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Everything posted by historyfanatic

  1. Whoops... Ok, my mistake... The contact info is NOT on the website... I'm working on getting that fixed. In the meantime, the e-mail address for the event is piratesofpaynetown (at) gmail.com. You can also call the phone number posted above.
  2. Sorry folks, it took me a little while to see this. As Michael said, I only check this site occasionally. As for the authenticity standards of the event, I'll try to describe to the best of my abilities what is encouraged, accepted, discouraged, and downright turned away... Encouraged: Historical authenticity to the 1650-1800 period. Natural fiber and/or hand-stitched clothing Historical interpretation of the lives of both honest and wayward seamen British soldiers of the 1650-1800 period (Gotta have some whipping boys... LOL!) Wooden boats Flintlock, snaphaunce, wheelock and matchlock black powder weapons Demonstrations, programs, interpretations, and theatrics Gladly Accepted: Machine-stitching on clothing and tents Non-British military personnae The occasional "ARGHH" Non-wooden boats painted and rigged to look authentic Modern campers PROVIDED you rent a modern campsite from the state rec area and camp there Discouraged: (but not neccessarily going to get you kicked out...) Visible non-period items such as coolers, etc. Cover it with a wool blanket and we're good... Flashlights Non-firing replica pistols Anything post-1800 Cigarettes Downright Banned: (The best way to get thrown overboard...) Modern tents Coleman Lanterns Polyester "costume" garb (like what you'd find in a haloween store or at some pirate festivals...) Anything plastic that is worn on your person "Jack Sparrow" Impersonators Modern boats that are clearly still modern (ie, an unpainted Coleman fiberglas canoe with the logo on the side...) Arguing with either event coordinator (myself or Jennifer) about why your Johnny Depp impression is "Period-Correct" :) (This happens a lot...) Showing up without registering (Ok, not an authenticity standard, but I really want to hammer this point home...) I hope this helps. If you have further questions, you may contact us through the website at www.piratesofpaynetown.org or call me directly at (812) 606-1264. (This is actually my business number, but I'll answer.)
  3. Thanks for the kind comments... Good to hear such feedback! Obviously you have been there before, but I do not recognize your name... Were you there last year? Are you coming this year? And on another unrelated note: BTW folks, Ben is right, there are a LOT of shady trees, however, there IS a sunny area... The latecomers and last-minutes get the sunny area and space is filling up fast, so... If you plan on coming, don't delay... Registration deadline is August 30th. If you're not registered, you don't get to play... I can't stress this enough, yet every year I have a handful of sad faces that watch their friends setting up while giving me excuses such as "I really meant to pre-register..." I'm not trying to be a snob or a jerk... Space really IS limited and we need to have names and signatures on file for insurance purposes. Thank-you all for understanding...
  4. British Soldiers can register the same as anyone else, but specify what you are because otherwise I won't know that you're not a pirate until you get there. If you need more information, call me at (812) 606-1264.
  5. True, but on the other hand, most original kitchen utensils that I have handled (granted, late 18th and early 19th century) are much like the swords of the period... Lightweight, finely crafted tools... If I had to guess, I'd say that is a circa 1880-1930 meat cleaver... However, I'm sure it would be passable to the average event jury...
  6. Oh, and Rats, no worries man... We'll find you a furry fellow to share your shackles with...
  7. We'll always accept strays! :) Sounds like the captain is a responsible pet owner and keeps the Mad Dogge on a leash... Sorry guys. We'll miss you again this year... You're always welcome any time. I do understand paying gigs. I wish we could offer something like that, but it's hard enough to just do what we have to. Go where the money is, but if anyone doesn't want to make the trip, you've all got a place here!
  8. Sorry guys, too many message boards... I missed this whole conversation!! Glad to see the scuttlebutt though. Ok, so here's the deal... I will be there on Wednesday afternoon sometime, however, due to space restrictions, I will have to chart out and hold each space based on the number of camps REGISTERED. This is why Michael pointed out the importance of registering... And Mark is right, we upped the registration limit to 75 camps, but I'm not certain that we'll have enough room if we do reach that number. For this reason, if you are NOT pre-registered, you will have to wait until all registered campers have arrived and set up. (This could be as late as Saturday morning, which would suck if you arrived on Thursday, right?) So, be sure to pre-register. It's really important... (Getting pirates to register is like herding cats... Don't push your luck or I'll stop the rum! ) Now, I would recommend setting up Thursday or Friday, however, should you decide to arrive on Wednesday, just remember two things... One, you can't set up until I get there, and two, you have to help me set things up... Bwahahahaha!!! Also, for those of you who are coming to Pirates of Paynetown for the first time, please bear in mind that this is a pirate event that is run by a period-music-loving nightowl, so there are no quiet hours when it comes to music, as long as it is period... (No "best of the 70's", unless you mean 1670's...) I will be designating Christoff the Wine Merchant's Publick House as the scene of debauchery, so if you want me to place your camp on the other side of the peninsula, let me know... We are also looking for more public programs and interactions/skits. Remember, we don't have a real budget yet, but we're getting better. Taylor Rose Historical Outfitters is offering a $25 credit at the event to anyone who is willing to do a short program for the public. I know it's not much, but maybe we'll throw in some other goodies as well. Also, there is a pitch-in dinner on Saturday evening, followed immediately by the Sailor's Divvy. (For those of you who have never been here before, remember that this is our big fundraiser... We have some mildly humiliating fun selling donated gear while you guys get some great deals and watch me and Jennifer make fools of ourselves... Remember, we will be collecting donations for the Sailor's Divvy, so be sure to bring some old gear or any period or pirate-ish goods that you're willing to part with. All proceeds go to keeping Pirates of Paynetown alive! We will have live music from Jack Salt and a first-person interpretation of an indentured servant in the colonies. We will also have a naval battle on Friday, evening cannon demo on Friday night, Land/Sea battle on Saturday and Sunday. Pirates win on Saturday, but Redcoats win on Sunday IF there are enough to make it look good. (Looking for more brits... We NEEEEEEED you!! It's rather silly for the pirates to have no one to fight! And you get to harrass the pirates! What fun!) IF YOU HAVE A CANNON AND CREW: We will be providing a small amount of black powder to registered cannon crews, so be sure to let me know if you plan on being part of the battery. (I need to know how much powder to buy!) I think that's everything... Be sure to let me know if you have questions... And REGISTER!!! Space is filling fast! Cap't. Nath'l Logsdon
  9. Hello folks, Just wanted to remind you that the Pirates of Paynetown fundraising party will be April 19th at Thomas Family Winery in Madison, IN from 3:00PM to 7:00PM. There will be period music, food, cash winebar, and a great time! Look for period boats and cannons out front!! The Port Royale Pirate Party is an attempt to raise operating funds for the Pirates of Paynetown event, so there will be a small cover charge at the door. We will also be selling raffle tickets for the 16' bateau (Good river pirate boat!!) that we are giving away this year. For directions, go to Thomas Family Winery ALSO! The registration for this year's Pirates of Paynetown event is now open. This year's dates are August 7th, 8th, and 9th, 2009. More info available at: Pirates of Paynetown Website
  10. Hello folks! Wanted to pass the word that we are having a pirate party to promote and raise funds for Pirates of Paynetown. We have a goal we need to reach before July so we can pay for our insurance and keep the event running! We appreciate your support! The Port Royale Pirate Party will be held April 19th at the Thomas Family Winery in Madison, Indiana from 3:00PM to 7:00 respectively. There will be live period music including sea chanteys and Scots-Irish tunes, food, door prizes, and a cash winebar featuring the Winery's finest modern and period wines! There will be a reasonable cover charge. You are welcome to wear period clothes or modern as you prefer, but are encouraged to dress like a pirate/sailor/etc. Look for boats and cannons out in front of the winery. You are welcome to bring spouses, friends, family members, and anyone you find along the way... Facebook page for Port Royale Pirate Party Pirates of Paynetown website: (To be updated very soon) Thomas Family Winery website: (Directions available here)
  11. Graphic Enterprises has set up a nice set of two videos on their website of Pirates of Paynetown. Check them out! Battle Video Video of Camp Activities
  12. Size 10 and 12 are sold.
  13. I can do them in gold, but at the current price of gold, they'll be pretty pricey. Silver would be cheaper, but not as cool.
  14. LOL!! Good one!
  15. Pictures are now online at Graphic Enterprises Reenactor Webnews. Thanks again to all who helped out!
  16. Not sure about the dot after the BA. It looks like it could be either a ding or a period. We decided to leave it out just in case, but it shouldn't be difficult for someone to add that if they think it's appropriate. Yes, the ring could be plunder. That's the beauty of this piece is that it's open to your own interpretation. You can work it into your personna or simply say you stole it. Or maybe it was a gift from a lover, or a family heirloom. Whatever. It's fun and it gets attention!
  17. Don't know for certain, but according to the"Real Pirates" exhibit by National Geographic, it may be the name of a British Sailor that deserted to join the pirates.
  18. UPDATE: I currently have one each in a size 6, 9, 10, 10.5, 11, and 12. I will have more sizes in a couple weeks.
  19. Hello folks! I wanted to let you know that we now have a new product in our line of fine period reenactment, pirate, and nautical goods... We have reproduced the ring found on the wreckage of the Whydah. The original was gold, but at $900 an ounce, that's not very affordable. So, we had these made in brass. They are accurate copies of the original ring and are available in many common sizes. Please let me know what size you need. I only have a few in stock right now, but I have more coming soon, so if I don't have your size, I'll put you on the backorder list which should only take a couple of weeks. They are $25 each. Here is a picture: And here is a picture of the original ring found on the Whydah wreckage:
  20. Pictures in the guest gallery. More to come soon on the main site! Graphic Enterprises Guest Gallery
  21. Making a 100+ foot length of rope: The Pirate Battle: (complete with an exploding boat!) Come join us next year! August 7-9, 2009!
  22. Pirates of Paynetown was a huge success again this year! Thanks to all who came out to play. We had the most awesome weather I've ever experienced in August!! DNR is feeling a lot better about this event and it looks like we're here to stay! We had almost 50 camps this year and more cannons and boats than we could feasibly crew! Everything was perfect! Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you is all I can say! Here's a few pics: (More to come... See Pirates of Paynetown Official Website and Graphic Enterprises Web Magazine for more pictures. It may take a few days for these other pictures to post.)
  23. Well folks, it's getting closer! Here is the schedule. (Subject to change...) Remember, you can always come visit for the day even if you can't camp. (I recommend this for locals...) We still have about 5 slots open for campsites if anyone is interested in registering. Remember, you MUST be pre-registered to camp! Pirates of Paynetown Schedule Friday: Camp set-up and impromptu piracy Saturday: 11:00 AM - Swordfight duel: Mike Dollinger and Steve Thomas 1:00 PM - Live Music: Sea Chanteys and Songs by Lance Minnis as Jack Salt 3:00 PM – Sea/Land Battle 4:00 PM - Pirate Wedding Sunday: 11:00 AM – Swordfight Duel: Mike Dollinger and Steve Thomas 1:00 PM – Sea/Land Battle 2:00 PM – Pirate Funeral 3:00 PM – Live Music: Sea Chanteys and Songs by Lance Minnis as Jack Salt Also, interpretations off and on throughout the day: Widow Black’s CoffeeHouse – “Long before Starbucks! Come see where people gathered and conversed in the 17th and 18th centuries!” (No coffee sales…) Kristoff the Wine Merchant – “Upper-class snobbery at its best!” (No wine sales…) The Boatwright’s Shop – “Discuss and learn about tools of the trade for making boats in the 17th and 18th centuries.” Diana Stevens, Spinner – “See wool and other fibers turned into yarn on a traditional spinning wheel” Great Lakes River Pirates – “Learn what REAL local pirates were like on the Great Lakes and the Ohio River during the 18th and 19th Centuries. “ Tim Williams – “Local artist paints sea and pirate-themed artwork right before your eyes!” Mick Cain – “Local blacksmith makes hand-forged metalware with traditional tools.” (Saturday only) Plus watch period boats sailing around the lake, historical pirates in camp, cannons, 18th Century British, Scottish and French government troops, period merchants, and lots of fun! All the pirates will talk to you, so feel free to interact! There is also a possibility of a super-amazing top-secret show that might happen if the crew can make it... :) We also have some really cool stuff planned for the battles and other interpretations!
  24. I'm actually gonna have to take everything off and try to straighten it. It actually has a steel rod running through most of the spine... Pretty solid piece really... :) Now I'm wondering how I'm gonna get all this loaded into the truck. Gotta carry 3 boats, scaffold, flagpoles, coffin, 2 cannons, tent poles and the usual camp/shop gear in one trip!
  25. Yay! I got them done! Here ya go: (I still need to work out a few bugs and he needs to be in chains... Need to figure out how to straghten the spine a bit too...)
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