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Everything posted by Brig

  1. Weee, happy birthday!!!
  2. I think "editing" is far too kind a word for what I did to the poor tape, but you can view it Hopefully there will be a better version eventually, one with all the upgrades and without the funky sound loop at the end and with us getting all the steps right, buuuut any and all of that is a long shot. :angry:
  3. Hey...Maddogge's been proud of us for a good long while...I think?!
  4. Thank you, folks...truly means a lot. :)
  5. Have a wonderful birthday, lady!
  6. Aww, thank you! We had so much fun, and it was great to share it with friends.
  7. Hi Cousin Robbie!! I know youuuu!!
  8. Oooh...can't wait to hear more, Rats.
  9. For those of us who are trying to lolcat responsibly.
  10. There ya go, Patrick. And a spare, just in case-
  11. Chocolate.
  12. Actually, that picture is a lie. I have two cats and not ONCE have either of them fixed ANYTHING, forum or otherwise. I think QJ is right...better get the wallet.
  13. Ah, bummer, that's the weekend Mae and I are going to B.A.R.F. in Tampa. I'd love to steam it up with you guys! Take pictures!
  14. Just out of curiosity...does anyone plan to go again?
  15. I apologize in advance for contributing nothing worthwhile...I just had to state that I read the title of this thread as "Mercury Male Barks" every single time. Maybe by writing that down I can exorcise the transposing demon and clear my head of the images produced by this quirk.
  16. Sorry to hear that, Hurricane. We missed the two of you. As usual, I didn't take nearly enough pictures, but those I did take are on myspace. Always does my heart good to meet up with pirating friends. I lifted more than one glass to those that couldn't be there. Special thanks to Sophia for riding with me, and to Jessi for letting me bum cigarettes. The day was lovely, warm and cool depending on if you were in the shade or sun, with a nice breeze for most of it. This was my first time at that faire, and I wasn't disappointed. The vendors and entertainment were top notch. If you've never caught the Barely Balanced act at a faire, they're worth seeing more than once.
  17. I'm not Brig! I'm Cannibal Chrispy! See my hat?! Thank you. Had a blast hanging out with you folks again!
  18. Thanks, Jessi! I'm really looking forward to Saturday. It'll be great to hang out with everyone again! Haha, yes! You were my inspiration...imitation, flattery, etc. Thank you, Rev. Now when are you coming to an event with us?!
  19. Those are niiiiice, Jessi. Maybe one day I'll feel adventurous enough to try some that intricate. Here's the airship pyrate rig that I'm putting together for FlaRF Saturday. I don't really have time to make anything new, so I borrowed a few of the pieces from various outfits. Sorry about the picture quality, my camera battery is all deaded so I had to make do with the laptop.
  20. You know what Maeflowers bring...if you don't, just ask dad... <3

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