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Capt. Sterling

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Posts posted by Capt. Sterling

  1. "My dear Master Hand, you must forgive me yet again," Sterling said, hearing the church bells toll. He pulled a card from the deck he kept in his pocket, and scrawled his name and the Archangel's on the card's blank back. He laid it down upon the table next to the suit. "I am truly interested in making the purchase, sir. If ye would be kind enough to send word round to me ship, regardin yer askin price, I would be most grateful and so would the lads. Now I must be takin me leave of ye, as I must away to the church for the service. I knew some of the men lost and it would not do to not pay my respects."

    With a bow, Sterling glanced once more at the all too necessary red suit and then at the tall man before him. "Perhaps another time, you will tell me yer story." And then he was off. Still uncertain as to the lay out of the land, he followed the bells, pausing only long enough to stop at the goldsmith. Hesitantly, he removed his left glove and slipped the golden band from his third finger. "How much can ye give me for this?" he asked, his voice barely loud enough to be thought even a whisper. The apprentice left in charge whilst his master had gone ahead to the church, picked up the wedding ring and looked it over, then grinned at the captain. "Havin a spat with yer good wife?" he asked impudently. Sterling felt himself bristled, the heat made him uncomfortable beyond normal, and now this pup.... "My wife died. In childbirth along with my son," he said. "I have more pressing needs such as ready coin, than to keep something such as this ring. I do not need it to remember my Anne."

    A deal struck, he had more than enough for the suit, and then perhaps, ....

    He skidded to a halt outside the church. He could already hear the service in progress. "Damn, " he whispered under his breath. "Late again!" He moved just inside the church, taking his place close to the door. Already Sir Henry was in mid speech. My word how much had he already missed? He scanned the crowd as best he could and saw several of his officers present along with Andrew March and his wife Skittles. Sterling nodded slightly as the young girl finally spotted him in the rear of the church. He watched as she leaned upward to whisper in her husband's ear and then saw Andrew gently take her hand in his. The captain watched his first officer and his lovely wife, then suddenly felt the horrible sensation of the missing wedding band. He grasped at his hand, through his gloves, where the ring no longer was. "Oh Anne, why did ye leave me?" he thought to himself. And then he could bare the heat no longer, removing the great gray beaver hat, he began to try and move the air about him.

  2. I'd have to agree with Will on this. I'd imagine for some folk the prospect of sitting and waiting for the long process of being heard and included was tiresome. Hence, they sought about other ways to make haste their Legal Piracy. As Will stated, Forgery, Bribery, connections with certain Genlemen and Ladies, etc.

    My dear Sterling... how would YOU go about it? :P

    ~Lady B


    Forgery???? ME???? :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r::lol:

  3. "My partner was a small man, so this should fit a growing boy."..

    Sterling took up the red coat with care and slowly looked it over. "This would do Master Merriweather, the elder, well indeed. It is so skillfully made, that in time it may even come to serve the younger brother as well. I hope we can come to one accord concerning it's purchase price, sir. Tell me, how come ye by it?" He looked quickly across at the other man.

    "Forgive me, I be not a suspicious man, but just one of a curious nature. I did not mean to be rude. Tis just, such a fine garment, that I would think anyone would be all too sorry to part with it."

  4. I have decided that all womens bloomers for faire are to be made with the same easy access fly mens boxer shorts have!

    Damn fine idea there mate!

    Why didn't I think of that?

    Right perfect it is!

    Ah now Richards, that is where period correct be better... there arn't no bloomers, or knickers ... what could be more easy access than just lifting a skirt?

  5. I try to write my patterns with the beginner in mind, Chaos. So the answer is "all of them". But some of them are more difficult just by virtue of their design.

    But the Waistcoat pattern is dead simple. So is the Frock Coat. The complicated ones in this time period are the women's.

    I can vouch for that! The instructions are very simple to follow and I would highly recommend trying the period correct instructions... we're talking by hand here, so it may take you a wee bit more time but well worth it... the period correct finished product IS THAT MUCH BETTER.


  6. For Sale

    1 fine brass mounted gun with French lock. Flask, Pouch and tools.

    2 felling axes

    3 sm. Axes

    1 case of knives, butcher, ripper, skinning and stone

    1 folding pocketknife

    1 sm. Brass pocket compass

    Pewter plate and spoon

    1 suit fine red wool, coat, waistcoat, and breeches (small size)

    1 Red blanket coat with Indian embroidery

    2 linen shirts

    1 pr. Breeches

    1 pr. Brass shoe buckles

    1 Bible (in French)

    Inquire at the Fox and Bull

    Patrick Hand

    And a checkerboard...

    Still no word. Knowing all too well the difficulties of catching up with the post, Sterling is never the less disappointed. The captain wanders slowly from the docks allowing himself time to explore more of the town. Acquainting himself with some of the shops, a trinket catches his eye in one particular window. A fashion baby. Not truly a doll but an item used to display the latest fashions in a smaller scale. He glances up at the sign to confirm the Mantua maker's profession. The doll, dressed in a lavender striped gown would be stunning on his Sarah. Perhaps if he could purchase just the yard goods, enough to send back to London. For a moment he thinks about pawning his wedding band. It is of no use to him now but thinking better of the entire transaction he moves on, making a note of the location of the shop. Perhaps he can return and make the purchase at another time. The notice, posted outside the Fox and Bull is the next thing to cause him to pause. Sarah will have to wait. He enters the Fox as another man exits, carrying a fine checker board. He moves to the bar.

    "Rhenish please and might I be asking the whereabouts of the gentleman, Patrick Hand, who posted the notice. "

    Hand is pointed out to him. Sterling takes up his glass after tossing a coin on the bar top, and makes his way to the small area, Mr. Hand is currently in command of.

    "Beggin yer pardon Master Hand, but I would like to make inquiries regarding the red wool suit. I have two middys to clothe, and at their ages, it seems almost an impossible task to keep them in something that fits."

  7. I'd have to agree with Will on this. I'd imagine for some folk the prospect of sitting and waiting for the long process of being heard and included was tiresome. Hence, they sought about other ways to make haste their Legal Piracy. As Will stated, Forgery, Bribery, connections with certain Genlemen and Ladies, etc.

    My dear Sterling... how would YOU go about it? B)

    ~Lady B


    Well let's see short on cash, hmmm, daughter to support, possible wife/mistress to keep in the future... creditors hounding me... hmmm, being a man of character and since I am still waiting to get into the yards for a refit... I may go the legal way.... BUT we shall see!!!

  8. okay so what would be the proper proceedure for obtaining Letters of Marque other than just sitting around the admiralty offices? were there interviews? costs? bribes? how political was such a thing? I've never really read a detailed account...


  9. Enough, Sterling thought to himself as he reckoned the value of what the Resurrection might bring at auction. She was not his prize and he knew he had no cause to even think such a thing. Had he grown that desperate for money? he wondered.

    He pressed the back of his hand to his forehead and wiped the perspiration on the cuff of his glove. "Damn Port Royal, " he muttered under his breath. "Damn Jamaica!" He should be back in London, creeping slowly along the congested Thames with prizes in tow.

    "Oh Sarah, I've let ye down again," he whispered.

    He felt compelled to finally make his way toward the church but did not take the steps. Instead he moved closer to the ship that rocked gently before him, ignoring the charming lady in black, now beset upon by Morgan and some lad of middling sorts.

    "Ahoy Resurrection," he hailed the man at the ship's railing. When the man onboard ceased looking over the bustle of the dock and turned to glance down, Sterling called up, "From whence have ye come and mayhaps ye have any letters from England?"

  10. I know that his Lordship, Governor Modyford is open to the commission of privateers is most open to bolstering the ranks of ships in service to the colony. I can arrange a meeting with him if you would like.

    Excuse me one moment while I greet our new guests. Part of being in service to his majesty.

    The captain can not help but bow in thanks at Sir Henry's words. "I would be most grateful to ye! I have yet to bring the 'angel into the yards for careening, so I will be about for quite some time," he adds with a sigh. If only Sir Henry could be of influence there as well, he thought to himself. If he delayed too long in port, how many of his crew would wish to look for another ship?

    "Thank ye again Sir Henry," he mumbles once more, almost absentmindedly. Still proper Letters of Marque were so very necessary. What good would a fine ship and a fit crew be without them...

    Sterling bows still again as Sir Henry dismisses him for now. He waits for Morgan to turn away before he too turns to leave, but before he does, he can not help but cast one more glance over the Resurrection.

  11. and what exactly do you mean by "flowered"  ?? <_<

    Why Paisley of course, Captain Sterling! :o

    I was joking... But there is a mention in the Admiralty Slop Contracts of "flowered" breeches. However we think it is a type of long pile wool, not a fabric printed with flowers.

    But could you see it? Foxe and Blackjohn and JoshRed and all our authentically-minded friends in slops that look like Bermuda shorts?!?! :lol::o:o:o:o

    Oh... the humanity! :o

    yeah... snicker, snicker.... so how does one get to vote twice??? :o

  12. OOpsss let's not forget the "WHENs" of everything either.

    Such as: When did the major events of your character life and how did it affect your persona?

    Excellant point Lady... yes pirates have pretty much been around since man started out on the sea and are still around today. But, in most cases, the most popularly portrayed time period is the Golden Age of Piracy ... roughly 1675 -1730...

  13. Sir Henry surveys the ship and notes the passengers aboard her, now at the rail and looking about the bustling town. He sees several sailors, two men and a striking woman.[/i]

    Looks like we have company, Captain Sterling. A fine ship she is. With hope she has a rich cargo to share with the merchants.

    And you Captain Sterling... how was your last adventure. Fruitful I hope?

    - Admiral Morgan

      Admiral of the Jamaican Fleet

    Sterling makes his way slowly to the Admiral's side. Dressed in a simple wool suit, unlaced and unadorned it is the only garment the captain has on board that comes even close to the court's ideal for mourning, he is all too warm and uncomfortable. He is not looking forward to the proceedings at the church's memorial for the crew of the Oxford. He fears they will be all too long and tedious for his liking.

    Good day to ye Sir Henry, Sterling says bowing low before his better. He quickly runs his good eye over the Resurrection as she sits idle before him. Sir Henry watches as the man must physically turn his entire form to take in the amazing ship.

    Her carved works alone would pay for the repairs the Archangel needs in entirety, the captain mumbles. I wager a ship such as this would never need to show her heels but if she did one would be hard put to the chase. He stares a moment longer, before, with a shake of his head, as if to bring himself out of a day dream he turns to Sir Henry.

    Forgive me Sir, I fear I am not as well as I should like. Master Stenbom, was good enough to send something round in the care of one of my officers but, alas, it has yet to do the trick. Will you be presiding over the memorial proceedings later this day?

    Sterling is quick to change the subject, his last voyage more than a waste of time. Following rumors of pirate activity and hoping for a capture or two, the Archangel was, instead, beclamed for far too long. When the winds did pick up his only choice was to return someplace close to refit and take on new provisions, his water having run all too dangerously low. His mind, now set only on breaming his ship, everything else seemed but a waste of time. Now all he could do was continue to wait until his vessel was able to take its turn at the shipyards and see what the cursed teredo worm had accomplished.

  14. I started getting into pyracy about a year ago. All I wanted at the time was a costume, but then I found the Pyracy Pub. All of a sudden I find that having a costume isn't enough. You've gotta have a pirate name, a persona and a fictional background. You've also got to be able to act (or reenact) like a pro, but I'm not a pro (I'm just barely an am).

    My question is, now that I look the part (even if it looks like a part in a Gilbert & Sullivan play) how do I do all the rest? Unlike Tall Mike Bismuth van der Bulge (cool name, BTW), I picked my name almost at random. This wasn't because I didn't care, but because I wanted to start participating as soon as possible. Hopefully, someone would help the new guy to sort things out, like where I can fit comfortably within the pyrate lifestyle spectrum.

    It's been nine months (or thereabouts). I figure if I don't start asking questions (many of which I didn't know needed asking when I got here) I'd be a long time figuring it all out by myself.

    My questions are:

    • How do you come up with a fitting pyrate name?
    • How do I go about making up a persona that I'm comfortable with?
    • How do I portray this persona without getting flustered?
    • What are the three rules of improvisational acting? (That's how many someone said there were in another thread.)
    • What other questions ought I be asking?

    Awaiting your responses, I am:

    Yr Obdt Svt,

    Cap'n Bob

    Well sir, the first question you really need to ask yerself, then answer, is what type of pyrate you chose to be...

    on this list you will find both Ren. Faire and Living Historian type pirates... Ren Faire sort, and please Ren Faire folk, feel free to jump in and correct me as this is just my preception, but Ren Faire folk act the part of a pirate, not necessairly anything historical but just to go out and have great fun and entertain the public.

    Living Historians/Reenactors go to the extreme in making sure their kit is as authentically reproduced as possible in order to educate the public... and then there are those like me... reenactors that chose to dress and act as authentically as possible and yes, educate but also entertain by trying to recreate more of the live style and not just enough to "talk" about what type of cutlass one should be carrying... and in the end just plain have fun....

    answer that question first and then we all can point you in a certain direction! :)

  15. Question... is there a way to turn all this into a printable format... to keep tabs on all this offline as well as on?


    Click on the small white square in the lower left of your browser window. A frame will open, giving among several option, the ability to download the thread as a word document.


  16. an advertisement in the latest Port Royal newspaper:

    Mr. Jonas P. Stenbom, Chirugien; lately in service to His Swedish Majesty's Royal Navy, wishes it to be known that he is available for physical consultations, treatments, and general chirugerie.  The Largest Pharmacopiae in Port Royal are maintained by Mr. Stenbom.  Member of the Royal Society, Stockholm.  Student at the Finest Medical Instutites of Europe -- Leiden -- Palermo -- Edinburgh -- L'Hôpital de Paris.


    Treatment of Maladies of the Seaman are his Particular area of Study.  Discretion is Assured!

    All interested persons may apply at His Rooms located above the Goat and Compasses, in High Street.

    Greetings to ye Master Stenbom. My name is Andrew March of the Archangel..I've come on behalf of me captain. His head still be plaguin him, sometin fierce. He tried drinkin it off last night, but most likely has only made things worse upon his self. Would ye be kind enough to give me something to tide him over until the service at the church concludes?

  17. OOC:

    This is a quick notice to alert all those who have chosen to develop their historic characters in Port Royal, Jamica, that there is now a second/joint thread to where all can post questions/advice on historical background info or technical role playing info.

    The only reason being, a hope to avoid constantly breaking the story line by popping in and out of character...

    Hope this helps all involved....

    Carry on creating now... BIC

    JC Sterling

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