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Everything posted by Dead_Men_Tell_No_Tales

  1. Nay, it's a Sailor Jerry Swallow tattoo.
  2. Imagine had she yelled "Get your hands off my melons!"
  3. Sounds like a winner to me, I'd like to see a series of novels about this character, The Black Rose.... sounds like she would keep the interest of any seafaring soldier of fortune. Mysterious, supernatural, sexy, what more could any female loving pirate ask for? Screw Jack (not literally you wenches), save The Black Rose for the rest of us... why not bring this character to life on parchment so we can read of her adventures... sign me up for the first copy!
  4. Well the seas cast me adrift fer a time but I found me way back.... hope all is well with all here. A round for all from Dead_Men, drink up and tell me what has been happening around the pub since I've been adrift. Personally, I got a new tattoo.
  5. I noticed a wee slowdown as well.... darn servers and net congestion are usually to blame.... can also help from time to time to run the optimize feature for the forum database, although this doesn't correct server issues it helps make things run a bit faster from day to day. On my own forum I generally prune old forum topics as well if there are no replies over a reasonable amount of time (ie. 60 days) except for informational forums, and trim the member database leaving only those active members who have posted at least once in a 60 day period. Keeps the database small and quicker to search. Not saying this is something the admin here wish to do, just a point I thought I'd mention. I just got a new high speed modem as well, had to switch my paradyne in for a speedstream 6520.... not entirely sure it was a good trade, time will tell I guess. I thought the slowdown here may have been a result of the modem until I heard others were having the same issue.
  6. Greetings Miss Foxmorton and welcome aboard.... albeit a welcome thing in this age of female equality and all, 'tis my way to be buyin' a drink for the ladies and not the other way 'round, so have a seat at the table, and here's to ya... drink up lassie, and may the wind always be at yer back.
  7. "Long Live Pirating" "Pirate Forever" "Home is where ye drop anchor" "N'ere go down without a fight" "All hands on deck" "Shiver me timbers" "Davey Jone's Locker" "Fifteen men adrift at sea, all of em lost, except fer me" "The call 'o' the sea is in the wind" "If you can read this, scratch me left shoulder" "Avast ye scabbrous dogs!" "Come about and prepare to fire" "Answer the Call 'o' the sea" "A cutlass a day keeps the redcoats away" "Pieces of eight" "Where be me gold" "Cursed be he who crosses blades with a pirate"
  8. arrrr, what be wrong with Dead Men Tell No Tales? How about... "Pirate's make better lovers" No? If yer tattoo is on yer shoulder you could have it say "Parrot Parking Only".... No? What about, "Me other ship is a Galleon" "Mind if I bury me treasure in yer cave" "Why is the Rum gone?" (obvious I know) "Ahoy me hearties!" "Cutthroats 'Arrrr' Us" "No Quarter Given" "All fer me Grog" "Wind, rum, women and song" "Prepare ta be boarded" "Avast ye scurvy dogs" "Scourge of the Sea" "Arrrr ye lookin' at me booty?" "I've got me good eye on ye" I could go on lol, would help if I knew what kind of image ye be wantin' to portray.
  9. Hmmm, I don't know, that fellow looks a little boney to be Alice Cooper.... unless.... is that you on the left?
  10. Not sure of any historical accuracy, but being one who works a lot with sharp pointy things I can attest to the fact that any knife used as a tool will more often than not end up with it's tip broken anyway, since tempered steel can be brittle. If these knives were used as tools it would make more sense for it to have more of a 'chisel' tip than a pointed one. Of course I am just making this assumption and have no real 'proof' this is why, if it was factual at all that knives were de-pointed. It just seems like a more logical reason than to prevent stab wounds.
  11. Pirates only rename to .mp3 instead of .song
  12. Here's a few of the tools I use; I only use Pfeil tools (Swiss made and pronounced 'file'... come pre-sharpened from the factory) and a few Stubai (Austria, pronounced 'stoo-bye'... don't come pre-sharpened from the factory), although I do have two flexcut knives which are quite good. Just remember you have to keep em razor sharp too, so you'll also be needing a 1000/4000 X waterstone and a good leather strop with some honing compound. For the inner edges of gouges you'll need a good slipstone too. Some carvers recommend an 8000 x stone as well, but quite frankly the 4000x is plenty and the strop/compound will do just as well as the 8000x stone. I can tell you straight out, you will be frustrated with poor tools, buy the best you can, even if you only splurge on a couple at first, a nice gouge, a parting tool and a good knife will go quite far. Size is dependant on how big the carvings you intend to do are. Gouges come in many differ'nt sweeps as well.... take a peek here; http://www.woodcraft.com/depts.aspx?DeptID=2263 Although you can likely find a dealer in your area. PS.... yes, those ARE dental picks to the far right.
  13. Will have to snap a pic of it... it's a 16" brakedrum welded onto a tripod made from rebar, the holes are welded shut except fer the center where a piece of 2" pipe is welded in, then a 'T' with a straight drop tube with a flapper for an ash dump, and a 90 degree pipe off the 'T' for the blower. Will get some pics for you tho. I haven't done any intricate carving on a handle, but I do make the handles by hand as well. The blades pictured have handles made from 'bubinga'. All my rough work is done on a piece of steel flatbar the width, thickness and length I want the blade to be, the rough shape is drawn out and then I take an angle grinder with a 120-80 grit flapdisk to rip away the mild steel and shape the blade and tang, next comes the rough tapering of the cutting edge.... same tool. I keep going with finer disks to refine the blade. Once I get it the way I want I decide if I want to harden it, temper it, leave it as is etc..... depends on the application. The handle/ handguard are done last but the handguard is permanently welded to the tang for strength. It's really not that hard if you are good with a grinder and not inclined to burn yourself on hot things... assuming you want to heat-treat it. Unless you actually plan to cut something with it, or cross blades there isn't much point. If it's just for a 'hanger' (on your wall) you can leave the blade as is.
  14. Here is another of my hobbies.... even made my own forge out of a 16 inch truck brakedrum lol.
  15. Three pirates had a bit 'o' bad luck and were drifting aimlessly at sea after their ship went down and were near death. Suddenly a bottle floated up beside the boat and one of the pirates snatched it up thinking it was rum. Upon opening the bottle a genie came out in a plume of blue smoke. "I am the genie of the sea" said he, and for freeing me I will grant each of you a wish. The first pirate cried out, "I wish I were in Tortuga and rich".... *poof* he disappeared and reappeared in tortuga, filthy rich. The second pirate cried out "I wish I were in Tortuga also, and rich"... *poof*.... same thing. "And now for your wish", said the genie to the third pirate. "Well.... it sure is lonely here in this boat now that my two mates are gone.... I sure wish they was back here with me".
  16. Those two fellows be carved from poplar, a member of the aspen family... I like to work with birch also. Not carvings of anyone in particular, just my own interpretation.
  17. Thank ye for your kind words.... would be a true pleasure to carve a ship's figurehead too.... the master carver who taught me did a beauty of King Neptune. I think the secret to leavin' the pressures behind is taking the time to do things like this.... we all need a means to express ourselves and just get lost in the moment for a few hours.
  18. Just thought I'd share a couple of my carvings... plan on doing a pirate next. Just another extention of my love for handling sharp pointy things. Early stages; Finished;
  19. You don't ship to Canada?
  20. Well if you were a golden fool you would have the title Notorious Pyrite... would ye not? Somehow bilge rat seems a bit more comforting for the moment... amazing how loyal rats can be to one another.... I suddenly got a mental image of a bunny with her crack up... er, cracked up bunny I meant to say... yessssss, that's it! Must choose yer words wisely to avoid uneccessary misunderstandings eh? Now... I have a mental image to enjoy....
  21. Damn those bastard doctors, they should all be shot!!!
  22. Aye, balls 'o' lead be a thing to avoid for sure, but also lest ye not allow yerself to be takin' in by the ol' pirate charm lass, fer it can be far more deadly than any blade... eh?
  23. I own and operate, along with other dedicated people a forum about witchcraft and modern paganism at; Well...here Although I myself have no religious beliefs persay, nor no belief in any God, which makes me a true heathen.... I identify with modern paganism in the sense that I feel nature is the only rule... we are who we are, we must do what we must do, and to hell with those who think otherwise. Hell..... that's a joke son.... no religious beliefs.. right?
  24. Work 'officially' in electronics, amusement industry for the last 17 years but drifting into pyrotechnics and electro-mechanical, ie. animatronics. Hoping to get mainly into special effects for the film industry. Not trying to be 'high' on myself, but I can do almost anything technical I set my mind to but get bored really quick... need something exciting and constantly changing to keep me interested.
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