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Everything posted by Brig

  1. *tugs on your coat pocket* Now? Now? Do I now?
  2. Believe me...when given the choice of sleeping in a tent with Captain Sterling in it, and sleeping in a tent without...well, there's really no choice at all.
  3. Never! I was only thinking of your comfort, Captain sir! And how funny it would sound when ye giggled while rolling over all those tiny pieces of coral...kinda like laughing into a fan...
  4. I bet we could put wheels on the coffin bed...
  5. You were already abed, or I'm sure you would have been among the first of my victims, m'dear. And yes...twins are spooky. You would know, muahahaha.
  6. Not to mention the ghost pulling at yer clothes!
  7. Merry Christmas to you, too, Quarte- wait, is this the part where I'm supposed to shut the hell up? Or now? Now? How about now? Now?
  8. Procrastinating! This is SO much more fun than laundry.
  9. Brig


    I'm sure something like that would go a long way, Bo. But from what I saw, a lot of the trouble was with folks who came after the battle had already started and didn't realize that there were boundary lines. Most immediately apologized and moved back when asked to do so, but some were unhappy about being asked to move because they weren't given minute instructions on where the line was.
  10. There we go! That's what I was looking for.
  11. After reading Captain Sterling's post, I was a little concerned about what might follow the above statement.
  12. This year during one of the battles there was an issue with spectators just not wanting to keep a safe distance from the battle action on top of the fort. Folks were arguing with or just plain ignoring requests to move back. Not just mine, which is entirely fathomable , but Haunting Lily's and Captain Jim's as well. What are thoughts on some kind of barrier, something as simple as tape or rope that can quickly be put up and removed, and gives the viewers a clear idea of where the 'safe zone' is? I know we don't want to police folks or detract from the atmosphere of the battles, but I don't think a lot of the festival-goers realize the real danger involved. There were parents sitting their kids up on the fort wall within feet of the black powder firings, despite numerous requests to keep back. I'd hate to see a child get hurt because their parents can't act like adults.
  13. Aye...I carry her for nine months...have contractions for the last two...spend 2 1/2 days in labor...after four grueling hours of pushing, give birth to her nearly 9lb self...have to have hernia surgery as a result...spend the rest of my life with mesh in my belly...and after all that, she doesn't have the grace to take after me. Oh well, she's sweet and healthy. I'll take what I can get!
  14. The wee one wishes you all a Merry Christmas!
  15. The Waterboys - This is the Sea
  16. Mae and I plan to have our candle-making extravaganza up and running within a month or so, so that's definitely something we'd be glad to do at PiP next year!
  17. You look great!! Almost exactly like I pictured that ghost.
  18. I thought creepy was sort of our thing?? And I'm not sure what you're referring to- MD losing hair or Jack growing more? Either way...I dare anyone to find a better lookin' crew!
  19. Wow, those are amazing! Thank you for sharing.
  20. This was the first time I've actually gotten to see ths since I've been with the crew. It was breathtaking. So many different emotions were called out for me. Never have I felt so much in character as while I experienced them all with Brig- the defiance called out by Maddoge's speech, the affinity with the BIB as they offered the 'Angels a place to go, the call to return to pyracy singing in my blood, then the awful, twisting shame when I saw our poor Cappy being dragged to his doom and the sickening sorrow as I watched him swing. I remember the humming from the crowd that Diosa mentioned. It was a dirge...the only words I can recall are pray for the dead and the dead will pray for you. That was more than just a performance. I have no doubt that everyone present was affected in some way. Major kudos to Captain Sterling, Maddogge, Spike and the Buccaneers, Lilly, Mark, Edward, and everyone else involved. Oh, and kudos to Cousin Robbie for...well, for being Cousin Robbie. :angry:
  21. Capital idea! Since you're disguised now and all.
  22. Haha, does the chemise have green ribbons in the sleeves and hand stitching on the neckline and cuffs? Aye that it does... I collect more items from the quartermaster's family than anyone else... hmmm are we sure we want him to be the quartermaster? Let's see, cravat from Mr. Abbington, Neckerchief from JiJi, OH Mae's poster, and now Brig's underpinnings...all in my tent... Captain, let's not tell the QM that I left my underthings in your tent. And come to think of it, the sewing kit may be mine as well. Small canvas bag, hemp drawstring, kinda dingy? The Roberts clan will have to start paying storage fees if we keep leaving you souvenirs.
  23. Haha, does the chemise have green ribbons in the sleeves and hand stitching on the neckline and cuffs?
  24. Well Mistress, I'm glad you enjoyed me inebriation - I know I did. Twas quite the pleasure getting ta know you. . . We did in fact meet didn't we? 'hick' :lol: I had such a blast playing pirates with you at PiP! I'm already making plans for next year.

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