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Posts posted by TheBlackFox

  1. There really are so many varieties of chanty music performance that it would be difficult to pin down whether traditional versions of a song are more or less entertaining than updated versions (IMHO). For me, it depends on the venue and the audience. A fireside bar with an audience of 50 will enjoy an acapella performance with all its nuances. In contrast, a rowdy version of the same music in front of a large crowd, half-crazed with drink, will also find a niche of enjoyment.

    Even more complex is that the same chanty is performed differently by similar acapella groups. I've heard a few versions of "Health to the Company" and "Charley Mops" at different tempos and every time I hear a new version, I find my head tilting like the RCA dog at the sound. They're all enjoyable. . . . and don't get me started on how many millions of varieties of "Drunken Sailor" I've heard.

    In my position, I get a new CD on my desk almost every week now. A lot of the music is basic chanty music. . .but some have a loud Rock-n-Roll twist and I've heard versions in Rap, Punk, Latin, and some that I could only describe as "best-enjoyed-with-a-hallucinogen -of-choice."

    I think I enjoy most of it. I try to keep an open mind and concentrate on the sound, both in quality and talent . . .but sometimes it's really tough when the creative variances almost obliterate the traditional atmosphere of the chanty's intent.

  2. With gas prices on the rise, it looks like we'll not be able to make this festival and set up at the Rock Hall festival instead (12 hour drive vs. 40 minute drive). I'm sure we'll get many a photo and update from those that do attend!

  3. The Pirate Jeep is packed. The rum is in my sea chest. Now all I need to do is take out a small loan to pay for the gas from Baltimore to Hampton and back . $4.00 a gallon...and they call us Pirates..

    I will keep my eyes open for everyones "P" Pyracy button. I am in the encampment area and I wll be in my period kit so I would have a button. Stop by and say hi to us in the encampment..

    Can you still sign "cheese" to deaf folk?

    (ducking and running. . . .private joke)

  4. hey foxe... she actually has two eyes. and yes i am lucky, i give thanks daily..... that she's not anywhere near as nuts as the last one. seriously though- yeah, she's great and she makes me happy. i owe her alot.

    so say we all mate. . .so say we all.

  5. eh.... only 100. this event was well worth more than 100 measly photos. :lol: can't wait to see it fox.

    you should be in at least one, dutch. . . . and I have a dedication to the "photographer" if you get my drift . . . she's got a wonderful eye, mate. . . you're a lucky bloke.

  6. 100 photos of PyrateCon in the Summer Pyrates Way!

    Yep, one-hundred PyrateCon 2008 photos in the Summer issue of The Pyrates Way magazine.

    Get your subscription order in today because the last chance to get the Summer issue as your first subscription issue is June 15!

    You DON'T want to miss it!

  7. blackfox,

    thats good news for ya for sure. how does this effect the current subscription that i just renewed?

    also- if you can, keep either july 12 or oct 9 open for me. i'll explain at the bbf.

    Dutch m'brotha. . . current subscriptions will be treated as a year, not a number of issues, by season. . .so if you re-subscribed for Spring, you're good through next Summer. . .regardless of number of issues. . . .ain't I sweet?

  8. Starting with the Spring Issue of 2009 The Pyrates Way will be coming at you every other month! We've been getting letters for a year asking for us to grow in either page count or more often. People want more pirates!

    Thus, we decided to go with MORE OFTEN!

    With a never-ending list of article and feature ideas, both our readers and our advertisers will be the folks who profit by this new growth. . .why? Because we're at a point where we can afford to expand in this way WITHOUT RAISING ADVERTISING OR SUBSCRIPTION PRICES! Our magazine will still be only $5.95 per copy at all the national & local bookstores and both subscription and ad rates will remain the same.

    More for our audience without a price increase. . . it's just another way that The Pyrates Way gives back to the pirate community at large.

    Thank you again for supporting us as we grow!

  9. Weren't they on their way to get supplies? . . .and of course they did snag a lot of good food from ships they . . .uh. . . "chose" (much better than the word "targeted"). . . to pull supplies from a vessel. . .isn't that what today's Navy calls "underway replenishment?"

    I've found in my research that stores weren't catalogued on a pirate ship as they were on a Naval ship, so who knows how much was aboard. Since a good pirate captain kept his crew happy by hitting port as much as possible. . . the ship might not have needed a lot of storage for foodstuff. . .just ammo!

  10. We don't want to over-saturate the market with PyrateCon2009 just yet but there are tons of plans going on and it'll be even better than 08 (if that's possible!).

    Yes, the event will be in New Orleans. Yes, it will be the same weekend (falls between the local French Quarter festival and the Jazz festival). Yes, it will kick ass.

    As for vendor info, hotels, etc. . . stay tuned, bat fans.

  11. poor soul- did i mention, i think he fell down the stairs. i did not see it myself, but i think thats what happened.

    Aye, accidents have a way of finding those who carry such bad kharma with them. All the way down the stairs ye say? tsk tsk tsk 'tis fate, says I.

  12. We were blessed with over 60 new subscriptions at PyrateCon, 26 re-subscriptions, and since PyrateCon was over. . . almost 140 NEW subscriptions (a mix of one & two-year subscriptions). . . plus, we sold out of all our loose back issues AND picked up a ton of new advertisers.

    Although the income is nice. . . our proudest achievement is that we raised over $350 from both the painting auctions and our Spring Ad contributions. . .

    but we didn't feel that was good enough, so The Pyrates Way added another $150 out of what we made at PyrateCon to bring a total of $500 that we'll be giving over to PPNOM. org (adding to the $$ already donated to them earlier in the year).

    The Pyrates Way magazine enjoys giving back to our pirate brethren whether it be in $$ raised for a good cause or just giving booty to our subscribers. We're in this not to make money but to share our love of piracy with everyone.

    A big HUZZAHHHHH to all those who helped at PyrateCon and a bigger cheer for The Pyrates Way Wench of the Year: Nessa and The Pyrates Way Pyrate of the Year: Talderoy!

    Wait till you see the pictures! www. pyratesway. com to subscribe. . .

    and do so by June 15 or you'll miss out on the best PyrateCon coverage of all!

  13. I'll be in Louisiana TONIGHT! In Alabama at the moment on the long crawl out to PyrateCon where I'll be promoting both PyrateCon and The Pyrates Way on several media outlets from local PBS, radio and newspaper to possibly having some MAJOR TV morning show out on Friday morning to see all the pyrates!

    By the time everyone arrives, The PyrateCon flag will by flying over the hotel and "wanted for pyracy" posters up in the French Quarter.

    Prepare for a REAL pyrate experience as in the last few weeks, dozens of local bars and merchants have jumped on board and plan to have special prices for those dressed as pyrates and will have open arms for every hot wench.

    If ye don't have fun a PyrateCon, it be your own fault, says I.

  14. With all the problems with Southwest and now American Airlines, be sure you give yourself lots of extra time to get to PyrateCon. . . mabye even DAYS instead of hours.

    I be driving the Pyrates Way Pilot down to New Orleans and if ye be driving, this doesn't effect ye. . .but if yer flying. . . keep a weather eye out, mates!

  15. The Pyrates Way Pilot is packed to the brim with treasures for PyrateCon. . m'hold is completely squeezed-in that not even a bilge rat could make his way through. I B buggin' out of Delaware sometime Friday and taking m'time driving down to Naw'lins.

    I can't wait to see ye all there. . .first rum's on me. . . uh. . . literally. . . have my flask filled with DogfishHead brown honey rum on me at all times (distilled right here in Delaware).

    Let the party commence, says I.

  16. ladies and gentlemen . . . . .60 days to go.

    just heard from pern, sites are being plotted. storylines are coming together. i ordered my powder this morning and am hemming my new trousers. the long boats are swelling after being out for the winter.

    on the mom front, she had the first knee replaced and was up with PT within three hours- didn't get far- but was up and walking. "if i make it 50 feet i can go home right?" shes bound and determined to be at the festival this year.

    Huzzah for Pern and for yer mom, mate. . . . we'll have to make sure she gets an extra ration of rum for the effort!

  17. We will try to capture as many folks as possible at PyrateCon between our pages for the Summer Issue. We will have a sign-up sheet for group photos and I'll already have PyracyPub at the top. . .so all you have to do is look for it. I'll plan to have our HEY-UGE group photo sometime Saturday, preferably when nothing PyratCon is going on. . . we'll meet QUICKLY (keyword) to set up for the shot and take it. . .if you're not there, it's your fault. . . we'll take one set of photos on as many cameras as you folks demand (i.e. give your camera to the several Pyrates Way volunteer photographers) and we'll get it done really fast and include everyone who. . . . uh. . pays attention to this board!

    I think that is as fair as we can be for a group photo. . . and I promise. . . a full PAGE photo of PyracyPub folks with a full caption which will send new folks to this site. . . .agreed?

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