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Capt. Sterling

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Everything posted by Capt. Sterling

  1. Ahem... would ye be wanting to do one of these next year? I have a good idea of how to make one work... other than the real deal...although we could loan you William for that...we'll just use a shorter chain when we chain him to his tree...
  2. No way, mate. If you don't bring yor parents, you can't come. Oh, I didn't really mean that. It's just that it will be you that will be chained to a tree all day. Oh you don't be wanting to chain Jack to William's tree... he does know how to cook as well...
  3. Just fetch her a piece... what if she does not care for it?
  4. Notice...she has NOT let go of the jewelry box...
  5. Remind me to bring next year, the list I have of things not to play with in the Keys for all the kids ...amazing how something so beautiful can be so nasty...
  6. Peace in the Family?! Is there such a thing?! Plans are chalked in for 2008 attendance. But, the managing of such a "Medicine Show" might be tricky to negotiate in regards to getting everything to Bone Isle. Plans are in the works, I assure....If worse comes to worse, our bodies should be there, at the very least.... Oi there ye have it William... please list the inlaws... Owlers... at least two to start...here's to more by next Dec.
  7. Aye and help with amputations... great thought Mission...
  8. Hey no, I don't need to hunt down my glasses... this is good... I can see...I can see... and my word, I LOVE the detail... always you are the best!!
  9. Ah then that explains it... being captain only once of one fine vessel, tis hard for me to see an inn but for what it is, a means to an end.... still the food is grand and the company grander yet.
  10. Already winded from efforts, Sterling lay back. Eyes closed as tears set their course steadily down damaged cheek. Thoughts finally grasped additional words... "Yer wife sends love..." Features screwed up suddenly as aching heart pushed its way to forefront and could not help but make its demands known above the others. Cavalcade of senses, raw nerves protesting, emotions completely unhinged, mind began to whirl as figure beside him blurred and refocused. Eyes struggled, panic evident, only to calm minutely when companion's presence was still confirmed as being not only there but real. "No... more...."
  11. Be there snow on Long Island currently? Any predicted for next week?
  12. **shudders thinking of the bill at the end of one's stay**
  13. Ah Mr. Tar, but what else can one compare her too? Surely no ship of the line nor working sloop can equal such frivolities. But an idler's yacht equipped for all too much comfort...now there be a horse of a similar colour...
  14. A regular pleasure yacht she be, what?
  15. Nothing worse then all those little ends of feathers jabbing ye in the face when ye be trying to sleep... but then I guess ye wouldn't notice, seeing how ye shared yer tent with a boulder...
  16. Oi CBIL ye better get yer tail feathers down there next year if ye want to be keepin peace in the family... we can certainly work smugglers into the scenario.
  17. Heck bring all the wood working stuff you can... with the shipwrecks we could keep you busy all week doing emergency repairs, rebuilds etc...
  18. We're looking into this as well at the moment. So far, it seems that gaiters were around during the early 1700s, Villier's marines likes showing them, but it seems that they were not officially issued to all regiments... seems more like at the whim of commanding officers.... will post more when and if we find it...
  19. Words tumbled forth but all that seemed to take root was the fact that Childermass could not help him... He shifted then, enough to cast frantic gaze upon other man. "No..."
  20. Maddogge and Tiger Bill !!!!!!!!! Real Beach boys
  21. Lips parted with difficulty as linen pressed close. Desperate sobbing slowed somewhat as newer overwhelming need to have his thirst abated suddenly presented itself...
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