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Everything posted by StrangeBayPirate

  1. A question on an action used during the execution of Caption Kidd. Taken from the book "Pirates", by Douglas Botting, from the Time-Life series "The Seafarers" ... "When he had stopped twitching, the executioner cut him down and chained his body to a post and left it there until the tidal waters of the Thames had ebbed and flowed over it three times, as Admiralty law prescribed." page 127 I do not know why such things strike my wonders but for anyone that might have an answer. Why did "Admiralty law" prescribe such a three day tidal water practice? Steven St'ar
  2. Perhaps "The Floating Brothel" by Sian Rees 1789 aboard the good ship Lady Julian is 237 women convicts. I have not read this book as yet but it just made it on my list.
  3. Congrats to the son ... and the proud pappy. Looks like that one could make a fine Easter table setting. libens, Steven St'ar
  4. After the 2005 hurricane season from hell, here along the Gulf Coast we are going through a drought. Rain gets close but just doesn't fall here(Mobile, Alabama). Farmers are a complainin they can't break ground. On the plus side o this the salt water fishin be great. Piscator, Steven St'ar
  5. Enjoyed a visit to the Nina today. Well worth the $5 tour cost. I had not realized the ships of this time frame and size were still steered with a tiller. Awesome to think of an Atlantic crossing when steering the ship in this way. Great food and margaritas at LuLu"s also. Steven St'ar Nina to dock Wednesday in Gulf Shores Reproduction of Columbus vessel to have 5-day stay Tuesday, March 21, 2006 By GUY BUSBY Staff Reporter Boats plying the waters around Gulf Shores range from small outboard models to yachts to tugs and barges, but visitors in the coming week will have a chance to see the type of vessel used by the first Europeans known to set sights on the Gulf Coast. The Nina, a reproduction of one of the three ships of Christopher Columbus's first expedition in 1492, will dock at Lucy Buffett's Lulu's at Homeport Marina starting Wednesday for a five-day stay. The marina is on the north side of the Intracoastal Waterway on East 25th Street in Gulf Shores. The ship, which was built in commemoration of the 500th anniversary of the expedition, is a floating museum that gives viewers a chance to step back to the days when early explorers first crossed the Atlantic, said Kyle Friauf, captain of the Nina. http://www.thenina.com/ http://www.lulusathomeport.com/main/index.php
  6. Have ta pick the underDawgs I say. RollTide ... Shaun Alexander ... and Go SeaHawks Go. Sports be pickin up a little breeze. Next weekend SpeedWeek gets underway with the Bud Shoot Out and I've been hearin sumthin 'bout O-lym-pic games.
  7. Machinist, mostly marine in a job shop.
  8. Aye, Me prayers ar headed up for ye Kendra as well as grandmother and young Jimmy. Kendra and God a gettin pyratical, Now thar be good mates that which none can beat. Laus Deo, Steven
  9. My thoughts are with you and prayers are headed up for you and yours. Looks as though many people here have had this disease invade their families so we know how your feeling. Please let your family know prayers are headed up from all over. May the Holy Spirit comfort them all.
  10. http://www.northerntool.com/webapp/wcs/sto..._ite=Performics just a thought(s): 1) Drill extensions come in many different lengths, they can be attached to one another and extended that way. or 2) Drill the end of the dowel to except the drill shank ... attach drill to dowel and spin drive 'er on through. or 3) trees or good size limbs iffin land is being cleared anywhere near anyone there. That'll give a natural look. and I know it's none of me business but it's not the first time ye been disrupted in a pub is it?
  11. Has anyone here ever attended this event? I have never attened any of these type events but this reads like a lot o fun and is close enough to me to be doable. I've posted all this info here because the website itself is loaded with popups but iffin ye wish ta sail those waters it is easily found with a web search fer Billy Bowlegs. Any thoughts or comments would be appreciated. Libens, Steven St'arr Billy Bowlegs Pirate Festival Ft. Walton, FL - The year is 1779. Adventurer, wanderer, scoundrel, pirate extraordinaire, and notorious bad boy, William Augustus Bowles, affectionately known as Billy Bowlegs, bursts on the scene. A charismatic leader of men, who solely inspired the formation of the Independent State of Muskegee, uses his egotistical ambition and superior strength of will for self gain. Bowles originally came to Pensacola with English forces to hold Pensacola from the Spanish. When the effort failed he developed an undying hatred for the Spanish visitors. This unique character's flair and charisma made Bowles the perfect leader as he formed his own band of runaway whites, blacks and renegade Indians. At this time, three countries were vying with the new Americans for control of the sea lanes and trade with Europe. Motley crews in the area were a force to be reckoned with and pirating become a very lucrative business on the high seas. Captain Bowles proclaimed The State of Muskegee an independent state whose longevity has only been surpassed by the independent Republic of Texas after its independence from Mexico. Need to Know: Billy Bowlegs Festival June 2-5, 2006 Where: Ft. Walton Beach As Bowles' popularity rose, his opponents become more distrustful and vowed to stop at nothing to get him under their control. The English were afraid he was an agent for the Spanish, the Spanish offered him a Maj. General commission and the Americans considered murder to be rid of his devilish activities. However, such a controversial leader could not last for long. Disenchanted Indians led him into a trap and turned him over to the Spanish authorities. He would neither speak to his captors nor eat their food and subsequently starved to death at the age of 42. This obscure episode in American history has given rise to a festival which is now an integral part of the Fort Walton Beach Community, the Sprint Billy Bowlegs Pirate Festival.. The year is 2006. Very soon local residents will batten down the hatches in preparation for the invasion of the infamous yet ever popular, Captain Billy Bowlegs. Captain Billy Bowlegs, along with his Queen, has been spotted at several local schools trying to persuade local youngsters to join his Motley Krewe. Captain Billy and his Krewe plan to invade Fort Walton Beach at the 51th Annual Sprint Billy Bowlegs Pirate Festival in June at Fort Walton Landing. Although Captain Billy's record stands at 50 wins and 0 losses, nothing is a sure thing when it comes to the city militia. Fort Walton Beach Mayor, and the brave Militia are not about to give up control of the city without a fight. Reports also say the militia has a secret weapon in store for those spineless thieves. Sources tell us, on the evening of June 2nd at around 7:00 pm, Captain Billy will sail into Fort Walton Landing under a flag of truce and try to negotiate with the Mayor for control of the City. After the Mayor refuses his charismatic charm, Captain Billy will be turned away and visitors to the festival will enjoy wonderful entertainment from popular local entertainers, and a spectacular fireworks display at 8:30 pm." The festivities will continue on Saturday, June 3rd, from 10 am - 10:00 pm where the highlight of the afternoon is when the Billy Bowlegs' Armada sails into Fort Walton Landing to defeat the city militia in a mock battle. If Captain Billy is successful in his quest for control of the City of Fort Walton Beach, he will proclaim the days following to be filled with fun and celebration for citizens of all ages. As festival goers enjoy the antics, several popular local and regional performers will be on had to entertain the crowds. Captain Billy and his Krewe invite local citizens and visitors to Fort Walton Landing on Brooks Street in June for the 51st Annual Sprint Billy Bowlegs Pirate Festival. The celebration begins on a Friday afternoon with the fireworks display that evening. The festival offers many exciting events including an arts and crafts fair, wonderful food, a treasure chest, fabulous entertainment and more. Parents are invited to bring the whole family out to enjoy the fun. Plan for an even more enjoyable experience this year with the addition of the Microspine Performance Park, perfect for those that have been reluctant to face the crowded conditions of years past. The new landscaping and sidewalks have added nearly 40% more space to the Festival grounds. The following Monday night (June 5th) gold coins, beads, and candy will fly through the air in celebration of Captain Billy Bowlegs' victory over the militia. Captain Billy, his Queen and Krewe will throw goodies to the awaiting crowd during the Billy Bowlegs Torchlight Parade. The festival is an event of the Greater Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce, The City of Fort Walton Beach, Krewe of Bowlegs, The Okaloosa County TDC and several local businesses.
  12. "I have but not anymore" says I. 'bout 30 years since I partook in those burnings. "The Wreck Of The Edmond Fitzgerald" was a hit song in part because I was not the only young person combining music and weed ta take that voyage of the mind. The smoke had it's ways of leaving me paranoid though, something the drink did not. So I made me choices. Hold thar, have I posted this already ...... ah, no matter. To further date this time, an ounce cost 15 bucks. Have heard rumor of a price increase. ultroneus, Steven St'arr
  13. Would thar not be the use of chamber pots below decks fer when storms might be a blowin? Wouldn't want to be "pissin in the wind" or the likes. Seems a ship might jus 'ave "a pot ta piss in" fer stormy days, aye. Steven St'arr
  14. If ever I own a true ship for the sea, I would name her after my two beautiful daughters Jennifer and Abbigail The ship would be The Jenabby Laus Deo, Steven St'arr
  15. enjoyed the link thar Black Hearted Pearl. Nice little overview of the life of Pirate Grace O'Malley. I too would like to see this story make it to the big screen. The roll of Grace could be played well by Kate Winslet or Cate Blanchett. Wot say ye? Steven St'arr
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