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Everything posted by LongTom

  1. Other personal articles, however, were stowed neatly for some unknown reason.
  2. Well met, me lad! Welcome to da Pub! Ray, one fer Master Kidd here, on me tab! What'll it be, laddo?
  3. Let's not leave out "Derelict" (aka "Fifteen Men" aka "Yo Ho Ho and a Bottle o' Rum") I'm partial to Skip Henderson's rendition. Also, "Billy Bones" by Skip Henderson. A most excellent bit of pyratical atmosphere. (We'll overlook the fact that Wm. Bones died apparently of apoplexy in the Admiral Benbow Inn, and was never available to address in sand-strewn, sun-bleached, skeletal form. It's still a hell of a song.) But I vote for "Whale of a Tale!" I was rolling in the aisles when William Red Wake brought it up!
  4. I was reading a pirate novel yesterday, and "tazo" was the word for malaria in Madagascar. ...oh, right. Eating oatmeal right now, with maple syrup and creme fraiche.
  5. Here are a few. Some 3D Islands
  6. I got: "Bloody Ed Eeyett."
  7. Yeah, forts are a problem for 3D islands. It's pretty hard to get a fort to sit straight on anything except the flattest islands (unless you build them as plateaus). Looks to me like some of the shorter Gale Force 9 ones will accept a fort, but the taller ones probably won't. For me, I just replace the 3D island with one of the standard island cards when somebody builds a fort there. Oh well.
  8. I make islands out of Celluclay. These are really strong. It's not exactly cheap to get started: the big bag costs something like 25 dollars, but you probably could make 200 islands before you used the whole thing up. You can also get smaller bags. You just splat down a blob of clay, and start shaping it into geography and rock details. When it looks about right, stick it in the oven at 200 to harden the top side. After two hours or so, it's a good idea to pull it out of the oven and hollow out the insides that are still wet (if you leave them solid, they tend to warp rather badly as they dry), then back in the oven for a final dry cycle. If they do come out a little warped on the bottom, just sand them flat again. Then paint on some white glue and sprinkle sand, foliage, etc. in strategic places. A little paint here and there for effect (whitecaps on the beach, for instance) and you are done. I like to trace the official cards onto paper for the base (or you can make bigger ones of your own design, of course). Having no ocean margins, they end up a little more massive than the cards, but they are still "official" sizes as far as their literal footprint.
  9. Now, then, Silkie, me proud beauty, I doesn't be called Long Tom for shootin' off me mouth! A fine piratess such as yersel' knows perfectly well that there are Two Rules for Successful Piratin'. Rule One: Never tell everything ye know. :) (But I'll see what I can come up with that's reasonably interesting, relevant, and not obsolete. In my case, that could take some time.)
  10. Thank 'ee kindly, Mr. Red Wake. A pleasure to be here. Oh, and xXDCXx: Thank 'ee too, for the most excellent laugh! Irony is best when self-inflicted....
  11. I've traveled so far, I've been round the world 6 times. All on the same 40 mile stretch of interstate highway!
  12. Silkie, darlin' lass! Yer a rare sight, and no mistake! Slainte, m'dear!
  13. Ar, 'tweren't the first time I've snuck into yon' port, only allus afore, ye've left it unmanned completely! Bethought meself yer hideout be deserted, I did! Last night, tho' I had the fortune to encounter a pair 'o beauteous treasures indeed, who by the by seemed to be mannin', er, womannin' the watch. Veritable Anne Bonny and Mary Reade, they were, the pair o' them, doin't their diligent dooty while the rest o' you scabrous sots (present comp'ny excepted, Miz Rue, and Constance, beggin' yer pard'n) was deep in yer cups and snorin belowdecks! [hack, wheeeze...] arr. Too many syllables for a poor humble pirate to spill in a row. Me tongue belike to fall right out and get lost in the peanut shells. Where's that barkeep? Unbung the tun, we'll be needin' all of it soon enuf!
  14. Once, a boa constrictor tried to eat me.
  15. I be most pleased to make yer acquaintances! Permission to come aboard? 'Ere, a round for the house!
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