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Everything posted by Winston

  1. bikinis and no tan lines
  2. Knew I should have called dibs......
  3. gay pirates..... gives the term....booty.....an entirely new outlook....
  4. The Wonder Years. (same boy as princess bride)
  5. Well I be a Web Designer and a Teacher
  6. Great now I have that dang song in me head.... Thanks I'm gonna walk into my meeting singing. "Take me to the railroad track captian jack!"
  7. The Godfather and the Kiss of Death
  8. Drink whats in the barrel!
  9. I am so getting those cd's
  10. and Ozzy Osbourne is his uncle mumble...mumble...mumble....burito!!
  11. Thats one smoking president!
  12. I think he represented me once lol
  13. I want to shoot off the canon.... congrats. I'll make sure to tune in
  14. no wonder my days drag on and on
  15. We all attend different events and fairs and such. But have you ever been to one and said. I can do way better then this.... So the question is...if you had a festival. What events and such would you throw in?? My idea is to have a contest between two hired teams. The Pirates and the Militia. The Militia would start out with certian Pirates captured and in jail. The pirates stationed at a different section of the festival would then run attempts to get their friends out. But use the public get them involved. Like send a kid to give messages to the captured to organize, or get somebody to cause a distraction so the pirates can help their mates... I now realized how bored I really am at work..... Sorry
  16. how long do you really think we can keep this up?
  17. Now I'm in my mid 20's so it hasn't been very long at all since I was working at the local fast food joint. I can vouch that stupidity has no age limits....you should hear some of the stories from the OTHER side of the counter. I was working at a Hardee's once in our town (my first job yaa! ) and it was time for my break. So I am out in the parking lot talking to one of my cousins when a lady walks out of the building and walks over to us. "Excuse me...I'm legaly blind could you help me find my car?" She asked us. ? What... I told the lady I don't think we could do that...she just walked around the parking lot for a minute then got into a car and left.
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