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Everything posted by Bilgemunky

  1. Oh, I fully understand the need to know issue - it's just that I don't know myself, and I likely won't really know for certain until the weekend of the festival. Why? Because it's my experience that the owner of the festival is entirely capable of waiting until the week of the festival and then trying to cancel it. But she's also capable of somehow pulling a more-or-less successful festival together despite all signs to the contrary. So any advice I could give to fellow pirates - to invest your time and gas or to not - would entirely be based on guess-work and pieces of half-information I've been able to assemble, and therefore not worth much. Rest assured that I continue to tap my sources within the city of Port Washington, and the moment I know something solid - one way or the other - I'll share. Until then it's a pissy waiting game.
  2. I'm sorry I haven't been more helpful in this matter - the owner of the festival and I are not on speaking terms, which means most all my information is second-hand or speculative. To the best of my knowledge, the following are true: 1. By all accounts, the festival *is* still on 2. Many of the bands and entertainers have not yet received their contracts or even a verbal confirmation that they are going to be hired 3. Ditto for the ships 4. Many within the city of Port Washington are just as uneasy as everyone here, as the festival has largely remained a communication black hole (meaning lots goes in, but nothing comes out.) So what to take away from this? I really don't know. *I* will be in Port Washington, rain or shine, festival or no. If there is a festival, I'll be there. If there is not, we'll take the party elsewhere. And that's all there is to it.
  3. Congrats, mate! Did your issue arrive just today?
  4. Jib, Sorry to hear you've been having trouble reaching Port Washington Pirate Festival management - I don't recall if I drew the connection with you in our emails, but that was me you chatted with. For what it's worth, you're not alone, nor should you take it personally that they've not been getting back to you. One of the largest reasons for my resignation was that - even as a supposed manager of the festival - I had no more luck than you at maintaining communication with the festival's owner/director/ultimate decision maker. All I can tell you is that the person I directed you to is really the *only* person who has any real say in festival matters at this time, and so I would advise persistance if you would like to participate. The email I provided does reach her, as should the Festival's official phone number: 262-284-6652. Best of luck mate - and I hope to see you in June (I'll be there, albiet as an attendee. Possibly drunk.)
  5. Hey Bilgemunky ~ twas only a week ago that i had the pleasure of meetin' ya! Where's the time gone, eh?

  6. YAAAAR! Happy friggin B-Day, Bilge!

  7. Count me in for the Downy Jr. supporters on this one - I think his role in Iron Man showed that he has what it takes to do the "unheroic hero" thing, which is exactly what this role calls for. Could the fates (and Hollywood) be so kind?
  8. Just posted Topic for Bilgemunky.com radio for this Monday!

  9. Happiest of New Year's to ye!!!!

  10. Harrr... It's hard enough just getting my own self to complete a project - I shoulda known better than ta start a project like Bilgemunky Adventures where I depend not just on figurin' my own schedule, but that of three others as well. We were hoping to record episode three next week, but that got postponed at least two weeks thanks to holiday conflicts. Once this third episode is complete, it finishes the current mini-story arc. My thought is, going forward, it might be best if I record them in batches of three - this way, while it might be a good while between batches, a single batch can be aired in a timely manner.
  11. Well, first off - nothing that might be pilfered. Lanterns and jewelry would look smashing, but I can't be responsible for them and I don't think you want to see someone walk off with your goods. But if anyone has spare room in their vehicle for a small wooden crate, a few yeards of burlap, or even a ships wheel that could be leaned against the wall - that sort of stuff. I know that for the most part it's unlikely that anyone will have such large ticket items lying around and the means to easily transport them, but I figured it's worth throwing out there just the same. I've not even seen a picture of the room, so I'm flying blind. But I certainly have a large assortment of pirate flags I'll bring, an old smashed up barrel, some small furniture to DJ from, some tattered fabric I can drape over anything unsightly, etc.
  12. Sterling, My biggest concern at this time is decoration. I actually wound up with a much bigger area to DJ in that we'd originally expected, and I would like to ensure our Pirate Lounge somewhat looks the part. I have several of my own decorations I can bring, but if anyone has anything of their own (even fishing nets and burlap cand do wonders), it might come in handy. Anyone that might be able to help in this regard, please shoot me an email at bilge@bilgemunky.com. Short of that, we need only one other thing to make Bilgemunky's Pirate Lounge a success, and that would be PIRATES! Thanks!
  13. Harrr!!! Yer quite right, Cheeky - although I think we need to make it "Bilgemunky's Pirate Lounge", as the latest scuffles between Pyrate's Way, PyrateCon, and Pyrate Week have me thinkin' that I prefer ta keep my own affairs safely within the "Pirate" spellin'. We're still hammerin' out a few final details, but we do know that I'll be doing some live broadcasting online, and a whole lot more local DJing for the enjoyment of those in attendance. Winters can get pretty lame in the midwest, so this should be a great opportunity to garb up and hang out some place warm with like-minded pirates!
  14. Thanks for the suggestions, all. I found some emery paper at a local hardware store, along with a metal finishing pad and some rouge cloth. I started with the butt cap to see how it takes the treatment, and so far so good. Obviously the small gouges can't be buffed away, but I was able to smooth out the jags without looking like I took a wire-wheel to the thing. Now to re-age the nice new polish (I prefer my pisols clean but weathered) and see how it looks. If I'm satisfied then I'll repeat the process with the barrel. Sorry Stynky, but not pix. Honestly I think the knicks would have just turned out to look like indistinguishable shiny specs on film. It was more by touching them that I could tell something needed to be done. I'll let everyone know how it goes. Thanks again! -Bilge
  15. I'm surely not the first this has happened to, but during a recent parade my pistol took a mind to make friendly with the pavement. No real damage done, just a little roughed up on the butt-plate and the barrel - both brass. Now I don't mind a few blemishes on my pistol, but I would prefer these scratches not look quite so fresh and pavement-like. Any suggestions on what I might best use to buff them out and perhaps soften the sharp edges a bit? I hesitate to use steel wool or anything for fear of making things worse, so I would definitely value the advice of someone more experienced. Thanks!
  16. Who do I have to kill to get on a friends list? Just give me a name!

  17. Have you ever considered offering "premium" subscriptions for those that don't want to wait for their six month media mail? NQG does something like this - helps keep the cost low for the masses, but allows the impatient the opportunity to fork out a little extra coin for more punctual delivery.
  18. Thanks fer the kind words, Quartermaster! See ya tonight, and don't ferget yer rum!!!
  19. Beautiful work, Matt! I really like the shorter blade, as well as the guard of that first sword - fine stuff!
  20. Yaaaaar! Great show on the 6th. Thanx for the song mate.

  21. I have a pair of these brass buckles, and I love them! I can't over-emphasize what a difference it makes to have proper, small buckles instead of those giant things more commonly available - changes the entire look of the shoe from pilgrim to pirate :) Had I the funds at this time I'd be tempted to take advantage of this discount to stock up for future shoes (or so I could change buckles for special occasions - not that fancy silver buckles would make my shoes any less worn and beaten.) But instead I'll just throw in these few cents to recommend that if anyone is on the fence about getting some of these buckles for themselves - DO IT!!!
  22. Heck, I'm still waiting for my SUMMER issue to arrive
  23. That may be the single best line I've read in this or any other forum in the entire existence of the internet.
  24. I think this would be a mistake (not that Hollywood ever makes those.) The best thing they could do is go straight to the book and try to take it fresh - any attempt to recreate Errol Flynn would be dreadfully misguided. The job here is to capture Blood, not Flynn. Personally I think the best move they could make would be a decidedly non-Flynn approach, while still maintaining the scholarly type turned reluctant pirate sort of thing. If this happens, just go ahead and kill me.
  25. I'm sure many, many will disagree, but I gotta say - I'm sort of liking the new look of the Pub as it currently stands. I come here for info, not visual clutter. The old design, hell, I had to scroll half way down just to get past all the ads and the masthead. The basic black top with the "P" - I think - looks pretty sharp. Realistically speaking, I know there will likely be some bells and whistles added to the layout. But I certainly wouldn't complain if a certain level of simplicity was maintained. Just my 2 cents.
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