The noise and voices on deck roused me from my bunk, again. As I climbed to the main deck, I could see that Dillard had his pistol drawn an pointed at Nate.
"Trouble Mister Dillard," I asked. He shook his head. Dillard hooked his pistol to his belt and answered, "Nay, sir. Nate was just preparing to fix a mess that Spoons lot had left behind."
"At this time of night?" I replied, as I cast a doubtful look at Nate. "Well, since it seems everyone is eager t' get an early start, lets prepare t' get underway." I thought I heard Dillard groan, "Is there a problem, Mister Dillard?" He replied, "Nay, sir. It's just that there's no wind at all."
"I concur Mister Dillard, then they'll be no back winds t' prevent us from warpin' away from this dock."
I cast a look at Silkie, "Haul up the gang plank, Silkie. Prepare t' cast off the moorin' lines."
My eyes settled on Nate, "Nate, the jolly boat is in the water. I believe yer familiar wit' droppin' a kedging anchor. I'll roust Smithe, he'll help ye row out in t' the harbor."
No one was movin' quickly, so I shouted, "Wot are ye all waitin' fer, daylight?"