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Jacky Tar

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Everything posted by Jacky Tar

  1. Tom, I'd say knowin' how far ye've come should provide motivation t' continue. Everyone plateaus; so, make sure ye enjoy the routine ye hav chosen. If ye don't enjoy the exercise, try somethin' different. I'm goin' t' stick t' my running program, fer now.
  2. Wit' a cook aboard an provisions stored securely, all obligations served save one, I believe we just might be able t' catch the mornin' tide. I turned t' Dilliard an said, "Mister Dillard, take the watch." I returned t' me cabin t' fetch my pistols an the small bags, which so far I'd been unable t' deliver. The tradin' house o' Navarro had a lock box fer just such deliveries an I meant t' use it. "Dillard, I'll return shortly. See no one leaves this ship." I paused, "And Dillard, stay clear o' the galley until I return." Silkie was on deck, an I remarked, "Keep an eye on Dillard." Dillard winched, which made Silkie smile an she began t' hum.
  3. "We wrap ourselves in the garments o' friendship, so we can enjoy the warmth they offer, 'fore we must again face a cold world wit' out them."
  4. She walked ov'r t' me an set her bundle on the deck. She was just ov'r five feet tall but as any man whose been on this side o' her temper could tell ye, she's much bigger in a fight. "So Raphael sent ye." I said. She smiled an asked where the cocina was located. I instructed Dillard t' show her below. As they disappeared below deck, it crossed me mind that I should o' sent someone bigger t' escort her (at least someone armed). Not more than a minute or two had past, when shouts from the galley could be heard. Dillard returned topside sportin' a lump on his noggin'. I didn't ask wot had happened but I was sure Dillard would not be takin' his meals in the galley, fer now.
  5. ^ Ye mean yer suppose t' plan? < I suppose it couldn't hurt. V Forwards the question.
  6. Pantomime (Nay, Red CAt, I believe that would be howling!)
  7. Taco supreme More rain Grant Ransom, Chain Shot, Red CAt and Silkie
  8. Look's like her baby pictures (mayhaps dreuls less).
  9. wolf (as in sheep's clothin')
  10. Mrs. Honour (Bright) Wolfe? Me thinks yer just back t' do some braggin', when ye need t' be pourin' some more drinks. Welcome back Mad Jack.
  11. Funny... I was thinkin' Squint wasn't a bad pirate name either. Best o' luck wit' the name change, Master Sully.
  12. I glanced at the docks an caught site o' her. "Wot had Raphael done t' me? I asked fer a cook an he sends a powder keg!" I muttered. Aye, she was easy enough on the eyes an not a bad cook either; but stories o' men goin' t' war over women like her, were not too far off the mark. I walked ov'r to the railing an shouted t' her, "I'll wager yer lookin' fer the Relentless." She stood wit' her hands firmly on her hips an smiled up at me. I watched her clamber up the gang plank in bare feet an I wondered, "Should I negotiate the terms o' surrender now, or later?"
  13. * 'ello CAt! * ** bounce ** self-help (or mayhaps help yer self ~ "The Prince")
  14. N'er do better!
  15. Rosemary an Parsley, in coffee? A strange brew indeed.
  16. ^ Ready t' greet the new year. < This holiday season is passin' quickly. V New Years resolutions? Anyone?
  17. Hope yer mum is on the mend soon an the doctors can keep her out o' the ER (Prayers an good thoughts fer ye both).
  18. Hoping t' lift Silkie's spirits, I said, "We'll be visitin' a local inn fer a bite 'fore we shove off." T' Roberts, "We set sail fer Port Bayou St. Jean t'morrow, I'll explain later why the change." Roberts nodded, an didn't look too surprised. I was still concerned Capitan Navarro would not be happy wit' me refusal of his offer; but I knew we'd be better off wit' out any deals from him. I'd sent Smithe t' give my answer t' the capitan an I was anxious fer Smithe t' return.
  19. Aye, an Hot Chocolate goes wit' yer strong pyrate hunter image! Would ye like wit' whipped cream?
  20. Aye, I didn't envy Ransom collectin' her drunken crew. Wot little crew I had left was still aboard, except Roberts an Silkie, whom I spied driftin' along the docks. Dillard, Stones, Jonesy an Smithe were stowin' provisions Raphael Navarro's men had delivered. I noted we still had aboard a few Dutch sailors, whom accordin' t' Dillard, had not sided wit' Spoons; at this point I was glad t' hav any extra able-bodied seaman. I sent word t' Raphael that I desperately needed a cook, an a reminder that I still had some undelivered cargo fer him. I believe a meal t'night at a nearby inn, fer the crew might be in order, as well. Hearin' Ransom's partin' remarks, I mumbled t' me self, "A couple o' borin' days at sea would suit me just fine, right now."
  21. ^ That's Valentines' Day, silly. < Christmas is only six days away... tick... tick... tick.... V Everythin' under the tree already or last minute shopper?
  22. Cindy Lou Who
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