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Bloody Bill Flint

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Everything posted by Bloody Bill Flint

  1. The Captain's name is something like "Blackheart"
  2. My name is William Flint. I am what most of you would call a colonial. Alas these are troubled times in the new world. The hostilities in Europe have found their way to our shores. Not a week goes by that Acadian and New Englander do not visit cruelties upon each other. I am brother to the Five Great Nations of the Iroquois Confederacy and, a gunsmith by trade. I had been visiting relatives in Boston when it just so happened that a frigate of the Royal Navy was making berth. The press gang accosted myself and a companion on the way home from the pub. When we were taken we had been wearing buckskins. Not an unusual fashion in the colonies, but to the jack tars who were now our shipmates they may as well have been asked to bunk with John Merrick. So they eyed us with suspicion and pestered us with questions, particulary about the red color of my leggings. Natahn couldn't resist telling them that the hue was achieved by soaking them in the blood of one's enemies. This instigated a brawl which brought us to the attention of one W.F. Colquhoun, the master of the ship's marines. He secured positions for us in his company away from the common tars and their cat wielding officers. While patrolling the southern Atlantic we were beset by a pair of French ships and sunk. Nathan, myself and a few others managed to launch a longboat before she went down and slipped away in the smoke and fire. We drifted destitute for days without food nor water til Neptune deposited us on La Margarita. It was here that I made the accquaintance of Captain William Brand, master of The Watch Dog. And so it is that I find myself a privateer of the French crown with untold adventures before me.
  3. Happy Birthday Shipmate May the roof above our heads never fall in May we friends gathered here below never fall out Slainte`!
  4. Happy Birthday shipmate.
  5. Bill Flint helped haul in the sail at the Quartermaster's orders. His thoughts drifted to making landfall. Not at Martinique and frittering away his pay like most of the rest of the crew was thinking. His mind was on the island ahead of them. He was eager to set up a forge and begin repairing the many weapons that needed to be serviced. Bill was truly happiest when at the craft his father had taught him: crafting weapons. He choked up a little as he thought of his father and wondered if he'd ever see the old man again. He and Nathan had been taken in the night on their way home from the pub, so he was certain the elder Flint must be sick with grief wondering what had become of his son.
  6. Nathan continued to hold Murin in his gaze, 'What a lovely girl' he thought to himself. It almost pained him to break the serene silence between them, but still he spoke. "Now then, are you ready to begin learning your way around a ship?"
  7. Nathan breathed a sigh of relief, he'd seen his share of fights but he had no desire to face down Hingerty, who easily outweighed him by several pounds and stood a good head taller than himself, especially when it was two against one. Turning back upon his course he found himself faced with the huge, crossed arms of his friend Bill Flint. The Redlegs beamed down at him with his usual smile. "Can't seem to keep you out of trouble can we corporal?" Nathan could never fathom how a man of Bill's size had ever learned to be so stealthy, but then again he'd practically been raised by The Mohawks. Nathan's adopted people however, The Tuscarora, were a costal people and had never found need, living as they did off The Sea's bounty, to posess the skills to stalk prey through the forrest. Flint's tone indicated he had been joking and not at all serious, but the altercatrion had left Bly in a foul mood. "Devil take you William Flint." The use of his given name brought him up sort. He fixed Nathan with an inquiring eye. "What's all this?" "I'm fine, leave me be." "Have it your way mate." Flint turned and headed towards the quarter deck, those in his path parting before him like the Red Sea to Moses. Nathan stewed on his thoughts. He'd been back on his feet less than a two days and he already had enemies among the crew. Three that he knew of off hand, and mayhaps a few more. This darkened his attitude further. He knew what would make him feel better. Spending a little time with that lovely Irish lass Murin. He felt himself inexplicably drawn to her and she filled many of his waking thoughts. A smile fixed upon his face, he headed below decks.
  8. Feeling much recovered, Nathan Bly sought to make his place amongst the crew. He wandered the weather deck lending a hand here and there, learning all he could about his new surroundings and fellows. He had saw Jonas McCormick amongst a gun crew and kept a half an eye on the man. Feeling that the proper place for a former Marine would be amongst the rigging he had learned that the man Ciaran was the one to see if he was interested in becoming a lookout. His ears also drank in the many rumors that floated about the ship, particularly those concerning the recently accquired treasure. "Aye that new hand Flint were the first te 'ave at the box" "Aye and with them burglar's skills 'oose te say he ain't squirreled away a few extra coin fer 'imself" "Ah come off it now mate, ye know the Cap'n would'n stan fer that" "Would'na stan fer it!? 'E's got a whole box o' dem coins fer isself, gave one o' 'em to that tar McCormick." "Aye that 'e did, saw it meself ." This was not safe talk, Nathan decided it best to bring this to the Quartermaster's attention. But before he could slip away.... "You there!," a voice boomed "Ain't you Flint's man?" Uh oh, not good.........
  9. Bill Flint stood upon the quarter deck enjoying a pipe before beginning his watch. He hadn't failed to notice Jonas McCormick being escorted from the cable tier, nor did the icy look the man gave him as he passed below escape him either. He was just about to return to his private thoughts when Nathan Bly materialized before him. "Billy I just saw.." "I know lad I know" "What do ye make of it?" "that be the Cap'n's business corporal" "What should we do?" "What should we do? We shall do nothing, I 've given my word that I'll not put a hand to him. If Cap'n Brand wishes to give that wharf rat the run of his ship then more power to him." "But if he should intend harm to the crew?" Bill took a pull of his pipe, his eyes never leaving the younger man's slowly he exhaled. "Then he'll be in hell five minutes before he knows he's dead."
  10. "Not to worry about the sword Mr. Lasseter, soon as we build a forge we'll have her good as new." Bill said. "But for now I'm afraid the old girl'll have to suffer a few more indignaties, my apologies in advance sir." And with those words he laid hands on a nearby rock and began pounding at one of the broken ends to the amazement and shock of all who observed. "What the Devil's he doin'?" someone wondered aloud. Bill's purpose was singular. Get that bloody lock off the strong box they had recovered in the cavern. Having given the sword a most undignafied treatment he procured two slivers of metal. He sat on his haunches before the box, offered a silent prayer begging forgivness for using such an unsavory set of skills and went promptly to work picking the lock. After several minutes of manipulation, cutting his fingers on his improvised picks, and genrally cursing in a manner that would have made Old Roger blush with shame, the lock fell away with an ominous click. Slowly Flint pried the lid open. the sight that greated him made his eyes widen and his jaw go slack. Slowly he turned his head towards William, his gaze never leaving the chest's interior. In an almost unaudible whisper "Beggin the Captains pardon, but I believe you should see this sir"
  11. The Redlegs shook some water from his ears. He bent at the waist midst the tidal pool to remove his uniform boots. He emptied them back into the pool and reguarded the rest of his attire, which was surely ruined. "Pity" was his only comment. Regarding now his master and commander he spoke. "I believe Monsiuer Chanault is somewhere up ahead awaitng us to catch up to him, and I'm inclined to believe Mr. Lasseter awaits as well with quite a story for us, Methinks this will call for the odd celebration tonight"
  12. Bill arrived to find to find Nathan embracing the Irish girl. His mouth opened to lay on a scolding when he realized the boy was comforting rather than ravishing her. He muttered a half hearted apology for interrupting them and began to pack medical supplies to send ashore with the surgeon.
  13. Bill had scarce reached his hammock when the shouting began. Realizing there would be no time to change out of his uniform he reversed course and headed for the weather deck to render any assistance that proved necessary. Nathan Bly headed out into the passage way, his mission to find Captain Brand and inform him of the sad occurence. In the passageway he ran into his friend Billy Flint. "Billy, sumthin's happened with the lady" "Murin!? What's wrong!?" "No, her companion, Ana." His mouth set in a grim line and the Redlegs knew at once what the boy ment to say. Nathan's voice quivered "I feel so terribly for her Billy" Knowing Nathan Bly as well as he did Bill understood the double meaning of those last words. He nodded, "Go see to her Nathan, I'm sure she'd appreciate a strong shoulder right now, I'll go inform the Captain." Nathan nodded and returned to the surgery. Bill strode purposefully onto the upper deck, the heavy metal gorget marking him as the sergeant of marines aboard his former ship banging against his chest. Amid the chaos he sought William out. Finding his captain he came to halt at parade rest before him. "Captain I realize that now is an inopportune moment, but tis my duty to inform you that we've had an unfortunate occurence in the surgery."
  14. Flint cleared his throat and regarded his companions. "Well then Mister Bly, tis nearly my watch and I must divest meself of this peacocks finery. I'll leave you to attend our young miss here. Mind ye now that neither of you stays over long in this weather." Thus exscusing himself he proceeded below decks to remove his uniform and attend to the patients in the surgery before taking his watch.
  15. The trio arrived topside, and many paused momentarily in their work to look upon the strange group. For indeed they did make quite a sight, two marines of The Royal Navy dressed in full uniform and an Irish castaway in a blanket. The Redlegs set his face to a serious tone and strode ahead of his companions to where the Doctor waited. Stopping in front of her with a smart click of his boot heels he rendered a sharp salute, then cleared his throat and loudly announced "Corporal Nathan Bly and Miss Murin McDonough", as if they were a couple attending a grand ball. He then stood ramrod straight at attention by the Surgeon's side while the two approached. Nathan couldn't help but fall over laughing on the deck at Bill's antics. Bill feigned shock at his friends behavior and chided "Come now man, that is simply not how one behaves when escorting a young lady, on your feet!" Nathan simply howled with laughter "C'mon Billy, stop it m'sides are beginin' to ache" At this point Bill ceased his play acting and helped his mate off the deck and then the three of them joined Jacquelyn at the rail.
  16. Flint smiled broadly at is companion. "Capital idea dear Doctor". Turning smartly on his heel he proceeded below decks. He first made way to his berth and dressed in the remainder of his uniform and then retrieved Nathan's. That being done he hurried to the surgery to find his friend and the Irish girl. Opening the hatch to the infirmary he beamed his brightest smile and tossed Nathan's uniform in his lap. "Hello Billy," Nathan said with a grin,"What's this then?" Bill chuckled," Get dressed corproral, you're to proceed topside for some fresh air, Doctor's orders, move along then, smartly now". Turning to Murin, Bill removed his tricorn and bowed deeply at the waist. "If'n it please milady, you're presence is also requested and I must say we'd be most happy to have your company". At this he cast Nathan a mischievious eye. Nathan caught the look and grinned "Well I suppose tis no use arguin' if'n it be the Doctors orders."
  17. Here be a proper look at me arms. As I said before, they're not period, but they're all I have at the moment.
  18. The Redlegs scratched his chin and regarded his shipmate. He immediately keened to the unspoken implication that she was quite finished talking about her past, and that further query was unwelcomed. "If ye've nothing more te ask of me, then perhaps we'd best see to our patients". he offered brightly. "And mayhaps a wee nip of the creature."he added slyly, casting her a knowing grin.
  19. Bill chuckled "We were kidnapped by a press gang from The Dreadnaught while it was at anchor in Boston where my father had settled to do busniness as a gun smith, a trade he hadned on to me. Nathan and meself were in town fer a visit, when he suggested we go to a local tavern where he was sweet on one o' the serving wenches. After a night o' carousin' we headed to bed when we were accosted by the sailors. We were both drunk and in no position to resist and in short order found ourselves bound for New Providence. Mind ye now Nathan and I were both dressed in our skins, which isn't an uncommon fashion in the colonies, when we were taken so we posed something of an oddity to the crew who felt that they simply must extort us for all our worldly posessions. So they came at us in a large group, but Nathan and I managed to fight them off. The leader of the Marine detachment, a Leftenant Colquhoun, saw the goings on and insisted we be transferred to his command and thus Nathan and I were made Marines of the Royal Navy." He tapped out his pipe over the side "Now, supposin' ye tell me a bit more about yer own self and how ye came to be aboard the Dog?"
  20. Bill cast a grin at his shipmate. "You've nothing to be ashamed of mon ami, there are still many in New France I would call friend. Though I do find it bothersome that I must greet any strange Acadian with a leveled rifle rather than a hearty 'Bonjour'." He took a moment to light his pipe before speaking again. "My father were a dear friend of Ongeswasgone (Un -guess-wass-go-neh) a great leader of the Kanien'kehake (Ka-nayn-eh-ha-kay) people. It means 'People of the Flint'. So I suppose one could say I am The Flint of the People." Bill grinned at his small joke. "As result of this friendship I be brother to the people. In the tounge of their enemies they are called Mohawk and this is how you will hear them referred to in the colonies. I spent most of my youth with them, their lands are called 'Akwesasne' (Ah-wuh-saz-nuh), 'Where The Partridge beats It's wings'. In summer we lived along the great river 'Kaniatarakeh' (Kanah-ta-raw-hey) {which we know today as the St. Lawrence Seaway between northern New York and southern Ontario}. It is a place near the great lake called Ontario, and in the winter we lived in the great valley to the south. We have no name for this place, it is simply our home." He took a long pull on his pipe and collected his thoughts before continuing the lesson. "The people are one of a league of five great nations. There are actually six , but for tradition's sake they are still known as the five. They are The Seneca, The Oneida, The Cayuga, The Onondaga, and The Tuscarora. The League is seen as a great family and their many lands seen as a great house. The Mohawk in the east are called 'the eastern doorkeepers'. The Seneca, a people very much like the Mohawk, are 'the western doorkeepers'. This is so because they are the strongest two nations of the league and it is their place to defend the others. The Onondaga are great healers and caregivers to the others, for this they are 'the firekeepers'. The Oneida and the Cayuga are great craftsmen both, but small in number. They must be protected most of all that is why they are called 'the little brothers'. The Tuscarora are a people of the sea, they are the last to join the family so they are 'the adopted brothers'. Nathan has spent much time among them and is their brother." Bill scratched the back of his head absently and took another deep pull of his pipe. "What else would you know my friend?"
  21. Bill smiled ruefully. "there were a time, not overly long ago, but long enough in the minds of most when the people of New England called the Acadians friend." he paused for effect then continued. "Aye that was the way o' it. Hunted and fished together we did and a good life it were too. But as the old sayin' goes 'All good things must come to an end'. When trouble brewed in the old world, rabble rousers loyal to their bloody monarchs caused unrest for us and forced the breach of peace we now enjoy." His smile turned to a frown. " And most sorrowful of all we've dragged our beloved brothers, the red men, into the fray."
  22. Bill chuckled. "Aye. Nathan's always had an eye fer the girls." His smile broandend a bit more "De couler mon cher Médecin, je serais enchanté pour vous escorter autour du pont météorologique " Offering his arm "Shall we"?
  23. Bill was just finishing his pipe, when the landing party assembled on the deck. He noticed Chanault amongst them and decided instantly to inquire if the Surgeon would need a replacment assistant temporarily. Not that Bill thought her at all incapable of running the infirmary single-handedly, it was just the right thing to do. Heading below decks he poked his head through the surgery door. "Le bon matin mon ami. Je ne pourrais pas aider mais pourrais remarquer que Raphael prend le partir de nous temporairement si j'ai pensé j'offrirais de servir dans sa place jusqu'à ce qu'il retourne. "
  24. Having spent most of the night enjoying the works of The Bard, Bill was up well before his watch. Feeling not the least bit fatigued he settled to go above decks and enjoy a pipe. For protection from the elements he selected his Marine's just-au-corps. Tying his NCO's sash about his waste he collected his fatigue cap along with pipe and pouch and proceeded to the weather deck. Along the way he passed his mate Eric Franklin who was soaked to the bone. He immediately did an about face and proceeded to procure some hot coffee for his soggy friend. Once the warming brew was in Eric's posession he returned to his original purpose. When he arrived topside he noted that the rain had lessened somewhat. Mayhaps Nathan could soon be brought up to enjoy the fresh air. As he stared in the direction of the island his thoughts wandered to the work ahead of building a forge and repairing the damaged firearms.
  25. Here's my arms. Not piratical in nature, but they're all I have at the moment http://myspace-292.vo.llnwd.net/00746/29/2...746194292_l.jpg
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