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Posts posted by Asukaru

  1. :lol: Thank ye all, sais, for the mighty fine welcome. I'll take a Dr. Pepper meself with a tad bit of rum, an' if someone will give me a hand I'll join the other wenches on ta table. I warn ye though; me dancing is like me poker playing - I've no clue what I'm be doing but I manage to hold me own.

    Well how about that? A fellow Knotts Scary Farm person! I did the Haunt for 9 years!

    Are you on the streets of Ghost Town or in one of the mazes?

    I did the streets. If you are on the Ghost Town streets, do you know the Green Witch? She's a looooong time friend of mine for many years.

    A fellow Haunter! Fantastic! I knew many of us do faire, and I know of one that works in a pirate shop in whittier, but I didn't expect to find anyone on here. Dunno why, it jus' didn't occur to me... mebbe I should be laying off me rum.

    I know of the Green Witch, but, sadly, I don't know her personally. We would dress in the same room but I jus' never had the chance nor the time to introduce meself.

    Anywho, I be one of the maze monsters. The Haunt Gods were gracious and made me a 'Wicked Wench' in Red Beards Revenge. This was me rookie (I prefer Swabbie) year as a monster, however I do know a few streets monsters from both CS, SBMT, and GTS since I've worked the haunt for the past four years.

    My! I'm ramblin! *Eyes the nearly empty cup* Maybe I should lay off the rum!

    At any rate the profile is (mostly) up. I'm stuck at me day job so I've no access to any of my photos or the like until later :o

  2. 'Allo there, me lords and lasses! Forgive me my weak Pirat-ese, I be very much a work in progress! Now what would you have me say? Me life story? Tisn't much. I'm a wench at Knott's Scary Farm's Halloween Haunt - I found this haven last October when I was looking for items to educate me fellow pirates with. Me faire experience is limited, but I'm lookin' ta learn, and lookin' forward to the new faire season to polish me persona. An' my servin' skills. I'll make the best effort not to spill as I buy and serve ya all a round!

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