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Zephaniah W Nash

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Everything posted by Zephaniah W Nash

  1. Without going into too much detail... Five pounds of leftover confetti nicely fills the floorboard - up to seat level - of a jeep. 100 leftover helium-filled balloons nicely fill a smallish office. When you have access to a flyrail (that conglomeration of ropes/pulleys that make curtains go up and down) every actor better show up early to check their props. Fishing line makes little rubber mice jump out of their hidey-holes when doors/drawers/copiers are opened.
  2. I didn't see a thread on this, and it's likely nothing new to anyone here, but still... I've been making a pile of fake historical documents (not forgeries, just... facsimiles), and thought I might share it here. I've particularly been leaning towards letters of marque and other nautical items. Once you find the text you're looking for (easy to do with a Google search) just print it with a regular printer. I've found that some of the better-looking fonts (if they happen to be available on your word processor) are Blackadder ITC, French Script MT, Bradley Hand ITC, and Vivaldi. For some added exotic-ness, run the text through an online translator (also easily found with a Google). The translations are usually pretty bad as far as language goes, but it looks nice. Soak the printed document in some coffee and water (about half-n-half, the way I brew coffee) for fifteen to twenty minutes, then let it dry. For a seal (especially to make those letters of marque more official) burn one of your colored candles for a bit, pour some of the wax onto the document - after it's dried out completely - and press a button with some sort of embossing onto it. They won't pass any real scrutiny, but make a nice prop...
  3. Hopefully this will work... photos
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