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Everything posted by historyfanatic

  1. Looks great! Wish I'd been there. Too many good events fall on the same weekend...
  2. Yes, you can do that... Actually I have multiples of the suspenders and the bicycle horn if anyone else wants one. I think I have 4 or 5 of the horns and I the suspenders are something I regularly carry in my shop. (www.taylor-rosehistorical.com) Nathan
  3. Correction: The canvas is 15.5 oz. I was measuring it wrong. Canvas weight is measured by the SQUARE yard, not the running yard. It is most certainly 15.5 oz.
  4. Hello everyone... Yeah, bet you never expected this out of me... :) We all have our dark little secrets... Here's some steampunk stuff that I doubt I'll get around to. Maybe someone else will get some use out of it. I am looking for cash, but I'm open to trades for historical repro pirate gear, natural fiber fabric, or any old blocks for block and tackle sets. (Preferably small wooden blocks in the 3-4 inch range) Anyway, here's what I've got: Prices: (not including shipping... I'll figure actual shipping based on location and weight.) Port/Starboard lamps (repro) $25.00 Multi-lens adjustable projector (antique 19-teens?) $40.00 Black wool Victorian top hat, Size Large (repro) $40.00 WWI German steel helmet with chin strap and liner (repro) $35.00 Brass bicycle horn with rubber bulb (antique-WORKS!) $8.00 4 iron gears in graduating sizes (antique) $8.00 Victorian style silver bracelet (repro) $15.00 Victorian glass bottle (antique) $5.00 2 Edwardian brass faucets (antique) $15.00 Victorian-Era wool vest with brass buttons, Size 44" chest. (repro,Brand-New!) $75.00 Canvas suspenders, adjustable with leather tabs (repro,Brand-New!) $10.00 Will sell it all for $225 plus shipping. (Separately comes to $276) Or... Whatcha got to trade? Here are additional pictures of the stuff:
  5. OK FOLKS!!! FORGET THE DEADLINE!!! We are almost full!!! Based on the registrations that I know are coming and what I have in hand, I think we're down to about 10 or 15 camps still available. (Registration is limited to 70 camps.) Gonna be a packed house this year!! I'm figuring on close to 20 boats. If you are waiting to send your registration FOR ANY REASON, do it now or you won't get in... I really don't want to have to send your registration back to you with a "sorry" note.
  6. Bump Pictures added... P.S. I still have a good amount, but it is going fast, so if you want some, don't delay. Once my stock is gone, it's gone. Fabric like this generally runs about $18-$30 per yard. Also, pick it up at Paynetown and save on shipping!
  7. Assuming it's not all gone, yes, I'll bring some to Paynetown...
  8. Hello everyone! I have 15.5 oz 100% hemp canvas available at $12 per yard. This is actually a perfect fabric for making jackets and slops. It seems stiff until you wash it, so be sure to pre-wash the fabric before you make anything out of it. Once washed, the fabric hangs like linen, but feels like denim. Makes the most comfortable slops ever! Fabric is natural-colored. 60 inches wide. It is not an extremely tight weave, so it would probably not be good for making tents. It will work for sails if it is doubled or triced, but on a small boat that will be too heavy. It breathes well, which is poor for sails, but excellent for clothing! I'm thinking about making a whole kit out of it! Anyway, I have 60 yards available for sale. Shipping will be based on how much you buy, but it will generally be a USPS flat rate box of some sort because this fabric is heavy! You may pm me or call me at (812) 606-1264. Check, USPS Money Order, Cash-in-person, PayPal, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express accepted. *Edit: Pictures added... I tried to get as much accuracy as possible in the pictures. This shows the thick weave. I'm not certain that it's 18 oz, but that was my educated guess based on how it compares to 13.5 oz sunforger. It's thicker than sunforger, but not as tight of a weave. Washes up incredibly soft for such a heavy fabric. I think this is a great fabric for outer garments. UNWASHED as you will receive it: (Kinda stiff due to sizing/mill finish) WASHED as it must be before you use it: (Softens up considerably. Shrinks a little. Comes out to 54 inches wide.)
  9. Officially, I need to have a registration in my hand no later than August 5th. However, I suspect that we'll fill up before that, so I would recommend registering as soon as possible to guarantee a spot.
  10. Dogge, I see you've been in the crossfire before as well... My hat's off to you. On a side note, the NMLRA is trying to organize a weekend workshop this winter for event coordinators to trade ideas and form a sort of guild to help each other out... You might be interested. E-mail me if you are... One thing I find incredibly hard to swallow is when anyone, whether top brass or reenactor, tries to tell me what I have to do at my event. Sometimes I have to just take it, but whenever possible I try to compromise or work it out. Suggestions, on the other hand, especially friendly ones, always get top billing on my list of considerations. This event is in it's infancy still. It is 4 years old, and we've had a lot of hard knocks, but now we are finally getting somewhere with both the state and the CVB, so in future years, the event will only improve. I hope that the big dramas such as no budget (and subsequent camp fees), insurance (and subsequent restrictions), and state/DNR misunderstanding/refusals is over. I think we've hashed out enough over the last 4 years that things are starting to settle in place. I do sincerely appreciate all the help and support I have received from all the varied reenactors that have been to Pirates of Paynetown over the last 4 years. Without this support and understanding, we wouldn't be where we are today. I still have my little list of what could make it better, and we will certainly be working on that, but for now, I hope that everyone will continue to understand why we do what we do. The hanging is a good example and it did surprise the hell out of me... I never expected such a response from the DNR guys. I wish it were always that easy. I think you are right though... If we could educate the superiors, then we could possibly get somewhere... Thank-you for the side note... It's nice to know that you guys haven't forgotten me. lol! Maybe someday we can work out the schedule conflict. Unfortunately, there are several local events in the area that have the weekends before and after Paynetown. I don't know what Beufort's flexibility is, but maybe someday we can work it out. Thankfully, for the time being, there seem to be plenty of pirates to go around!
  11. Ok, I talked to the Bloomington CVB and the best (closest) options for hotels near Paynetown SRA are: A Summerhouse Inn 4501 E. Third St. 800.332.2141 www.asummerhouseinn.com (this property prides themselves on being extremely family-friendly) Century Suites 300 SR 446 <----FYI, This is the road that the Paynetown SRA site is on! 800.766.5446 www.centurysuites.com
  12. Dogge, You do speak truth... But go easy on us event directors... We try very hard, but there are times when our hands are tied... Try getting the state to budge once they've made a decision. Protest something in a meeting and you suddenly have a site manager looking you in the eye and saying "Do you want to keep permission to HAVE this event?" Or try having them tell you that without an insurance policy, there will be no event... Then face that insurance company and hear them tell you what you will and will not do with your own event. Especially when they often contradict and don't make any sense. We event coordinators put up with a lot of headaches, backaches, and heartaches to put on a good time for everyone. These things don't just spring up on their own and it isn't just a matter of folks "just showing up with their gear". There's constant communication with the property managers, insurance paperwork, sponsorship requests, fundraiser planning, advertising, and lots more, not to mention making sure that there's room for everybody who registered to actually camp. It's easily a part-time job, but I don't get paid for it... :) And I run two of these bloody things a year! Plus my real job... Anyway, I will always do the best I can to make sure everyone is safe and has a good time, but I do have to keep the heads happy. Unfortunately, the few DO rule the many and there's nothing I can do about that, though I will continue to throw myself at that brick wall.
  13. No problem! And I completely understand. I have a lot of friends who hit the hotels for health reasons, or because they don't do well with heat or bugs, some just can't get a good night's sleep out of their usual element... I'll be doing it by the end of the season as the wife is expecting and I don't think she'll be sleeping in the tent much longer... I'm just glad you're gonna come! Sounds like a long haul. How far away are you? Oh, and do me a favor... When you check in, be sure to tell the hotel manager that you're in town for Pirates of Paynetown... I'm really trying hard to get the local CVB on board to help, but they are funded by hotel taxes and they "claim" that with the event being in a state park with a public campground, they don't get any benefit from it... So be sure to let the hotel know why you are patronizing their location...
  14. This may be more to the taste of the Pyratical sort... This is, however, a bit of a drive from the event... (about 30+ minutes) Fairly short by boat though, but not if you're rowing... lol! Here is the backroad way to get from the resort to the Paynetown State Recreation Area: Mapquest: Four Winds to Paynetown The hotel's website is: www.fourwindsresort.com
  15. The nearest town is Bloomington, Indiana. There are a lot of places to stay there. See Bloomington hotels/motels. Anything near Hwy 446 or on the east side of town will be within about 15-20 minutes of the event. There are lots of good places to eat in Bloomington and the nightlife is impressive. Of course, it won't compare to the fun we usually have on Saturday night at Paynetown! There are also a number of really awesome bed and breakfast places as well as cabin rentals that are pretty close to the event site. They are listed here: Bed and Breakfast/Cabin Rental If you need more information about the Bloomington area, go to www.visitbloomington.com
  16. I hadn't looked at this thread in a while, but I just checked it out again and saw the discussion... Figured I should weigh in since it's my critter what's started the discussion... First off, very good points all 'round. Nothing I haven't heard before regarding bridled locks and flashguards directing flame upward intot he shooter's face, but still good points nonetheless. I do agree that shooter education is number one in safety precautions and it frequently overlooked. I wish we had time to make each individual load and fire in front of us, but unfortunately we have to trust crew commanders on that one... I do like the idea of an "education course" at events. Every event should have one somewhere... I'll mark that down for discussion at the next living history event coordinators conference. Good idea... Now, as far as flashguards... I hate them too... I hate them with a passion for a variaty of reasons. I will agree that they do stop a flash from hitting your neighbor's face in a line-abreast situation, but they do nothing more. Unfortunately, Mark is right... We DO have insurance. If we had been able to afford a fancy policy from a company that knows nothing and charges a fortune, then yes, we would have been able to overlook something like that... However, our insurance comes through the National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association and is endorsed by the NRA... These guys know guns and they fully understand what reenactments are. They have a very stringent list of rules based on their experiences. My hands are completely tied. In fact, I'm taking a huge chance with the pistols because we made a point of glossing over that part with the insurance folks... Those of you who are familiar with Rev War will know what the NWTA is and how particular they are about safety. We get our insurance from the same company that they do. Lloyd's of London. NWTA doesn't allow pistols. I don't know if that's an organization decision or an insurance company decision, but I didn't want to take that chance. The NRA DID bring up flashguards to me, not the other way around. Flashguards were designed for military units using Brown Bess muskets and Charlevilles. However, if I just required military to have them, the military guys would cry foul and the insurance company would drop us like a hot potato. So, I infinitely apologize to you all and I will join you in grumbling as I attach a flashguard to my longarms and blunderbuss... (For the record, blunderbusses need flashguards too... Pistols "don't exist" so we will not be requiring them to have the foul devices.) As a side note... I do understand the bridle issue. To my absolute horror, I once saw a lovely Jim Chambers rifle that had a lock with a hole drilled in the side of the pan to provide a suitable mount for a flashguard... Oh the humanity!! I will not ask you to treat any firelock in such an unholy manner... We have not come to a decision yet as far as what to do with said "unbridled fury", but for this year at least, (officially) we will not allow use of any non-pistol firelocks without a flashguard in place. If it has a bridle, it'd better have a flashguard... Exceptions would include wall guns or a hand cannon. (Those qualify as artillery and artillery do not need flashguards. ) Remember, if our insurance gets cancelled, the event dies on the spot. (feel free to call me if you have any questions or have need of "specific" or "non-official" answers. 812-606-1264) I do appreciate everyone having such a great and understanding attitude. It's a real headache trying to juggle keeping the insurance company, the State of Indiana, the reenactors, and the public all happy. I truly appreciate your support.
  17. typo ??? No, not a typo, just last year's dates posted on a thread that has been going on for a year now. This year's dates are August 7th, 8th, and 9th, 2009. There are picnic tables strewn around the area and of course, you may snag one of those if you need to. Also, depending on the heat level this year, cold snacks might be more appealing to your crew. Lastly, please remember to register... Thanks!
  18. Blackjohn, I would be honored to have you in attendance next year. I hope you can make it. I think you'll enjoy it. I'd recommend putting in your reservation for next year as soon as you possibly can... Many folks who come out for this event (reenactors and public alike) reserve modern campsites in advance each year while they're here...
  19. I'm curious, do they have RV camping areas at the site? (yeah, I could go to the website and look for myself, but that takes all the fun out of it...) Yes, there are modern campsites for tents and full-hookup RV sites. They do fill up fast though, so if you want one, you'd do well to reserve it now... The site is Paynetown State Recreation Area. The number to call for modern camping and RV sites is 1-866-6CAMP-IN. You can also access Indiana Department of Natural Resources camping reservations online at: DNR Camping Reservations Hope that helps...
  20. For those of you who are Facebook addicts, here's the link to the Facebook listing. Pirates of Paynetown 2009 on Facebook
  21. Friday afternoon, we'll take whatever boats and crew we have and basically do a water-based tactical. I figure the gunfire will draw the attention of the campers, etc.
  22. Vendors as of right now include: Taylor Rose Historical Outfitters (navigational equipment, shoes, stockings, accessories) J. Henderson Artifacts (fine handcrafted stoneware pottery) Smoking Iron Alterations (Clothing) The Virginia Floor Cloth and Block Print Co. (hand-painted canvas floor cloths and block printed scarves) Bongiorno Forge and Foundry (Handmade journals, ship's logbooks, inks, pens, and historical art supplies) There is a possibility that there will be a couple more. So, the answer is yes... There will be opportunity to acquire some plunder...
  23. Aha! Got it... Hi Dan... All the pirate names get confusing for us event coordinators... We don't get to see all these cool names on the registration forms... (Still scratching my head at the numerous requests to camp with Mickey Souris... lol!!)
  24. Silas, Go ahead and put in your registration... We'll find a way to cover your coolers...
  25. Contact info for Pirates of Paynetown is as follows: Website: www.piratesofpaynetown.org E-mail: piratesofpaynetown (at) gmail.com Phone: (812) 606-1264 (Number will take you to me at work... Taylor Rose Historical Outfitters)
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