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Everything posted by LongTom

  1. Based on the wording and the traditional usage for that sort of song, the "she" rising in the original is probably a mast.
  2. Tie 'im to a grate and serve him forty... Water his grog to 100x homeopathic, water his grog to 100x homeopathic, water his grog to ... what're you lookin' at?! Feed him a whole bottle of Viagra, Feed him a whole bottle of Viagra, Feed him a whole bottle of Viagra... (Why, I hear you ask? "Way, hay, and up she rises...")
  3. did he just call me a flowering chimpanzee?? :angry: (Well who wouldn't want to be a flowering chimpanzee?) ...well, I have been known t' de-flower a few.... :angry: Bo no bosun, bonobo son. (say that 5 times fast.)
  4. Boo you keep popping in and then disappearing! BTW I still have my coin and still wear it braided in my hair.

  5. HUZZARRRRHHH! SYREN'S HOME! does the sailor's hornpipe, then the fisherman's hornpipe, then the pirates jig (okay, maybe not that last one, I think it involves a rope.) Welcome home. Let's hope those Mardi Gras forearms are the last encounter you will have with any needles for a long, long, time. Now it's time for a good rest. You've endured so much thus far, a few weeks of recuperation with things looking brighter every day will be a comparative walk in the park.
  6. Best wishes for a successful surgery and a speedy recovery!
  7. In honor o' Syren's transfusion, I done gave blood this mornin'. Right, wot, the rest o' ye scabrous dogs, if'n yer not already on the Deferred list, into the blood bank with ye! (ALYX, red-cell double-donation. And I felt great, before, during, and after -- which is saying something, for someone who usually passes out when the needles go in. They're really getting good at this stuff. Seriously, look into it.) Syren, dear lady, you are in my prayers. Here's to a speedy recovery.
  8. Well Long time no see..Arr ye hiding???

  9. Did someone mention fiendish experiments? http://www.peepresearch.org/index.html Muahahahahah....
  10. I lost about four thousand pounds in the last three weeks. (Rotten bastards lifted my car.) On topic: my wife and I are working out together on a schedule now. It helps both of us get off our butts and down to the workout even when we don't feel like it.
  11. Is this close enough? from my Halloween display, new this year. Accessorized thus: I know... needs more brass!
  12. I'm curious, John, what made that a bad idea? Also, what works for you to stay motivated? (The question is open to anybody.) For me, what didn't work was a little complicated. I signed up on this thread, and promised not to post without doing a workout of various types (either weights or walking). For a while there, that was the perfect motivator for me. Shortly thereafter I got a new job, the commute to which always satisfied one of the promises (walking). That was a bit of an incentive to cheat on the weights ("hey, I did just walk a mile and a half, and bike 5 miles today...") Still, things were going along great...then my body apparently adjusted to the new routine, and I stopped making progress. It's hard to remain committed to a routine that isn't producing any apparent results. It would be awfully nice to know exactly how much effort is required to continue moving forward. For now, I'm going to re-commit to doing three full weight workouts each week, regardless of the walking and biking to work. Hopefully that will get things moving again.
  13. My middle name is "Tom." My first name is "Jesus." ...at least, that's what I thought when I was little.
  14. Despite some serious backsliding in the last few months, and after several weeks of recent holiday gastrointestinal excess, I've managed to end 2007 some twelve pounds lighter than I began it. However, that means I didn't reach my goals for 2007. I'm ready to get back to healthy eating and exercise; my body is actually telling me it doesn't want any more sweets, which is a novel experience for me. Who wants to sign the articles for this year?
  15. At the moment, a latte. Too early for the current favorites (to wit, Poire William, Belle de Brillet, or St. Germain).
  16. "...for he was wise enough to know that nothing ever happened on this globe, for good, at which some people did not have their fill of laughter in the outset; and knowing that such as these would be blind anyway, he thought it quite as well that they should wrinkle up their eyes in grins, as have the malady in less attractive forms. His own heart laughed: and that was enough for him."
  17. Your mother and you are in my prayers.
  18. Caroling today! After a break of several years. Asked Santa for a new top hat in honor of the occasion. Whoop! Halloa!
  19. Very interesting. In the Marshfield Mummer's play (which we presented as part of this year's Christmas Revels, hopefully in not too corrupted a state), they end their performance with a song, the last verse of which is, "Round and round the Christmas King we march in wind and rain, Now, give a shout, we'll push him out! and start the year again!" Sounds like the Christmas King is the Holly King. Thanks for the perspective, Rumba!
  20. Actually, not so much. Self-conscious play-acting, that. I prefer something more honest (and functional). Something that says the woman is capable of handling herself in the situation, not that she's intent on mishandling me.
  21. Generally speaking, tailored is good. Mind you, tailored can be either form-fitting or long and flowing. Just not baggy. Tailored is deliberate; baggy is accidental -- and indicates a lack of regard for form. You regard your form, I'll regard your form.
  22. All you that are good fellows, come hearken to my song, I know you do not hate good cheer, nor liquor that is strong, I hope there is none here but soon will take my part, Seeing my Master and my Dame bid welcome with their heart. This is a time of joyfulness and merry time of year, Whereas the rich with plenty store do make the poor good cheer, Roast beef and hot mince pies stand smoking on the board With other brave varieties our Master doth afford, Come, fill us of the strongest, small drink is out of date, Methinks I shall fare like a Prince, and sit in gallant state! This is no miser's feast; although the things be dear, God grant the founder of this feast each Christmas keep good cheer! Happy Solstice! Wassail!
  23. Welcome, Yule!
  24. Well, I'm still using that new hole in the belt that I punched sometime mid-summer, so overall the effort has been a success. The 36" waistline jeans I started the year with are now literally fall-off-my-butt loose, so even if the poundage is stalled, the work hasn't been completely without effect. Bad news is that although I was looking fairly buff (for me) for a while there, everything started atrophying when I slacked off my workout schedule for the past month, due to nightly rehearsals for the Christmas Revels. Now that the show is done with, time to get back on track. Hmm. Just in time to make it a New Year's resolution!
  25. ^ drinks mochas from the worst of them! (arrrh)
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