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Everything posted by Winston

  1. what are you talking about the internet is the best for content!! and it's all true....Like the otherday I found out that there is a sea beast called Cthulhu that sleeps near the south pole!! See how resourcefull it is :)
  2. you two need a room ??
  3. I took several....let me upload them
  4. home made explosives
  5. obviously you haven't seen lake erie.....water is not so.....fresh
  6. I so want a remote control pirate ship!!! That is fricken sweet!!!!
  7. I'll have to check it out!
  8. (( I am really enjoying this ))
  9. I am about to rip my hair out at work. Clients make me mad
  10. I won't go into much detail...but I have rather fast hands.... we'll leave it at that...
  11. it really is a nice destination spot and the pictures as lovely as they are...do not do it justice
  12. I loved this view Captian Morgan's Lookout
  13. I just came from the island of jamaica. There they have Captian Henry Morgan's Lookout. I tell ye, he had a good eye for a look out. Could see the whole coast from his site! Got some good images...I'll work on postin em.
  14. Anybody know any sites to get good pirate costumes. mine needs a little work...
  15. I seem to be havin a strange issue. I wish to join a crew or start one however the largest body of water around be lake erie.... Any ideas?
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