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Posts posted by Asukaru

  1. It's kinda hard to just completely ditch the sodas when you've drank so many for all your life... I can't think of anything to really compare it to but it really sucks. Which is why I've been keeping that can of diet soda on the desk for just in case I have a craving, and sticking to the water as much as possible.

    I had a real work out yesterday, after coming home from the gym I discovered that my room was invaded by ants. Who knew cleaning all that up would be another work out in itself?

  2. I had the same problem you had Lady B. I've been a Dr Pepper drinker all my life... used to drink soo many soo often I lost count. I can't believe my teeth and my stomach's not in worse shape lol

    What I started doing was having a Coke Zero or some other diet soda on my desk at work to drink if I had a craving. However I hate the taste so much that I usually avoid it all together and drink water instead.

    My one trip up that I'm discovering is my grandmother's cooking. She's a farm girl from the South, so her ideas for dinner are usually very greasy and very fattening, and just not healthy at all. She's also one of those people that gets offended it you turn down her food, or food that she's bought for you. Which is funny, because here she always complains about her grandaughters weight (not just me, but my cousins also) and yet she's the first to pile the food on. :lol:

  3. My gym buddy's been kinda busy so I haven't been going as often as I should. I have been trying to walk more on my breaks, and around the track when I can't or don't want to go to Ballys.

    According to WW I haven't lost any pounds yet, but I have been loosing ounces. Oh well, a loss is a loss right?

  4. So after gaining back what I lost due to the injury, I'm finally loosing again. I think I lost a pound in the past week. I'm back to my normal exercise schedule, plus I'm walking on breaks and lunches again, and if I'm not too tired after work, I'll go to the local college and do a mile or to around their track.

    I'm also going to Weight Watchers meetings because the whole trying to do the diet on my own and check in through the website wasn't working.

    So the next two weeks will be adjusting to that, trying to manage points, and trying to fit in all the fruits, veggies, and milk requirements into my diet. Oi.

  5. Sorry to hear about the back problems, Asukaru. I hate setbacks too. I strained my back coughing once, when I had mononucleosis 15 years ago. Ouch! I hope you still aren't coughing!

    I wish what happened to me was as simple as a back strain. I've had that happen once or twice and while they suck, they weren't as painful as this. According to the Doctor I had a pinched nerve so fun times there :huh:

    However I'm doing much better now. In fact, I'm allowed to start doing cardio next week, and some minor weights as long as it doesn't involve the back much.

    I can't believe I'm about to say this.... but I'm really really glad to be going back to the gym. My weight soared this past week. Gah! :lol:

  6. Feeling better. The pain in my back is still there - but nothing compared to Friday and I can actually move again :huh:

    Vicodin makes me loopy. I work in a call center. Tomorrow is going to be VERY interesting. :lol:

  7. As much as I don't want to - because (dammit!) I LIKED going to the gym regularly - I'm going to have to cease with the working out for the next couple of weeks until my back gets all straightened out.

    I did a number on it during (I kid you not) a coughing fit, and my chiropractor discovered that on top of the pulled muscles that I have, I also have a pinched never along with some other issues. He's advised me to not do anything until he gives me the okay.

    Methinks he knows me too well :huh:

  8. :huh: I'm a wreck right now. I have a sinus infection and managed to do a number on my lower back during a coughing fit.

    Chiropractor says I have a couple of pinched nerves, and that the coughing was probably the last straw so to speak.

    Thank god for Vicodin - now if it could only agree with my stomach :huh:

  9. Going to kick it up a notch here shortly - due to school and other things, my gym buddy and I were only able to work out twice a week (tuesdays and Thursdays). Now that summer is here we're planning on going Monday Wednesday Friday - plus I'm going to be joing a belly dance class on Saturday mornings :)

    Other than that I'm still staying steady.

  10. Me at the So Cal Ren Faire - sadly I don't have any shots of my full garb yet.


    When I was allowed to come and play at the Bell the last Saturday of the Run though this is what I wore:


    (and yes I know I look like a dork, but, eh, the faire was over for the day and I was running on 4 hours of sleep and didn't care anymore how I looked or acted :lol: )

  11. My boyfriend and I went and saw a showing last night. We both enjoyed it and liked it.

    (I know this thread already has a spoilers alert but I'm including one anyways...)

    :lol: SPOILERS :lol:

    I love the song that they sing throughout the film, but I think the opening was a bit too much. Having just the boy sing it would have been more touching I think. I wasn't really fond of the mutiple Jacks. I like Jack Sparrow, but I didn't see the point of them after he was rescued. The double crossing every 15 minutes did get a bit tiring - but, eh, they are pirates :lol:

    I had a feeling that Tia Dalma was the one Davy Jones was in love with. I remember seeing the locket at her shack in DMC and thinking to myself 'I bet it's her'. I did not see the whole Calypso thing coming though.

    I think AWE has officially made me a Barbossa fan. He was much more entertaining than Jack (partly because he had more screen time) and it was fun to watch him and Jack battling it out.

    Jack and Elizabeth's wedding was great. I also didn't see the point of the whole every ten years thing, she could easily have come on the Dutchman while they were in this world and visited Will then. But I guess she will be able to join him permanently whenever she dies.

    I don't think the Green Flash at the very end meant that Will was released from his duties. I think that was just how the Dutchman entered and exited this world.

    Over all I was a little let down. There wasn't as much comedy or action as the second one - though the final battle was amazing - and I think the movie got a bit mired down the the pirates against the EITC politics. However I still enjoyed it and I thought it was a good movie despite all that.

    Hearing Lee say 'Goodbye, Poppit' brought a tear to my eye. I'm sad to see this trilogy end finally, but I can't wait to see what they do for the new ones. I just hope they don't get caught up and start making Pirate movies just to make Pirate movies - which being Disney, they probably will. I would hate to see the original trilogy be followed by a bunch of direct to DVD sequals. :lol:

  12. (hmmmm...rock hard calves and outer thighs, you say...can't help wondering if we are eventually going to get treated to "after" pictures....?) :huh::huh::huh:

    :huh: Pictures may be awhile yet. My legs may look good but I still have a stomach that needs toning. Not to mention I'm whiter than white. So much so that my Boyfriend teases me about it *Note to self: throw pillow at boy next time that happens*

  13. Stressing a bit. I've got an art final due next Monday that needs to be printed out by tomorrow. Plus I'm just sick of hearing about Credit Card fraud at work. GRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrr.

    But at least there's faire this weekend. :huh:

  14. Story time - I sew my own garb, and back in February I had sewn a couple of skirts together to wear at faire. Yesterday while running around site with my boyfriend and friends, I noticed that my skirts kept falling down and I proceeded to trip on them.

    So, I guess I may not be loosing the poundage I want, but at least I'm loosing inches. Plus I also noticed that thanks to the elipticals my calves and outer thighs are pretty much rock hard now.

    It made me happy. Proof that all the time in the gym is doing something. Now if only the dieting would work - though I'm suspecting the stress level at my job isn't holding that up a bit.

  15. Didn't get to move around very much on Saturday since I was with the Guild of St Ives as one of their ladies of negotiable affections for the day :)

    Spent the day pretty much getting into 'catfights' with the other girls and dozing on the porch. The weather was actually really nice.

    My beau and I will be back next weekend wandering around.

  16. Went this weekend with some friends... ended up being bored out of my wits while they were garb shoping and ditched them for a bit to go hang out with some other people I knew.

    I'll be there this Saturday - the 21st - with a friends guild. I can't wait!

  17. I had to go do the same thing the other day - I may not be loosing the poundage I want to, but I must be loosing the inches.

    Switched from doing the slimfast thing to Weight Watchers - I was missing solid food and I'd heard good things from fellow coworkers so we'll see how this goes.

    Can't wait till the semester is out so my friend and I can start hitting the gym three days a week instead of just the two.

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