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Everything posted by piratescave

  1. Musician brothers Cesar (armand Assante) and Nestor leave Cuba for America in the 1950s, hoping to hit the top of the Latin music scene (Antonio dies however......). Antonio Banderas couldn't speak English when this movie was filmed, and thus performed all his lines phonetically. Armand Assante couldn't speak Spanish and thus performed all his lines phonetically (IMDB.com) I loved this movie because of the music.. It's a little sad, but the atmosphere is great!
  2. The bracelet was € 4,95, shipping € 2.75 and PayPal less than a dollar. It's always expensive to order just one tiny thing. I hope you're satisfied with the bracelet anyhow, when you receive it.
  3. I have a very bad copy on video, is the film any good?
  4. No one aboard who speaks and understands Gronings? That's a dialect spoken in the North of Holland, where I come from (and Lady Pirate). Now we live in Noviomagus, where they speak Nijmeegs. That's a funny dialect! But I sailed the North Sea, the Mediterrean Sea (loved Malta, have you ever been to Valetta, the capital of Malta) and lived for a year in Italy, so I speak Italian as well. Sweet Havannah nights with sweet salsa music, that would be yarn great! Well, Lady Pirate is having a hell of time out here. Perhaps I should lock her up for a few days, only on water and bread.... (teasing!)
  5. Good film, the Musketeer. Justin Chambers in quite a different way of acting. There a more nice films with swashbuckling scenes, like Three Musketeers (with Oliver Platt), A Man in the Iron Mask (with Gabriel Byrne), Veronique, Count of Monte Christo and more...... My DVD-colllection is huge, especially period pieces...... That's my real treasure.......
  6. Isn't the little pic of Johnny with the spoon on his nose from Finding Neverland, when the family is dining at his house (first meeting with his wife and mother, who disapprove of everything and everybody)?
  7. Just saw the trailer today. Little bit odd, I think. But, I just love period pieces, so probably I'll watch this one too. Johnny Depp loves to throw himself into colourful characters. I saw Quills too, strange film.
  8. You could add: Pirates (2004) - french series Sandokan (1976) - Italian series Sandokan alla riscossa (1977) - Italian The Black Pirate (1976) The Return of Sandokan (1996) - Italian The Son of Sandokan (1988) - Italian The Black pirate a.k.a. Il Corsaro Negro (1976) is a great pirate film, starring Kabir Bedi (Sandokan). The black outfit of the black pirate and his appearances are really beyond imagination. Just waiting for more to watch, I just love the costumes!
  9. Do you think, that when someone is not interested in pirate stuff wants to sell pirate items? This is a great site, apart that we want to promote our shop. And we're linked eacht item at the home-button, because when you search for keywords, the complete page isn't showing and you can't get to the shop. Anyway, we'll keep the it going. Have fun too!
  10. Pirates Cave PayPal is activated now. You can also order the nice pirate sword you view at the top of this page at the swords link, Barbarian sword! See you there, mateys!
  11. Yes, much obliged!Pirates Cave
  12. Pirates Cave Hey mateys! Me (Stezi) and my hubbey Tom started our on-line shop where you can buy replica's of swords, daggers, pistols, crossbows, letter openers (swords), pirate shirts and coats and more nice stuff (Celtic jewellery). Come please to take a look and buy if you see something you like!
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