Aye, I didn't envy Ransom collectin' her drunken crew. Wot little crew I had left was still aboard, except Roberts an Silkie, whom I spied driftin' along the docks.
Dillard, Stones, Jonesy an Smithe were stowin' provisions Raphael Navarro's men had delivered. I noted we still had aboard a few Dutch sailors, whom accordin' t' Dillard, had not sided wit' Spoons; at this point I was glad t' hav any extra able-bodied seaman.
I sent word t' Raphael that I desperately needed a cook, an a reminder that I still had some undelivered cargo fer him. I believe a meal t'night at a nearby inn, fer the crew might be in order, as well.
Hearin' Ransom's partin' remarks, I mumbled t' me self, "A couple o' borin' days at sea would suit me just fine, right now."