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Gypsy Rose

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Everything posted by Gypsy Rose

  1. Hey I got a good game for you all. As this is my first gathering why don't we see who the first one is that can identify me? How does that grab you? Of course I will need to think of a prize.
  2. So is there anything a newbie should bring to his FIRST pirate gathering? Besides a good amount of Rum that is.
  3. Ok so what I am understanding is that pistols were good for about the beam of a good sized ship. Or two smaller ships lashed together. That was more than I thought. And during combat you all would not hessitate to use it across the beam of even a small sloop. Now I agree that the pistols would do more damage than todays weapons. My dad used to hunt with black powder and you should have seen the blood trails that caused. So if it came down to fighting the pistol did have an effective place. But it also only had one effective shot during boarding if needed. So as I see it you get two well placed shots during combat and then useing your sword. How does everybody agree or disagree with that.
  4. As a pirate which would you rather relie on, Muskets, pistols, swords or others?
  5. Ok I have been looking at the pirate weapon that were in popular use. It seems that more pirates used flint locks than swords. I did not think this as a good bording tool. But I have been reading that quite often pirates did not have to attack to take a ship. So my question is just how accurate was a flint lock pistol? What would have been the range that you used it at?
  6. Ok I am looking for a replica sextance. One that looks good but won't cost me over $100. For that much money I could get a better sword or gun.
  7. Yes please post a link to the realator so I can write a check. "Who needs money when you have checks."
  8. I wish that I could be there. I was able to goto Portsmouth while in the Navy. I got a great pic of the Ships Anson, the pub which got most of my money. It was a great place to see.
  9. "That is too bad Siren because yes I was talking to you. Well I guess that I should be shoven of now. Their be gold out there and I will not just drop into my lap. See you all at the next wind change."
  10. I think that I have found a way around the virus. When the picture viewer comes up delete that file. Then the next time you open a pirate pub page click cancel as quick as you can. So far I have learned that you have to do this each time you START pyracy pub but after that you have clear sailing till you close out again. Hope this helps.
  11. "Now that I have finished that peach I was wondering if any of that juice had made it over your way?"
  12. It seems that there be sharks in these waters. I have become the local contact point for a few people with interestes about pirates. The local area being Sheboygan, WI. Now I have told them all about the pirate festival in Port Washington and I think they are all going. We are so pumped that talk has started about starting a Pirate group up here. Now this was before I found out that some of you are from Port Washington. Now I have been following the threads as close as I can but I was wondering if there are other groups out there in our area? Also any local websites that I should be hitting to learn about local activites? So what information can you all give me?
  13. I wonder what the reserve is?
  14. "Now this will take awhile." I slowly bite into the peach. Not a drop shall be waisted. I will use my tounge to lick up each one.
  15. I have been looking at all your descriptions as I see new names in the fourm. Now I have seen so many beautiful women that I may loose my heart to each and every one of you. So now the question is did you meet your significant other before or after or at a Pirate festival? Or is what happens at sea stay at sea?
  16. "Well now it did take me long to finish that meal, but the best things in life should be savored. Like peaches, I could eat a peach for hours. I have always been very patient. But if you can cook like this all the time I will find it hard to go to sea untill I run out of dubloons."
  17. It is most likely in here already but I am listening to Live365. The station is "A pirate's life for me".
  18. " Oh I know those words well. I heard them before as my ship pulled into these waters. I thought it was a trick of the wind but maybe you be more Siren than I thought you to be. Now that be a lunch. But what be those green things? Flesh bring me flesh, raw or cooked I love it all. Especially clams, either bearded or shaved."
  19. "Well I can see by how you handle that broom that ye know how to use your hands there lass. Now how bout some music. Let's see if your voice is as beautiful as the rest of ye. I'll just kick back and see what happens next."
  20. Well I hope no one has a problem with that. Just remember that they always come prepaired.
  21. "Be those game that I hear about comming out of the Far East by the China Sea? I always thought that those be two rogues. Well I learned somthing today. Now lets get drunk and do what comes naturly. I am always ready to hoist sail for a new port of call. I just need to raise anchor and clear the reefs. :)
  22. It is said when one meets his maker. I will take off my hat and raise a glass in his memory.
  23. We be pirates. Why not just take it?
  24. "Now which would that be. The Barbados rum or the errotic banter? I am never sorry for what I get because I usually deserve it and work hard to get it. I have heard of those two rogues but yet to really meet them. I wonder if they live up to their reputation."
  25. "While the rum here is better than the water you got any from Barbados? An how about a little bit of duff and salt pork, I be missing that lately. So when does this place liven up. All I see are two men and one lass. I don't dought that she could handle us both but I feel fisty and I am looking for erotic banter."
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