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Everything posted by Brig

  1. Haha!! Bravo, sir
  2. Thank you for the tip!! I'm sure I'll attend BARF at least once this year, I'll look for him.
  3. That could be so fun!!
  4. We were afraid Patrick might change his mind! Not really...that damned spotlight was bright! As lovely as this picture is, my favorite part is the face Mae is making in the background.
  5. I thought their stuff was great, and reasonable too. There are a lot of fun accessories there. And yes, the Mourners caught my eye too! Definitely some fun avenues to explore for us creepitty types.
  6. Haha! Sorry, moving a little slow today. I made a comment on that picture on Photobucket..something along the lines of how everyone looks trashed, except maybe Kate. I remember that...faintly...fuzzily...I was drunk texting on my crackberry and didn't even know we were taking a picture until you spun me around and I saw the flash!
  7. I've just begun collecting pieces for my "Alice the Undertaker" costume. Ordered a cheap but functional black corset from eBay, and fell in love with this coat from the ladies' store at Gentleman's Emporium. I'm trying to track down a pattern that's similar so I can make my own. That one's not too terribly pricey for a wool coat with that kind of detail, but I'm thinking with as many layers as I'll have something cooler than wool might be good. I'm going to base the character roughly on the description given for the Undertaker class from Unhallowed Metropolis, though I want to steer away from the Van Helsing overtones a bit. So far I've got a whole word document filled with my wish list, and another filled with a project list. I love this stuff!
  8. by Tiger Army
  9. Crawl Straight Home by the Horrorpops
  10. Happy New Years to you and yours as well Gorgeous Lady! Hope your New Year's will be filled with wonderful Surprises!

  11. Hope that the new year brings you some wonderful times. Here is to you.

  12. Mission, I remember you mentioning one night at the fort what a chore it could be to keep this journal up. I can't even imagine trying to remember all these details, much less taking the time to write them all down when there were probably a dozen other fun things to be doing in Key West. Just know that your account is much appreciated by those who attended, and probably just as much or more by those who weren't able to be there. :)
  13. Base
  14. I cannot believe, dear sister o' mine, that you would insinuate that I am ever anything less than morally upright and truthful. Hmph. -The GOOD twin.
  15. Often leads to somethin' bein' lost....
  16. Hope you had a wonderful and blessed Christmas!

  17. Happy birthday, Capt. Bo!
  18. I hope you and yours had a smashing holiday!

  19. You my lady are fascinatingly beautiful. I would love to know you better.

  20. Really? “twice in a 5 minute time frame” Wow that’s gotta be a record for one of us.

    Not that I can remember, but you already know that.

    Wait, what a horrible thing to say - you didn’t think I would remember meeting you. Of course I remember - I was paying attention. I remember everything, just not what people were saying or what they look like or how

  21. Aww...I'm going to make poor Robbie's education my top priority at the next event! Good night, kids!
  22. Way to kill a good thread with the crabs reference! Or...wait...does that mean it's time? Now?
  23. Fiiiiine...I bet you walk all over them in the middle of the night, too!
  24. Believe me...when given the choice of sleeping in a tent with Captain Sterling in it, and sleeping in a tent without...well, there's really no choice at all. without huh..?....that would be my choice too..... Only when the captain of the marines is around..but shhh....
  25. For some reason I'm reminded of these guys from Finding Nemo... Mine! Mine! Mine mine mine mine!
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