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Everything posted by Brig

  1. *siiiiiiiiiigh* I bet you'd remember THAT... Hey, I did plenty! Lounged on the beach...spooned a Beach... Okay, yeah, we need to work on that.
  2. 1. Attend the trial...I've somehow managed to miss it the past THREE years in a row. 2. Fire something. Flintlock, cannon, squirt gun...take what I can get. 3. Out-drink Mission. I'd say Mission and Stynky, but that would kill me. 4. Actually have a conversation with Patrick. One that doesn't involve cutting something off of him. 5. Keep Mae awake for 8 consecutive hours. What about the rest of you? Personal goals for this year?
  3. A ferrari? The pirate community wishes. No, it's a toyota and a rather ugly one at that. Think of a Mini-Mini-Mini-Van.

    But the joke is still good. Yaaaar is.

  4. Do I get bonus points if the drive-by car is a Yaaaaris?

  5. Yaaaaar!

    (pirate drive-by)

  6. I've only ever had one...a girl that follows me everywhere, sits in my chair with me, eats when I do, sleeps where I do, can't hold her liquor, plays games with me and listens to my stories and- wait...that's Mae... 65% though, huh? That's cool. I'd be interested in seeing the results of a similar study done amongst twins, triplets, etc. I'm guessing the number would be lower, but I don't know.
  7. Put some of them fox tails on 'em...who knows what a difference it might make?
  8. I think any and all of it would be wrong...why else would I suggest it? I be teasing though, of course. The jawbones did make me think...me sister, Mae, once bleached some deer bones and used them to decorate a belt. Looks wicked, with the added bonus of the rattling sound when ye sway down the street.
  9. Bet you could use the bird feet to scare the hell out of kids. You could also use them for back scratchers...hair combs...eating utensils... Right, I have absolutely nothing helpful to contribute. Great collection, though!
  10. Aww most kind, ty. I like your, booty... by that I mean coin.

  11. Yaar I wish my profile had 1k views. =( tis a cruel world.

  12. Does that mean I have more time to think of a topic?
  13. Happy Birthdaaaaaay, Mickey!!
  14. That is definitely not going to help. (I thought you were coming up with a new topic for this forum.) You keep nagging me about that and I may have to make you sorry for it....
  15. Ahh.... the wonders of small whelps. You might as well get used to it Brig, it only gets worse. Take care and try to sleep when the wee one does. Animal Thanks, Animal. I shall do just that!
  16. The Best of H. P. Lovecraft: Bloodcurdling Tales of Horror and the Macabre
  17. *Plies Mission with mead in other people's mugs while he works.*
  18. Sleepy...the spawn has decided she's a morning bebbe...and mama is sooooo not...
  19. My blue-eyed girl, wearing her blanket on her head.
  20. In our prayers. I wish your family peace and healing.
  21. Happy Birthday to you!!
  22. Wow...that's....yeah. So glad you're okay! Rest up and heal up and feel better!
  23. Brig considers the provided entertainment with a grin. You know...I better find a babysitter! I'll be back soon!
  24. Brig rushes in, skidding to a stop with the baby held in one arm and chocolate and champagne in the other, her hair up and no makeup on. "Did somebody say girl party?? And...hey...what's that smell?"
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