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Capt. Sterling

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Everything posted by Capt. Sterling

  1. Who QUICKLY makes his way over and takes the hand held out to him. "Squawking hen indeed!"
  2. "Now Lill, I don't hear ye complaining when I plunder yer booty!" Sterling chuckles wickedly.
  3. "And for boarding their women....ooops!! Speaking voice ...thinking voice... damn used the wrong one again!" Sterling mumbles
  4. "Oui, ma Chere," he says taking her hand in his. "Lead on Lady!"
  5. Ma vie Ma raison Mon existence and for the rest of you.... French..
  6. Outside the pub, Sterling stops and turns to see Aurore following. He quickly closes the distance between them. His left arm useless, he runs his right hand along her cheek then leans down to kiss her.
  7. Charles Dickens' book (about the travelling Lady of the Evening) suddenly comes to mind... "The Sale of Two Titties." Lilly looks over at her two court jesters. "Great! I will be roasted this weekend, won't I?" As for Terrance and Sabastain, Cap'n Pete....well, my boyz follow me where ever I go! Follow!?!? You mean lead don't you?
  8. Sterling does as she says. He casts a look at Tess St. Claire and the others, finally settling on Ransom. "Aye ye are right Lass, a fool am I," and he turns and leaves the pub.
  9. "No," he said, trying not to chuckle at her concern. "I am all right Chere... well mostly. And, a bit of a wait that I will have to endure tis something..." he sighed slightly. "Something I am sure I will survive. As to the doctor, I am certain he will be in more than enough this night to make both he and I tired and cross. So for now I shall make do as is. But enough of my selfishness. I have not heard how the day has gone for your poor brother. It seems I may have a knack for turning his world upside down. Have ye heard at all from him?"
  10. Sterling grabs her arm, not hard, but enough to stop her next step. "Never lie to me Lady," he tells her.
  11. He relished in the touch of her mouth to his, her lips soon parting, inviting him further. When he tried to follow, he turned and quickly broke away with a gasp… pain shooting through his shoulder and chest. He hurriedly forced himself to lay still again and could only smile at his own impatience and stupidity. “Too soon,” he groaned. “And yet not soon enough.”
  12. "Non? Then, Chere, come back and sit with us at the table," Sterling says.
  13. "I'd take his head with my cutlass, and thar be no need to soil my boot." Pauses, and sips the glass of port. "The lads defanged him earlier. Had Miss St. Claire not request we leave him, we'd taken his serpent's tongue as well." Sterling crooks his finger toward Jacky....then places a gold coin between them both. "A wager lad? Birds of a feather they be...the lady and the fop."
  14. He wished he could turn, take her where she lay, be a part of her as he had... so few hours ago. But as he looked at her, he knew that, alone, would no longer be enough. He shook his head hoping to dismiss her question, hoping to calm any little foxes that may have come to gnaw at her thoughts, by their actions causing her fear or doubt. As she looked at him, again he felt overwhelmed by her and he knew he wanted her...all of her. "Kiss me Lady," he whispered.
  15. He felt her soft brush against his skin. When she pulled back, just enough to look upon him, he was lost...Completely, utterly, entirely lost. "Aurore.." her name sounded funny coming from his lips. He had always addressed her accordingly. He felt the colour in his cheeks heighten and for a moment he had to look away.
  16. "Always!" Sterling says with a wink. "I need all the help I can get!"
  17. "Lads if it hisses like a snake, and looks like a snake..." Jacky does not hide his dislike of Killingsworth. "Aye Master Tar, but beware the Serpant that strikes yer heel as ye crush its head," Sterling says. He looks at Killingsworth.. "A right serpant indeed ye are sir."
  18. "Qu'avez-moi? Rien..." "Rien? Come now Chere, I think not," he says leaving his post by Killingsworth's side and moving closer to Aurore.
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