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Capt. Sterling

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Everything posted by Capt. Sterling

  1. E. Cobham Brewer 1810–1897. Dictionary of Phrase and Fable. 1898. Miss, Mistress, Mrs. (masteress, lady-master). Miss used to be written Mis, and is the first syllable of Mistress; Mrs. is the contraction of mistress, called Mis’ess. Even in the reign of George II. unmarried ladies used to be styled Mrs.; as, Mrs. Lepel, Mrs. Bellenden, Mrs. Blount, all unmarried ladies. (See Pope’s Letters.) 1 Early in Charles II.’s reign, Evelyn tells us that “lewd women began to be styled Misse;” now Mistress is more frequently applied to them. (See LAD.)
  2. Hmmm lovely photo... that should help anyone's winter doldrums.
  3. New York Times Article Click on view full article
  4. Willie says he wants a ball in his Easter basket, forget the eggs.
  5. Oh ye can tell him all ye want as to where ye live... he will either never find it any way, or it will take him so long to find it, ye will have moved on from old age...
  6. Aye tis true indeed. I have it and some of their vocabulary gives me a bleedin headache...
  7. thanks Nell that would be greatly appreciated!!
  8. Sweeping the beach Nell? OUCH... with one good shot this stuff is going to go flying all about... really I think the main thing is to ask Harry first, then some how come up with a plan to contain it as much as possible. I could suggest using a facility with a floor which would be far easier to control, but then the spectators are limited... unless any brawls with glass breakage ended up on the fort wall or some such place...
  9. My concern is that with plastic and finding all the shards... this stuff, unlike the sugar glass, doesn't sound if it will break down with time. So missing shards remain a problem...
  10. Honestly a cooler should do the trick down there... we have never had to refrigerate the stuff up north...
  11. Aye we have been discussing the cleaning issue as well...under normal circumstances once the stuff gets wet it isn't too much of a problem but down there and technically any where else, the issue of missing shards becomes a problem... even with sugar glass you can get a wicked cut... and spectators, especially kids picking up the remains could be a problem...
  12. Like I said before, keep them in a cooler... there is absolutely no reason why they need to be out ahead of time and basically they are too fragile to leave laying around prior to use...
  13. For PiP... if he starts now, he just might make it there on time... hopefully he won't get too distracted on the way down...
  14. Cheaper than the other stuff at what... 197 dollars a gallon not to mention the additional cost of needed items to create a mold, plus time and labor making all the bottles.
  15. Mine too, but... ahem... do I have to hug him also??
  16. Haunting Lily's Find That's my girl! Well Done!! Stick them in a cooler until we need em and maybe they won't get sticky... I bet this is one bottle Maddogge WON'T be able to break...
  17. Not sure go ask my conscience... now enough as I will get blasted for hijacking another thread...since I no longer seem to have the right to post what I like any where here ...
  18. Frankly Syren, I don't seem to be able to say anything here as of late without my own personal mods following me around and posting something about it... I'm surprised they don't follow me to WAG and Scrabble and correct my spelling... hmmm in most cases folks don't lose their right to free speech until after they lose their right to defend themselves...
  19. Dogge needs to come down to VA and learn how to blow his own at Jamestown... damn that sounds so wrong... Okay where is my personal moderator to complain?
  20. Thank ye, was a present from Momma and Poppa Ratzzi
  21. Careful there Nell what you post, big brother and sister are watching... gagged
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