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Bloody Bill Flint

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Everything posted by Bloody Bill Flint

  1. Gaultier pursed his lips in thought for a moment. Something was indeed afoot here. Only minutes ago this man Hollande or Brand or whomever he was had stormed aboard and confronted him on the matter at hand, that being namely the disposition of two of his sailor's which Robespierre sought to dispose of lest they make the British Admiralty privy to a French military scheme. Hollande had said he would not surrender them and had threatened Gaultier with violence. Now the man was inviting him aboard to take them into custody. Definitely something amiss with that. *Sigh* If only Hollande didn't have that damned Letter of Marque, he could simply have the marin storm her and take them by force, or better yet blow them from the water. Unfourtunately Robespierre found himself in a position to do little but allow this game to play itself out a little further. "Capitaine Hollande I most readily accept your offer to go aboard Le Chien de Garde and settle this matter once and for all"
  2. I dunno there Petee me lad. I think Tyrone Powers' "The Black Swan" could give it a run for it's money.
  3. Woot, that was firkin' awesome. And thanks to DVR I can watch it again and again and again. Who's te say the devil does not exist?
  4. Avast! If'n unfamiliar ye be wit Warhammer it be best ye sails on by and finds anudder berth
  5. Bill took the proffered drink and drained it in a single motion. "Tis understandable m'lady I do believe Mr. Armand overheard us talkin wit the Cap'n earlier and took it te mean we hate the French. I meself bear no such hatreds, but Nate'n here seen his whole family kilt off by French and Hurons when he were a pup so ye'll 'ave te fergive 'im if'n he be a bit jumpy around ye." Just then Armand returned with Mr Lasseter. It seemed Gaultier was not done doing his work and there was need for Bill to take Nathan and Jonas and slip away temporarily. He made brief mention of his concerns about the fouled water, then knuckled his brow, and nodded to Tempest. He checked Jonas's bindings to ensure their security then brought the man to his feet. He easily slung Nathan over his shoulder then pushed McCormick out the hatch ahead of him and towards the deck. Steathily they made way aft to where two crewmen waited with a dingy. He carefully laid Nathan in the bottom and nudged McCormick aboard. He introduced Natahan and himself, recieved the other mens names as Nigel and Jerrod. He then took the proffered hatch cover and used it to hide himself and the other objects of Gaultiers obsession. He felt the dingy lowered and begin to move away from the ship.
  6. Seven Deadly Sins -Flogging Molly
  7. Bill sat as bidden and scratched his head in thought, seeking to put all information in proper order to assist the doctor and struggling to remember any minutae that he hadn't mentioned earlier. "Ye see m'lady I kint remember proper how long we been on the isle. When ye've been sent adrift time loses meaning. If I be needin' te hazard a guess, I'd wager we been here less'n a week. I only be askin' cuz Nate seemed fine when I found him, but when we reached the Watch Dog he seemed te get closer te the veil wit each passin' moment. This be of concern te me as Jonas n' that Gaultier fella been out of me sight fer a spell t'day and I be afeared that them two mayhaps've played their dodgy game aboard the Watch Dog and I t'ought it only fair I warn the captain that the scaborous dogs may have had at our water." ::::: Le Requiem ::::: Gaultier smiled at the inquisitive marin "My dear boy it was instructed by Capitaine Fournier that I was to have the saftey of marin escort at all times, oui?" The two marin nodded in agreement "Well then, I must share a matter of utmost importance with you. Our dear friend Capitaine Hollande is in grave danger. Aboard his ship this minute is a most dangerous man. This man knows the secret of many of our great vicotries in Les Antilles. If he is allowed to spread this secret to the British admiralty many of our countrymen's lives could be lost. I implore you do not let this happen and do not let this shame rest on Capitaines Hollande and Fournier's heads. What we must do mes amis is leave the ship we will proceed to where Le Chien de Montre lies at anchor. I will wait on the docks, you will go aboard saying that you come with Capitaine Fournier's compliments and seek a Monsiuer Lasseter tell him that Capitaine Hollande has sent for a Monsieur Flint and that he has need of him aboard Le Requiem. Once he is on the docks we will deal with him quietly and return to the ship and do without upsetting anyone. Semble-t-ceci acceptable à vous les messieurs ?
  8. "Ye be correct doctor, mind ye though I be not but a humble marine. Billy will serve if'n ye likes. I came to ask after Nathan. He seems well, but I be curious as te how his afflictins came to be. I seems te recall that before our ship went down 'alf the crew were sickly. Thinkin' back further still I made mind of it that hose who remained in good health touched not the water we had brought aboard durin' our last berth. I figured it te be the water isself, but when Nate took sick after bein' on the isle and the fact that I found him in the company of a traitor I now be suspetin' poisons. Be my guesswork correct doctor or be it all in me head?"
  9. Bill looked into the infirmary and saw Nathan resting comfortably. He was carrying on with the surgeon as she fed him some broth. He took this to be a very good sign. The sudden nature of Nathans illness made Bill wonder though. He had seemed fine when Bill had found them earlier in the day, and then the fever just seemed to take hold. Strange that Jonas was not ailing in a like manner for he had found them together. He thought further back and remembered that several of the crew had been quite ill before the attack. Yet he and the other survivors had been among those untouched by the fever. Could it be that Gaultier and Jonas had poisoned the casks? It seemed plausible as Bill, Henry and Nathan were among those who habitual forwent their ration of water but instead took a dram of rum and a measure of lime to prevent scurvy, and to insure that they got a full ration of rum. Suddenly a horrible thought struck Bill. What if the two malefactors had done the same to the Watch Dog? Best to look into this. He decided it would be best to ask the surgeon her prognosis on how Nathan came to be in such a state. If she suspected poison then he would inform the Captain. He rapped softly at the door to gain her attention...... Back aboard Le Requiem Gaultier was stewing in his quarters. He was beginning to get the feeling that Fournier had no intention of assisting him. He musn't let Flint and Bly escape or it would doom others who operating in a likewise manner to himself. He must get to them tonight before the Watch Dog left port. He must act now. he fingered the little pistol hidden in his pocket, and he knew what he must do he opened the door and spoke to the two marin located there. "Les messieurs d'excuse, je dois me soulager, pourriez-vous m'escorter ? "
  10. Bill sat and considered his options for a moment. He really had nowhere to go and no home to call his own. Better here as a citizen of nowhere than to be continually forced to answer to some unseen royalty whims. He stood slowly so as not to spook the man at his back. He cleared his throat. "If'n it pleases ya Cap'n I'd like te stay on wit ye. There be nutin' fer me ner Nathan back in New England. Also if'n tis not so much te ask of ye, could we sees aboot Henry? He'd gladly serve ye til we can get 'im back to a British ship. If'n ye've nutin' else fer me Cap'n I should like te return te the surgery and see to Nathan."
  11. Two crewmen jumped to attention and hauled Jonas to the surgery. When they had vanished below decks one of the crewmen aisded to Tempest "Mistress Fitzgerald it were that new hand Flint, the big one. Seems that other fellow and one they call Tommy were mixed up in some dodgy military business that sent their last crew to the depths. When the big man heard this he went beserk and started doin' McCormick up a treat." His voice lowered to an awestruck whisper. "Took seven men te pull him off." Meanwhile in the ward room Bill took the proffered drink and took a swallow. "Cap'n Brand sar, I meant no disrespect aboard yer ship and I meant to bring no trouble , but it seems trouble be following at me heels these days. The truth of the matter is I be a colonial it makes me no never mind what the powers that be do in the old world. from my early years I were more concerned with waking up wit tommy-hatchet buried in me noggin' and me scalp hangin' from some Huron's belt. I bear no ill will towards any man based on where he be hangin' his hat, only thems that seek to do harm to me and mine. Cap'n me and Nathan we gots no where te go. Our famlies been kilt off longst ago by the red men and their Acadian friends. When the Dreadnaught were lost we figured we owed the english nutin' and saught to be makin' our own fortunes. Twas only once we be aboard the Watch Dog that Halsey or Gaultier er whatever the bastard calls hisself properly raised his true colors, though I've had me suspicions for some time, Now I fear I've put ye all in danger. Cap'n I be so weary of bein' mixed up in this I suppose it be fer the best if ye just hands me over te the French and went about yer business. Nathans like te die soon, an alls I ask is ye return him te New England but as fer me I not be about te bring ye more trouble. Jes have Mr. Pew take to the Requiem in the morning if'n ye please and let's be done wit it."
  12. Bill did as he was told and sat with his cap in his hands staring at the floor and waited for the captain to address him..... Meanwhile aboard Le Requiem Robspierre Gaultier was fuming inside himself. This pompous little captain was actually brushing him off! Didn't he care that there was a war on? And now he was demanding to see Gaultier's orders. He produced his charges from the king, letters from the admiralty, and the forged orders that sent the Dreadnaught to her doom. Captain Fournier examined each document in turn. When finished he simply smiled "Il apparaîtrait que vos papiers sont en effet dans commande Monsieur Gaultier, mais hélas les restes de fait que Le Chien de Montre est sous la protection française et nous sommes dans aucune position de " bloquer " le port comme vous suggérez. J'ai peur il y a rien nous ne pouvons faire pour vous. " "Then make up some charge and demand that Capitaine Hollande surrender Flint and Bly to you. They must not be allowed to spread word of my operations"
  13. " Mister Lassiter sar, for some time now I've felt somethin' was not quite right wit the sinkin' o' The Dreadnaught. We'd been workin' the West Indies wit out trouble. Last time we made berth for supplies Tommy's waitn' on the dock wit a letter from the Admiralty says te push south and Tommy's been assigned to us. Then we get attacked by TWO French ships, just as if they was waitin' fer us. One I be willin' te dismiss as happenstance, but TWO? They knew our numbers sar. As I recall Tommy be keepin' close to the Cap'n, so he knew our course. Come te think of it Either Tommy or Jonas had watch each night in the days before we was attacked, volunteered for it they did. Then when the attack came , once I saw most of the crew be dead and we be burnin' and takin' on water I gave order to abandon ship. Tommy and Jonas had that launch ready before the words left me mouth, and they didn't leave their stations during the battle to do it, so how did they know? Then when Cap'n Brand sends me to fetch 'em Tommy tells me Jeffery's dead of some mystery disease and Henry be clapped in irons? Every turn I see these two secreting amongst themsleves. Somethin's a foot Mr. Lassiter and it be the devils work. One of these two men be a spy for the Frogs or both! Mark my words." Jonas began sobbing "Tis all true Mister Lassiter. That man Tommy, his name's Gaultier. E's an agent of the French crown wot steals aboard english ships disguising himself as a crewman then leading 'em te ambush. I caught 'im signalin' the Frenchies at night on his watch and he offered me a tidy sum te keep it under me hat. Me mum's real sick so I took his offer and been regrettin' ever since. Makes me sick te think of all those poor lads at the bottom. He's on his way right now te meet wit those french officers and make 'em take the Watch Dog before Billy here can spread the word. Please have mercy and spare me Mr. Lassiter, I only wont te make it all right!" By now Bill had heard enough "You can never make it aright!", he screamed"All me mates lost te the crushin' black cuz of the likes o' you!" And with that he proceeded to shake of the pair of hand holding him on his knees and lunged towards McCormick bashing his head across the bridge of his nose and then locking his teeth where the man's shoulder met his neck. It took the efforts of no less than 7 crewmen to wrestle the big man away from the object of his fury, as they dragged him away he continued to curse the now prostrate bleeding and wailing tar.
  14. Bill turned at the sound of the Quarter Master's voice. He held his fist cocked to land another blow to the man on his knees. "Beggin' yer pardon sar, but we be in grave danger. This bilge rat has sold our hides to the French"
  15. Gaultier forced a smile. God but the man was arrogant, just like all these sea captains. If it were left to him Robspierre would see them all swing from a rope after France ruled the world. Nonetheless he continued. "Merci Capitaine. As you know we are at war with the english because they support the pretender Leopold's illegitimate claim to the throne of Spain while our beloved king supports his grandson Phillip's rightful claim. As such it is the duty of all frenchmen to curtail english power wherever the opportunity shows itself. The crown has charged me to do this by infiltrating the enemies navy in the New World and leading their ships to ambush. Normally the ship is boarded and I am 'taken prisoner' to be quietly released to continue my mission. This last time however proved most difficult. I was aboard a ship called Le Dreadnaught which had been causing us no small amount of grief in the West Indies. As such my chain of command decided that we would deviate from the norm and attack with two ships and I would slip away during the confusion in a longboat to be picked up later. I was to be joined by an accomplice who offered his services to the crown in exchange for gold coin. Before we could make good our escape we were discovered by two marines and the same number of sailors. I could not refuse them for fear of blowing my cover and exposing our operations if they escaped. There are others doing just as I am so it was better I persih adrift at sea with no one the wiser. Then we landed here. I was seperated from my accomplice and found myself the other two sailors. It was only a small matter to have them arrested by our Spanish allies, alas it became necessary to kill one of them during the capture,plus la pitie. Now my accomplice found himself of the company of the two marines and being welcomed aboard that pirate ship in the harbor so I too felt it necessary to go along until I could find a french ship to sink them. I am quite sure the one called Flint has figured me out so now his death is a necessity." Gaultier stood then continued. " Capitaine Fournier, je vous charge par la presente pour preformer votre devoir a Dieu et au pays. Vous ferez tout de suite des preparations avec tous autres Francais actuellement a l'ancre ici pour bloquer le port, et empecher l'evasion de pirates. Je ne suis pas un monstre si nous donnerons a un citoyens Francais a bord de La Montre Traque l'hasard pour rendre et est amene a bord Du Requiem. Alors nous l'enverrons et son equipage au fond, suis-je clair? "
  16. Bills ears were burning with shame at having interrupted his captain. He was foolish for having believed that Captain Brand would really hand them over to the french. He poked his head back into the infirmary to check on Nathan. The lad seemed to have had his fears assuaged and was resting comfortably leaving himself to the care of the two capable medical personnel attending him. Bill decided to proceed to the deck and have a bowl while he pondered the whole situation regarding the possible spy. No sooner had he lit up, when spied Tommy and Jonas deep in conversation. At that momnet the delegation of Frenchmen left the ship, and Tommy broke from confidance and slipped down the gang plank after them. Bill didn't even feel the pipe fall from his mouth. He stormed across the deck and seized him by the collar spinning him around and landed a solid blow to his chin. Jonas fell to his knees. "What in the nine hells is going on here!" roared Bill "Please Billt it weren't my fault, it were all Tommy's doin'!" "What were Tommy's doin'?" "I can't, he'll do me if'n I tell" "So help me the sharks'll have ye if'n ye don't" Meanwhile the man who had been calling himself Thomas Halsey worked his way through the crowd towards the group of french officers headed towards the corvette at anchor a short distance away. Reaching them he called out " Pardon' moi, Capitaine Fournier? A moment of your time si vous plait..." As the trio turned to face him Robspierre Gaultier reached inside his just-au-corps and produced the papers identifying him as an agent of the crown of France " Il y a une petite question de securite' nationale nous avons besoin de discuter, c'est de l'importance extreme"
  17. Bill moved aside as bidden. As the man began ministrating to Nathan Bill was certain he heard the door to the galley open. Knowing that was where the surgeon and captain had repaired to he concluded that their business was finished and went to seek William out. Nathan mumbled weakly "Billy.....please.....don't leave...leave me here with the frenchies" Bill couldn't rightly blame the lad for his prejudices, after all Nathan was only six when King Williams war had broken out and he'd seen his entire family fall under the tomahawk. Bill himself was no stranger to the violence the French and Algonquin had wrought all over New England, but try as he might he could not bring himself to hate an entire nation based on the actions of a few. Though admittedly he was always distrustful of anyone in a french uniform.....or those who kept their company with such, and he never went into the woods if he could help it. "You hush now matey, saves yer stremf, ye be needin' in the days ahead" Nathan moaned once more in protest then fell silent. Assured that Nathan was in capable hands he strode into the corridor to seek Captain Brand. In doing so he nearly trampled a small girl in the passageway. Muttering an apology his eyes sought the captains "Ye be wantin' a word wit me sar?"
  18. Bill regained his senses enough to realize the lady doctor had left and the gentleman had sat down at the small desk occupying the room. The man was beginning to unerve Bill. "What in the nine hell's he starin' at?" thought Bill. He sorely wished his weapons were not in the armoury at the moment. Bill's skill with his hands was unmatched thus far, but he would prefered to at least have his small knife. He began to scan the room for anything to be used as a weapon in case this got ugly. Just then his train of thought was interrupted as Nathan emptied his guts into the nearest catch bucket.
  19. Just as Bill issued the query Captain Brand appeared. He addressed the woman standing behind the man Bill had taken for the surgeon. When he called her doctor both Bill and Nathan's jaws hit the floor. Bill was so stunned that it barely registered that William had spoken to him. "Whu...uh, Aye sar, standing fast" This was turning out to be a very strange day. He hoped what ever it was the captain wanted it would be quick, he still meant to have words with Tommy and Jonas.
  20. Bill looked up as the man and woman entered the room. After a moment he recognized the man as the one he'd seen with the French officer earlier, the woman he'd never seen before. He swallowed hard if he was french this was going to be interesting, while Bill bore no ill will towards any man based on his nation, Nathan on the other hand was terrified of the French. Bill gathered his breath, wet his lips and spoke "Beggin' yer pardon sar, but might ye be the surgeon?"
  21. " It be a pleasure makin' yer graces Ciaran, I still intend to have a word with 'em." "Aye Mr. Gage, I don't believe Nathan's feelin' too well. I've known Nathan nearly all me life, grew up together in the colonies we did. He's always been a stout lad, if'n he's under the weather sure'n it's not a good sign." " I don't suppose I kin trouble ye fer another fill of me tankard? And has anyone seen the surgeon?"
  22. Bill heard the conversation drifting from the port side galley and left Nathan to await the surgeon. "Believe I kin be answerin' that fer ya matey" "They be two o' mine, we was sunk by the French and an woun' up on the island. Cap'n Brand seen fit te have us aboard. Please accept me humble apologies fer ther lack o' manners. I'll be havin' words wit 'em"
  23. Arrr, Well met Cap'n Stifler. It be me pleasure te be the first te welcome ye. A little tradition we observes here: The next round be on ye. Ray, that be the fella behind the bar, a tankard o' grog on Cap'n Stiflers purse fer me if ye please.
  24. The four men followed Mr. Gage to the armoury in silence. Bill didn't like giving up his arms, especially when he felt danger so near by, but orders were orders and he did seek to make a good impression with the Cap'n and the rest of the crew. His uneasy feeling continued to persist, and now he was certain that either Jonas or Tommy, or both were in league with the enemy. He had played over all the evidence in his mind. Jonas upon hearing Bill's plan had been adamant that they not leave the ship and the French were in the area. Jonas had never been one to whine or question Bill's orders. Then there was the attack by the french. No man had left his station during the attack, yet when he had given the order to go over the side the long boat he found himself in with Tommy and the others was already prepared to leave. Further more how had Tommy known that Henry had been captured? And Bill didn't entirely believe the story regarding Jeffery's death. The disease didn't sound like anything they had encountered so far, he decided to question Tommy and get more detail from him. He would then cross refernce the information with the ships surgeon. Speaking of the surgeon he decided it would probably be wise to take Nathan to the infirmary, the lad looked even paler than he had an hour ago.
  25. Bill started to follow the others into the galley but paused. He wasn't all that hungry and that gut feeling was still nagging at him, in addition he was developing a headache from Jonas' incessant whining about the escape plan. Of late he'd been getting alot bad portents about the events surrounding his arrival on the island. It seemed rather convenient that the French should have interdicted the Dreadnaught with enough firepower to overwhelm the crew and send her to the bottom, hell it seemed more than happenstance that the French had found them at all. They'd been operating with impunity all over the Carribean wrecking merry hell on all enemy shipping to be found. They'd stuck to their orders and attacked only military targets, merchantmen were best left to the privateers anyways, then the queer order to push south and the French had been waiting it seemed. And Now they were here. More and more Bill suspected a spy. But who? Certainly not Nathan, he'd known Nathan forever as they had grown up in the colonies. Henry was this very second a prisoner of the Spanish, but that could a trick to lure the rest out of hiding in an ill advised rescue attempt. Then again Tommy was the only one who'd known he was jailed. More likely it was Tommy or Jonas. Both had been acting rather peculiar of late. But if they were acting with the French, how and why? Bill rethought his earlier plan. Perhaps it was best to stay on with the Watch Dog and get to the bottom of this, besides Nathan didn't look too well and Bill didn't wish to risk travelling him. For now Bill decided he must keep to himself and watch and listen. He sat down in the galley to think on it over a tankard of grog.
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