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Capt. Red Beard

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Everything posted by Capt. Red Beard

  1. Going to the Airborne/ Special Forces Museum on Wednesday or Thursday. Do I know anyone stationed at Fort Bragg or in the area that can put me up?

  2. Thanks. Because I live in a communal environment, am around kids and people who are not always friendly towards gun ownership and weapons I need to keep them in a locked case. Thanks for the prevention information. Now that I have rusty weapons those, how do I correct that without scratching them all up in the process? Capt. Rusty
  3. I have a question about rust, how to prevent it, and how to deal with it. I own a sea service pistol (steel) and a blunderbuss (brass) as well as a cutlass and boarding axe. I live and work on boats as a Captain. This winter I was the Captain of a SCUBA diving boat in Pompano Beach, FL and had my weapons with me as I intended to go to the Florida Renaissance festival and other festivals in the area. I ended up only taking my weapons out of the gun case (that I had purchased for flying with them and keep them stored in it for ease) once all winter while on the boat. Months latter when I opened the case again in Baltimore the locks of both guns were completely covered in rust as was the barrel of the pistol and my boarding axe. This was with them stored in a dry place in a sealed case! I chalked it up to just being in the salty ear working in a marine environment. Needless to say I am pissed about it. So what do I do now to fix it. I thought gun oil and still wool, but I really don't want to scratch things up in the process. More importantly, how do I prevent this from happening in the future? I am very busy with work and life so after using my weapons, I just want to clean them, put them away and not have to worry about them until I need them again and expect them to be in the same condition that I left them. I am also not rich so can't afford something so expensive to become unusable just from sitting around in storage. I don't get on Pyracy Pub often so feel free to contact me directly with your advice and solutions. Thank you. Capt. Rusty 200 ton near coastal master rustyrice@me.com
  4. Aye, It has been a couple years since I have attended the event since I was working my fall season in Hong Kong. I am back now and want to get back in. I am looking for a crew to join. If you remember me from years past (2006, 2007), please get in touch. Capt. Rusty Wild Rice
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