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Jacky Tar

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Everything posted by Jacky Tar

  1. Aye, but yer eyes are bright blue; so, no one 'll notice the ears.
  2. Leavin' a port an settin' sail fer the next, always gives one pause. Wit' the sun risin', I found me self turnin' t' see if any Spanish sails were behind us. Satisfied that none were, I laid in a course fer St. Jean. "Smithe, climb that ratline and help Jonesy unfurl the last o' the courses!" I bellowed. "Fer a short round fella, that man can climb." A lot 'bout sailing is goin' in the wrong direction. The winds favored us this mornin', so we were headin' mostly in the right direction. Stones had secured the last o' the warp anchors; I requested he take the helm. The smell o' coffee was waftin' from the galley an it was callin' t' me.
  3. Interestin' Avatar... Pirate Barbie is it? Welcome Arrrreella... Arreel... ARReee Eli... Jeez Louise! Welcome lass.
  4. Chicken salad #$%&*! Sara Members o' TPHSB
  5. The Godfather
  6. Leavin' port under the cover o' darkness, wit' the excuse that the crew's nocturnal habits warranted it, seemed a bit contrived. Still, I had the feelin' that we were bein' watched; so, slippin' out o' Havana sooner than later seemed well advised. Wit' the jolly boat back aboard, the sails trimmed an Havana at our backs, we sailed on t' the port o' St. Jean.
  7. Happy belated birthday, Mister Billy Bones! May the comin' year be filled wit' more good times an good friends, certainly ye deserve 'em.
  8. The noise and voices on deck roused me from my bunk, again. As I climbed to the main deck, I could see that Dillard had his pistol drawn an pointed at Nate. "Trouble Mister Dillard," I asked. He shook his head. Dillard hooked his pistol to his belt and answered, "Nay, sir. Nate was just preparing to fix a mess that Spoons lot had left behind." "At this time of night?" I replied, as I cast a doubtful look at Nate. "Well, since it seems everyone is eager t' get an early start, lets prepare t' get underway." I thought I heard Dillard groan, "Is there a problem, Mister Dillard?" He replied, "Nay, sir. It's just that there's no wind at all." "I concur Mister Dillard, then they'll be no back winds t' prevent us from warpin' away from this dock." I cast a look at Silkie, "Haul up the gang plank, Silkie. Prepare t' cast off the moorin' lines." My eyes settled on Nate, "Nate, the jolly boat is in the water. I believe yer familiar wit' droppin' a kedging anchor. I'll roust Smithe, he'll help ye row out in t' the harbor." No one was movin' quickly, so I shouted, "Wot are ye all waitin' fer, daylight?"
  9. snow (It's late an it' the first thing that came t' mind...)
  10. Happy Birthday Captain Sterling! I hope yer crew gives ye a proper celebration in the windy city.
  11. Wot snow? Jacky's a west coast pirate, the temps are in the high sixties. I hope the weather doesn't spoil yer event in Chicago, Cheeky. Thanks again.
  12. I was restless an ill at ease. So, I arose from me bunk an pulled on some boots, t' venture topside. I found Stones, still smokin' his pipe an makin' his rounds. We had probably another four hours 'fore day break an Stones watch should have ended. It was just then that Dillard came back on deck t' relieve Stones. The men exchanged salutes an Stones retired t' his berth, before the mast. I saw Nate comin' from the bow; so, I mentioned t' Dillard that we needed t' add Nate in t' the watch rotation, 'fore I returned t' me cabin. He agreed an said, he'd mention it t' Roberts in the mornin'.
  13. Ahh! Merrydeath, I'm not much o' a rum drinker; the gold could come in handy. Thank ye! Glad ye avoided the worst o' that traffic accident. Be safe, dear Merry.
  14. Thank ye kindly, BriarRose. The birthday wishes much appreciated.
  15. Happy Birthday Michael Bagley! Hope yer day was filled wit' Canadian booty an a few Molsons, eh!
  16. Oh, I don't know... The black hat (wit' dirk) on this link, has Herself written all over it. http://www.style.com/fashionshows/collecti.../thumb/JPGAULTI
  17. T' Iron Bess (Herself), I'm not so sure the cracks are wise, but I do miss makin' 'em in yer company. I hope t' see everyone soon. Red Maria, Captain Sterling, Mary Diamond an newcomer MadL, thank ye fer the belated wishes (which are always welcome). Aye, a fine excuse t' keep the drinks flowin'!
  18. A glass o' champagne wit' a tot o' rum (Tattoo) is Ransom's signature drink. Thank ye, fer the thoughts an wishes, Lady B. I do hope yer feelin' well enough fer Chicago.
  19. I was reviewin' the guest list at the Kate, when ye posted. However, had ye pulled a cork on a nice Cabernet, I might o' heard it!
  20. Yer very kind, sir. I hope one day t' meet ye an return the gesture.
  21. Rumba, thank ye fer startin' things off. (Hmmpf... Nice guy rap sheet, again. Note t' self: take the wheels off Rumba's pirate cart.) Ransom, champagne kisses wit' out rum, please. Chainshot, thanks fer not takin' any o' this too seriously. Red CAt an 'Eyes, now ye both know how t' buy a pirate birthday gifts! Silkie, Lily, Jill, William an Quartermaster thank ye one an all, fer the birthday wishes.
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