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Everything posted by Brig

  1. Yay Chrispy! Happy happy birthday to you!
  2. I can't speak for everyone...for Mae and I, it was "Oh sh*t this performance is in a few weeks and we don't have costumes!" We both had steampunk costumes in the works, so we used the pieces and design ideas we already had and assembled the rest around them. Overall, I'm not sure about the connection. Other than that the mini-vests make great dance tops. Some of the tribal belly dance waves are using more and more of the calliope-style music, which fits well with some interpretations of steampunk- Abney Park's "Herr Drosselmeyer's Doll", for instance. Perhaps there's a connection there too. And...yeah. What Story said. Just my two cents!
  3. Aww, look at its little toes! Cute.
  4. It always makes me growl when I try to pull the foil seal off of a bottle or something, only to have the pull-tab tear off in my fingers while the seal stays firmly in place.
  5. Gonna try to make this my Halloween costume this year. I loves me some HQ, and this incarnation looked a bit steamy.
  6. Happy happy birthday to you, Mr. Merriweather!
  7. Sorry for taking so long! Happy, happy birthday, Grace!!
  8. You'll be the salaciousest crumb that ever crumbed, Cousin Robbie!!
  9. I vote for Cousin Robbie. Something about the stance.
  10. Hugs and congratulations to you both!!
  11. Liek whoa...

  12. Yes, I did know that much. That is why Brig as Oola and Mae as Leia Slave would go together. (Brig, if you didn't have blonde hair, you could be Leia, but alas...) Although Oola was already digesting when Leia was essentially picked to take her place. Still, Star Wars fans everywhere would love it. If you put it on You Tube, imagine all the joy you would bring to the guys who live in their parent's basements the world over. Wait, what? I'm rancor bait now??! Fine, but to keep things even, Mae has to be tied to Jabba for at least a week! Thank you, hunni!
  13. I keep feeling like I should post a response to Leia-Jack, but every time I look at it all I can do is laugh...and shudder. And most of all, try not to consider the plethora of awful implications. :angry:
  14. Sorry, Mission...as much as I would LIKE to paint myself green and dance, with my legs the end result would be something like this: Mickey, I'm just coming out of semi-retirement myself, after the baby and all. Tell Kate I need a climbing partner!
  15. Should me timbers be shiverin'?

  16. Just a holler to leet you know I found my way.

  17. I am so, SO very proud to know all of you. This brought tears to my eyes. I hope we can make it up for at least one weekend. You all look fantastic, and you're so bloody good at what you do!
  18. Hallerlugie....I lol'd.

  19. Happy St. Patrick's Day Brig! Lots of folks at BARF were asking after you and Mae this past weekend. Hope to see you and Jack soon!

  20. I seed you all a'settin....

  21. 1) Cereal 2) Seagull 3) Jana 4) Monkey
  22. That's awesome!
  23. Gah...made me get all sniffly! Thank you both for sharing BL's adventures with us.
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