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Everything posted by rovingtar

  1. Ashly tends to be a bit archival, and not very instructional. If you are searching for a book that has illustrations that are easy to follow, I recomend "The Arts of the Sailor" by Hervey Garret Smith. Also "The Marlinespike Sailor" by the same author. Additionaly I recomend "The Complete Riggers Apprentice" by Brian Toss
  2. Perhaps we should all band together in 2012 and get as many of our friends as possible to write in Jimmy Buffet for president.
  3. There is nothing quite so good as burial at sea. It is simple, tidy, and not very incriminating. Alfred Hitchcock (1899 - 1980) English director
  4. "Twenty Years from today, you will regret far worse the things you did not do, than those you did. So cast off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails, Explore, Dream, Discover." Samuell Clemens
  5. The Church says that the Earth is flat, but I know that it is round. For I have seen the shadow of the earth on the moon and I have more faith in the Shadow than in the Church. Attrib To Ferdinand Magellan (Spring 1480 – 27 April 1521) Being in a ship is being in a jail, with the chance of being drowned. Samuel Johnson (1709 - 1784) British poet, critic, and lexicographer. His "Dictionary" p. 348. 16 Mar 1759
  6. So much to choose from. So much I have already done... I,ve been paid to travel working as a deck hand in Alaska, off the coast of California and out in the gulf of Mexico. Fond memories of going ashore for hiking excursions, seeing the aurora borealis, getting up close and personal with a grizzly bear. I've been paid to blow things up working on professional pyrotechnic displays. I've done contracting work on fire alarms and A/V systems. Worked as a bartender in hotels and on cruise ships. Worked in a mine for while. But to choose one job... If I could come up with the capitol or find some investors to pay the bills, I think I'd be a prospector / treasure hunter. Wander the world in search of precious metals and jewls, follow tales of lost treasure and see if I can locate any of it.
  7. In California there is a licensing program for pyrotechnics. Pyrotechnics being defined in the California State health and safety code Title 19. The licenes are issued through the state fire marshal dept. of forrestry. One of the licenses available is a performers lcense which covers the use of black powder and other pyrotechnic devices for stage performance, re enactment, photogrphy and hobbiests. It has been a long while since I have reviewed title 9, however as I remember it, the licenese allows the bearer to take leagal responsibility for the safety of the display. It does not constitute a permit for the display. Permits are isued by the local authority having jurisdiction (AHJ). The AHJ may be the city, the local fire department, the park service or even the county fire authority. You would need to go back to the park service and inquire as to who is the AHJ and then follow through with filling for a permit if necessary. Not all AHJ's require permits or even licensing. For others it is a touchy subject, particulaly if they have a record of accidents in the past. As far as the BATF is concerned... Their domain is the sale, transportation and storage of pyrotechnic products. They issue individual licensing for all 3 items and do spot ispections on storage facilities to ensure that the product is being stored in a safe manner. They do NOT issue permits for displays. Hope this helps.
  8. Has anyone tried out weapons of choice. They specialize in weapons for stage combat. Weapons of Choice 4075 Browns Valley Rd, Napa, CA, 94558 catalog rentals; firearms, swords, medieval to modern items (707) 226-2845
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