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Red Dog

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Everything posted by Red Dog

  1. Red Dog

    ^, <, V

    ^ My Daughters < Started my new job today, still don't know what I do? V Favorite christmas gift you've ever rec'd?
  2. Red Dog

    ^, <, V

    ^ My friends, Risa and Janice back in California < Had to shave my beard off fo my new job. I need to wear a SCBA unit to work in some bad air V Whats the worst thing you could get for Christmas?
  3. Red Dog

    ^, <, V

    ^ Mythbusters or Dead like Me < Working on a plate to cover the cistern in my basement, looks like its the old farmstead well. V What's the favorite place you've actually lived
  4. Red Dog

    ^, <, V

    ^ I knew a gunsmith who used "Lime Away" in the first steps of restoring firearms. He swore by it. < Just found a 3 ft x 4 ft hatch in the basement, I opened it and found it was filled with water that's deeper than 10 ft! I pushed a dowel down into the water and didn't hit the bottom. The walls seem to widen out to 4 ft x 5 ft. I gotta find out whats down there. V whats the silliest way you ever got hurt?
  5. Ok, tried the thong thing, not good for bowling, every time I throw the ball I feel like I'm gonna cut myself in half.
  6. Slap (me too)
  7. Red Dog

    ^, <, V

    ^ Not this year, we're attending a dinner at my best friends, parents house. < Taking a break from unpacking, man, I gots alot of cool stuff I forgot about! V what are you thankful for this year?
  8. exploding cans of dough
  9. I refuse to answer that on the grounds that size doesn't matter, (I hope)! That and it would embarrass me ............ not Related, is an eye patch considered big?
  10. Red Dog

    ^, <, V

    ^ Punk rock (neither are a favorite but of the two.......) Heavy Metal is more my style, Iron Maiden, Queensryche, Alice Cooper et al..... < Really screwed his legs up working out on Sunday, that which dose not kill us........ V blond, brunette, red-head? Whats yer preference
  11. Red Dog

    ^, <, V

    Hi ya Hitman, ^ The weeks been good, a decent job offer is threatining to end my 6 week vacation though. < Tired and verrrry relaxed right now, sore as hell from my new work-out though V Whats your favorite thing about GAOP? The history, romance, weapons...et al.....
  12. Damn, theres a few thoughts I'm gonna have to drink away ......wonder how I'd look in thong? pictures may follow.......... don't count on it though...........
  13. Red Dog

    ^, <, V

    ^ when my wife went into labor 10 weeks early, alot of thing start going through your mind, all bad. everything came out fine. < Enjoying the sound of the rain outside, "cause I'm inside" V Where would you prefer to be right now?
  14. Red Dog

    ^, <, V

    ^ the day after thanksgiving, 2004. My Uncle served us his home-made wine after I downed a few too many beers. Grapes and grains don't mix well with me. < Heading out to the mall to get some teaching supplies for my wife V Ever bought a great used car for a great deal
  15. fine as always Christine, your Supergirl is still my fav though. Thanx
  16. Ok, Info from an FBI, former SEAL friend of mine,: I disavow any knowledge of this individual or any dealings with him professionally or in private. But he's a hell of a rum drinker and mean as hell when you ask him about his tattoo. 1) Never respond to an e-mail link, they will miss direct you to a "Phis hing hole" sign onto your account and do business there. Always look at the address it should prefix with "https" : 2) Anything that requires a bank #, Social security # or verification# with pin is bad Juju. 3) miss spellings or bad grammar, red flag, and report to spoof@ebay.com or spoof@paypal.com they"re the same company, but different divisions 4) anything originating from a former soviet block country, Chechnya is a biggie for this, China is another. Beware 5) Anything that eBay or Paypal contacts you about will be sent to your account email as well.
  17. No Jack, the topic is " 10 signs you're watching a "BAD" pirate movie" I'd buy the one yer talking about!!!!!
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