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Zephaniah W Nash

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Everything posted by Zephaniah W Nash

  1. I'd talked myself into investing in the doglock pistol from Middlesex with some of my stimulus check, and wouldn't you know it, they don't have any in stock. I just this very morning put myself on their waiting list for one, so if I haven't had to spend the money on something silly like a mortgage or to buy gas in the meantime...
  2. Merry-- Consider that sketch to do with as you will -- surely there's a real artist hereabouts that can make it a better t-shirt design.
  3. I got myself the 2-liter version of the bootlegger's kit from Thousand Oaks. The barrel, though small (obviously, for 2 liters) seems to be pretty decent quality. I've got water in it now to seal it up, and I'll put a liter of cheap vodka along with the dark rum essence bottle. It claims to be comparable to Capt. Morgan's Dark rum, so I'll buy a bottle of that at the same time, and run a taste-test after it's set for a couple of weeks. Will post results here at that time...
  4. Here's a general idea -- with a couple of caveats. First, it'll take a better artist than I to do it well, but this will maybe give an idea. Secondly, the muzzles of the guns should likely be larger, rounder, and put into... strategic locations -- I'm sure you all know what I mean...
  5. I'll do no boo-hooin, but I'll expect you to let me know what I can do when I can do it. My good thoughts go out to you regardless -- and if you think of something concrete I can do for you, all it takes is asking...
  6. Sure you didn't mis-read it, Silkie...? The five-liter barrel at Thousand Oaks is only $59.95... Or maybe you added shipping? The prices are still high, but lower than most others I've seen, for something other than purely decorative. And I'm with Oderless, I'm seriously considering the dark rum kit...
  7. I came across a vendor with barrels at our local Ren faire, and was wondering if anyone here has used them, or heard anything about 'em... Swish Barrel and/or Thousand Oaks Barrel Co. Both companies use the same barrels, or they are both outlets for the same manufacturer. They look good -- although sized in liters which I'm not used to. They also have the "bootleg kits" in which one can supposedly turn grain alcohol or neutral vodka into something similar to "top shelf liquors," which I'm almost afraid to admit interests me, a bit. Any info would be appreciated -- else I may have to invest next weekend at the faire and do my own dang research.
  8. MadL-- Aye, and if ye look close, ye'll note I sold the button holes as well. I believe in making every penny I can from me plunderin'... Actually, I'm still torn amongst what buttons are available to decide just what I want. I did note I'm still getting there -- and working on a waistcoat at this point, so...
  9. My wife and I bought each other BK&S swords for our anniversary a couple years back -- these happen to be our very favorite swords: Mine is the top, hers is the bottom...
  10. The shoes are those from Museum Replicas, that in that particular thread I wasn't going to buy -- I changed my mind, to mixed results (I've already had to do some fairly serious repair-work on them, after only two full days of wear). And surely Matt wouldn't be biased in his opinion of that particular sword...?
  11. I'm not sure if this should go here, or what is essentially the same thread on Rabble Rousing, but I'll opt for here, 'cuz I'm already here. The garb still isn't all it should be, but it's getting there...
  12. I'm lucky in that, for the most part, I live and work at the same place -- one of the few good points to farming and ranching, very little gas to and from work. Diesel prices to run the farm equipment, though... It's looking like we'll be relying on volunteer crops this year to avoid plowing prices. And, beef prices are up. We also have some revenue coming in from natural gas wells, so on that end, the higher energy prices go, the better off we are. In the winter months, it was also right nice that we get our natural gas for free, so heating the place costs nothing. Summer is coming, though, and we haven't invested in one of those natural gas air conditioners just yet, so that could be pretty painful.
  13. Supposedly -- and I've not seen this myself, just read about references to it -- it wasn't completely unheard of for two rapiers to be used at once. Granted, the time period is way off, but I've read about references in some of the old fighting manuals which taught fighting with and against two rapiers, so fighting with two long blades may not be a completely Hollywood or SCA thing. Just some of that useless info rattling around in my noggin...
  14. Brother, if I can quit smoking -- and stay married -- you can kick pain meds. Tell you what, when needed, just type up a random attack and aim it at me. It may make you feel better, and my feelings aren't easy to hurt. Just, y'know, keep it above the belt, metaphorically speaking. Best of luck to you, my good thoughts are with you.
  15. I'm sending all the good thoughts and hopes I got in me to you, Merrydeath.
  16. This happens upon a pet peeve of my own. Away back when I was in high school -- and apparently even more so now -- the Confederate States are portrayed as unremittingly evil because they supposedly were "fighting to keep slaves," and that the Enlightened North was fighting solely to end slavery. They weren't. Neither side was wholly in the right, nor wholly in the wrong. More than once have I been accused of racism for daring to suggest that the Civil War wasn't about slavery and slavery alone. Of course, there is the other side of the coin which tries to portray Southerners as misunderstood and mistreated innocents. This is just as wrong as the so-called "politically correct" history books, and neither tale does justice to the actual history. End of rant.
  17. Well, the cows don't tend to care too much just how pyratical I look, but I did wear my new cocked hat for a few hours on the tractor the other day while rebuilding my driveway and road... Which I'll have to do again after the flooding today...
  18. My congratulations to the both of ye! I'm going on twelve years of wedded bliss this year -- the first step to that is getting engaged. Er, usually... And if it does look like a pyrate wedding, I am an ordained minister. Just sayin'...
  19. This is a very rough idea of what I'm planning: Pirate Ship It's mainly to show a basic floorplan and elevation (an architect I ain't). I'll put guardrails and such on the finished product, of course. I'm also up in the air about exactly how I'm going to build it, whether to frame it out and use 2"x12" decking, either on a wood frame or angle iron, or put it all together out of 4"x6" landscaping timber (I've been offered a pretty good pile of 'em just to haul 'em off, just don't know how good they are or how many exactly). Of course, it may be a while before I get to start, and it may need more of a carpenter than I am, but that's the general plan. Feel free to use it, improve it, or tell me just how wrong I am on it...
  20. For those following it, I've added more pics at the girl's page. We're hoping that by Texas Ren Faire, we'll have 'em garbed and such. :angry:
  21. I've been planning a project along these lines myself. I've been scratching out some version of plans, but I'll take a look at those Perkeo posted -- thanks for that, by the way -- and see what I can put together.
  22. Here's one I doodled up recently, in the "classical" white on black. I'm also leaning towards a black on red version... In the interests of full disclosure, this started as a vague idea for a new tattoo, and just didn't stop.
  23. Got a few more pictures here, and will add more as more get taken and out of the camera. They don't know it yet, but they should be a big hit at faires and other events, once I get time to do some sewing. Wee little slops are in the works...
  24. So I'm sure I haven't mentioned it over a dozen times here, but my sister has finally managed to get her adoption through. They're in town for the week (just the girls now, but my sister will be here as well on Friday), so the excitement has started. Just wanted to share a few of the early pics... The adoption announcement: Abby and Gwen (or, as the girls call her, Ven): Annie in her Grandma's (my Mom) lap: And meeting the deer: I'm sure there will be a ton more pics, but will likely keep most of them on MySpace or sommat, so as to keep from eating up all the bandwidth here. And maybe by the end of the week, their crazy aunt and uncle will have 'em in pyrate garb -- we'll see.
  25. I know I'm raising a really old thread from the dead -- but we're actually moved into the house as of tonight! Only about a quarter moved, I guess (bedroom and living room stuff), and the house isn't really done yet (lots of painting to do, yet, and fix the oven) but us and the cats and the deer are officially moved -- okay, the deer does whatever she wants, but still... Yay!
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