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Everything posted by Brig

  1. Sure thing, Sophia. I'm flexible! As for wearables...I'm toying with the idea of my airship pyrate garb, if I can get it put together in time. Who knows, it'll probably change half a dozen times before Saturday.
  2. Life is going smashingly! How's you?

  3. Agreed....nice ensemble!
  4. Oooooh, spooky! I love it!
  5. Me too...I dunno if I want to go for the PC gear or just do the costumey thing...maybe I'll mix it up.
  6. Looks like enough folks had a problem with this that Facebook went back to the old policy.
  7. I should be all set to attend, all by me onesies. I'll try to get there by opening, but it's about a 3-hour drive for me so who knows. Sophia, if you're passing through Orlando and would like to meet up and ride the rest of the way, just let me know!
  8. I have a wee bebbe at home...forget axes...dirty socks...I'm bringin' the dreaded, the feared, the loathsome- ICKY DIAPERS!!!
  9. I just recycle costumes like mad...at least half of the pieces I use are made over from something else. For the rest, thrift stores and sales racks!
  10. I'm still trying to get there! Can't say either way yet, but I'm hopeful.
  11. Hello! How be motherhood?! Brings back lotsa memories, those early, sleepless months!

  12. I love the details on the hat- the lace and dragonfly. And I really like those pants! Are those the cargos you mentioned earlier?
  13. I'll get the axe.
  14. Is that a conjoined skellington? Sa-weet.

  15. We'll be thinking of you! Can't wait til you're feeling better and ready to play again!
  16. Reposted this so it wouldn't be in the middle of Patrick's super cool image collection! Those are great, Patrick. A work in progress...but here's some of the steam punk ensemble I've been working on for an upcoming belly dance performance with Mae. Still have to mod the pants, finish off the back of the skirt, and finish my hair falls...I should probably get back to work.
  17. Moved
  18. Very nice, Dorian...you look like you'd drive a hard bargain, and rightly so!
  19. They're already there! I'll just be proofing them over the next few days, and our ship's surgeon-turned-journalist can decide what he wants to do with the results when he's through being thin and beautiful in Mexico. Or however that went.
  20. You do great work, Mission. Thanks for letting me help out. By the time I get to the Easter Egg pages and finish proofing them, you may wish you hadn't. I know I speak for a lot of people when I say that this journal is a treat, and greatly appreciated!
  21. I never would have suspected Mission to be a “woman of loose character and questionable morals". *Shakes head* Ship's surgeons these days...
  22. Awwww! Congrats, that's so awesome.
  23. Smores! Thank ye, lady! C'mon, Mae...here's your chance to put your mad chocolate-dipping skills to good use.
  24. Brig kicks Mae in the rear as she follows her in. Don't believe anything she says. Older twins lie...they just can't help it. It's science. What's all this about frou frou drinks?
  25. I dunno what you just said, but I like the way you said it... Welcome aboard.
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