website ( www.sheppeypirates.org ) i will post more infomation about this event as it becomes available. this event is replacing the SWPF next year.
  2. there's bout 20hours under the needle there, which was coming along nicely till i got skint! it's the start of a full body suit, as ive work being done on my arms too. one day it'll be finished!
  3. many thanks guys, the info and comments are really helpfull. i'd best keep my tattoos covered up at events from now on! bit like this 'work in progress'!! http://i94.photobucket.com/albums/l83/macs...20072007074.jpg
  4. greetings fellow fair and honest traders this has bugged me for a while, but does anyone know if pirates/sailor's of the GAOP had tattoos (i'm pretty sure they did), if so is there any records of such and descriptions? i ask as tattoos are abit of a hobby of mine!!!
  5. hi paul, well there could be up to 12 of us sheppey pirates making our way to london. you just say where and when
  6. er, we haven't got that ship anymore, it knd of, well sort of like, caught fire mysteriously! we's seen a new one, and it might be renamed the "THE SEA RAM". that's once we've captured her the ship we now sail in search of plunder is "The Black Ram" which fits nicely with our flag "The Jolly Ram"
  7. if my memory serves, the carrots in question were cat 'flavoured' ? and didnt you 'win' a slave boy? filch wasn't it?
  8. hi, i found this site many moons ago might be of interest http://www.hightowercrafts.com/page28.html all the baldrics ive managed to aquire have come fron ebay tho! im still sorry bout giving you the frightners ed!!!!!
  9. dear mistress kass, i was a pleasure and honour to make your acquaintance. tis glad you enjoyed our lil' event. i look forward to when you come to visit us again on this side of the pond. sorry ed bout not having the time to sit down and make a cat o nine, but the booze was great!
  10. ah, thanks ta yeese, i'lls be 'aving a snifter of jack daniels. these be friendly waters 'round 'ere, if don' says so me self.
  11. there's a huge load of paperwork just come through from legoland, telling us the do's and don'ts, mostly don'ts! i do believe filching is one off the don'ts. thank you for noticing my new signature thingy cap'n foxe.
  12. er, we haven't got that ship anymore, it knd of, well sort of like, caught fire mysteriously! we's seen a new one, and it might be renamed the "THE SEA RAM". that's once we've captured her
  13. we sheppey pirates have a lil' initiation which involves what is known as a mud flap. vodka bacardi baileys coke mix together, leave for a couple mins and then down in one.
  14. what's the question again?
  15. youse be getting a flea in the earhole young master filch, watch what you say, because we're watching!
  16. mmm, take it the IT teacher hasn't turned up again.
  17. macstink

    Small arms

    thanks ed. i'll only be at windsor on the fri 20th helping set up. i won't be staying
  18. you've only just watched the first one 'Barney!!! you take years to get round to watching films!
  19. macstink

    Small arms

    hi ed, where did you find this list? is there any chance you send it to me some how? i'd liked to have a good read of, it would help me with several little 'projects' i'm up to.
  20. there be just short of 40 sheppey pirates. youse probably never see the whole crew together on land, 'av to leave a skeleton crew on the ship! check out our web page, in the scurvy swabs section there be just over hailf the crew's photos. www.sheppeypirates.org
  21. macstink

    Small arms

    that's interesting, did it list the cannon sizes and swivel guns? i spose the muskets listed included those carried by marines?
  22. oh here we go again bout the dodgey musket!!!!!!!
  23. that's it scrounger, gives away our trade secrets, thats one of our best wind ups!!!!
  24. hi ed, that'd be great. i'm still working on being able to make the first weekend, but if i do make it, i've got plenty of rope, from which you made the starter, left over! would that be any good?
  25. ***Your Birthdate: August 6*** You tend to be a the rock in relationships - people depend on you. Thoughtful and caring, you often put others needs first. You aren't content to help those you know... you want to give to the world. An idealist, you strive for positive change and dream about how much better things could be. Your strength: Your intuition Your weakness: You put yourself last Your power color: Rose Your power symbol: Cloud Your power month: June mmm, ok shipmates, is this me????
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