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Everything posted by Brig

  1. Another big thank you to all of you...gave me many a grin and giggle. :angry:
  2. Happy Birthday seester...now stay awake for it! Xoxo
  3. Yay, happy anniversary!!
  4. Thank you all soooo very much! This put a big smile on my face.
  5. Mine are signed...sort of...with the backwards initial hourglass
  6. Received mine. Thank you, everyone! They're all so great. And a thank you +1 to Mickey & Kate!
  7. Woohoo, excited!!
  8. You know...I get the distinct impression that I was just given homework wrapped up in compliments to ensure that I'd actually DO it. And, predictably, it's working. Though I must confess the fact that I am a huge Toby Keith fan surprised me. I'll have to remember it in the future! As for the song, at first I thought you meant "Beer for My Horses", and I was more confused that usual. BUT I think I've got it now...I'll go start writing, for the sole purpose of comment whor- um, grubbing.
  9. Wait, wait...there was a topic? All I remember is something about Mission and woad and Rats the Belly Dancer and Captain Sterling saying something about fermented urine and wheat bran and Kate in a leather bodice and a bus stop cross dresser... Is it time for PiP YET?!
  10. Happiest birthday to you, Poppa!
  11. You guys look great! I loooove that coat, Ransom.
  12. Happy happy birthday Mr. Dogge!!
  13. Not a steampunk band, but check out the airships in this video! And...I apologize if I've already posted this somewhere. My brainz has holes in it.
  14. Sent my cards out Friday. I forgot that I'd be out of town until May 14, so I had to hurry and get them finished. I included a SASE, but I'm not sure the post mistress understood what I wanted with the postage. Let me know if it's not enough to cover the return cards and I'll make up the difference.
  15. Barring any unforseen catastrophes, my cards should go out tomorrow. Edit: PM me your address when you get a chance, Mickey or Kate? Might help them get there a little faster.
  16. *Adds "Hide at the gate and giggle at M.A.d'Dogge" to her list*
  17. I'll be praying, hugs to ya lady.
  18. Happy Easter!!

  19. Tell her to get over it, and get over herself while she's at it. I snag on EVERYTHING when I wear coin scarves. In fact, when me and Mae wear 'em at the same time, we may as well be siamese twins. I'm betting you're exactly right. Those are what give me trouble, and often leave part of the costume firmly attached to ANOTHER part of the costume...quite the dilemma mid-routine. If the coins are sewn directly to the cloth it's not so bad, but it can still happen. Like Cheeky said...her loss, not yours. :) If it happens again, let us know...I've had practice putting them diva sorts back into their right mind.
  20. I know, I know...but it made me laugh. And if Johnny Depp dressed as a pirate ain't motivational, I dunno what is.
  21. Woo, thanks Cheeky! I'll let you know once I'm a little further into the design mechanics.
  22. I'd be more than happy to do my part on the mailing costs, whatever is decided :)
  23. Count me in!
  24. Strange...it is a lolrabbit announcing that it has evil plans. Can anyone else not see it?
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