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Everything posted by Brig

  1. Happy belated birthday!! It was great meeting you at PiP. :)
  2. Why are you here? Why are you posting? Aren't you supposed to be working on something?
  3. So cool! It was really nice meeting you at PiP, I wish I had had the chance to speak with you longer. Love what you're doing with this tree!
  4. These musicians were fantastic...anyone know their names or what crew they were with?
  5. Those are some scary "angry" faces! I wouldn't want to have any of you upset with me. Excellent work, thank you for sharing it with the rest of us.
  6. Sorry I missed the festivities and frivolity!

  7. Avast there, Brig. Tis meself, Dutch. I wants t' be thankin ye fer the pleasure o' yer aquaintance and fer the taming of me que!

  8. Somehow myself and my traveling companions all managed to leave home without cameras. Here are a few shots I took with my Blackberry, though.
  9. Mae, Nelly and I made it home safe last night. Thank you to everyone both present and absent who made it such a wonderful two days.
  10. I can understand the writer's reluctance to quote himself (not really), but I felt there were a few Mission nuggets from the night of the auction that should be preserved for posterity. During the unfortunate nature trail walk, a root stretched across our path in the near-darkness. This led our mildly intoxicated ship's surgeon to declare "That's a snake! It's big enough to eat Mae. This place is full of Mae-snakes." I was also stopped mid-stride by the observation that I myself am like a nun, because I have "wheels under there". I'm fairly certain I lost sleep over that. The next day the meaning was pieced together from the mind of the surgeon himself...something about Catholic school and gliding nuns. I don't remember the rest, as that man who's name I can't remember was being exceptionally entertaining at the moment. Our unintentional tour of the island while on the way to the airport was repeatedly declared "an adventure!". I simply could not argue with that one. It was all rather exciting.
  11. You had me at "exploded skull".
  12. You and me and me and you, Splinter.

  13. Got mine! You folks are good!
  14. Happy birthday to you, Cutter!
  15. It was nice seeing you and the lady at St. Augustine, Mooseworth...you both looked great!
  16. Very glad to do what I can. :)
  17. Easily done! Should I look for the Kingston Charwood? I haven't seen it here before, but I could check the hardware stores and such.
  18. Mae, myself, and our friend Alexandra will be arriving in the small hours Saturday morning. Unfortunately due to babysitting arrangements, we'll have to head home Sunday night, but we'll sure make the most of our two days! I don't plan to sleep much...no promises for Mae...I'm gonna need a volunteer to keep her awake :angry:. Jack will be flying in Saturday night, coming straight from work. He's planning to stay until Monday.
  19. Count Mae, myself, and our friend Alexandra in for Saturday and Sunday, and Jack for Sunday. I'm not much of a camp cook, but I'm driving down from Orlando and can bring a cooler. Should I bring more food for the breakfasts/dinners, or just use the space for more charcoal?
  20. I can bring a bag or two of charcoal...I should be arriving either late Thursday or early Friday. :)
  21. Mae and I can take Gate Duty 0500-0700 Friday (which I think is technically Saturday morning?).
  22. Thanks, Pew :)
  23. Ack...if mine don't show today I'm gonna start worrying...
  24. Mailed mine today. :)
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