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Patrick Hand

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Everything posted by Patrick Hand

  1. I got thirsty waiting for the beer mug to fill up, an went and had a drink first.....
  2. OK... I just gotta concertina... and wanna learn how to play th' song..... searched th' internet... (lots o' places with the lyrics) ....but I ain't payin 19.95 fer th' song book......( I only want YO HO...Its a Pirates life for me...... not It's a small world etc...) so does anyone know where I can get the music part of the song...... Play an accordain ( maybe a concertina also...) go to jail.... thats the law....
  3. Hummm... lets see...... Musket...............check.... pistol #1........... check... pistol #2........... check.... boarding axe.... check... knife................. check.... other knife....... check.... pocket knife..... check... bull whip.......... check.... cutlass..... dang.... now where did I leave me cutlass ?
  4. Hee heee ...... I mean AAAArrrrrgh... I found an off white with brown striped table cloth at a Salvation Army for $2..... cut it into long strips, sewed them toghether then hemed it..... works great as a sash.......
  5. I typed in my real name and got.... Frosty Archibald ! .... WHAT!!!!! then typed in me pirate name (Patrick Hand) and got Sealegs Wiggins ! %$^*%!^%&*& ... I think the computer be broken....,.Wot kinda stupid pyrate names are those? I be thinkin it be a dirty plot by the Royal Navy to give us real dumb names so we be ridiculed inter givin up piracy...... Aaaaargh.... it ain't goinna work.... I be keepin' me name.......
  6. We did the "find you pirate name, and the "How pirate are you quiz" at http://www.rebelsnail.net/pirate/test.html I got .... Black James Flint very pirate Julie.... Dread Pirate Kidd not so pirate Ceace.... Dread Pirate Rakham not a pirate Carol .... Iron Mary Vane Crystal ... Iron Mary Flint Does that mean that Crystal am I are related (and all the other Flints here)... and if so.... when is tha family renunion ?
  7. I could cut some of the rise in the back out, and they wouldn't be quite as baggy, but the pattern that I used, and the one from "Sketchbook 76" both show the butt cut the same way. They may be a period cut, but the fit is so wierd with such a baggy butt that I'm thinking of sacrificing some of the authentisity..... They are not uncomfortable..... they fit right.... and they are semi-period ..... but they still look like there is a "load" in the seat......
  8. I just finished a pair of semi-period trowsers (French fly, and pockets)....but machine sewn and cotton instead of linen...... I know the seat is sopose to be baggy... but dang..... these are WAY baggy....( and I followed the cutting diagram, so they are cut as close as possible) So my question.... does anyone else wear period trowsers or breaches? and if so, do you just ignore any coments about the baggy butt?
  9. Aaaaargh... now how can't yew bve lonin it ... that be me sweet smilling face on th' front page.............. aaaawh it be good ter be a pyratre.......
  10. Hummm... let's see... right now I'm hand sewing a linen shirt that is as authentic as possible... Why bother... no one cares...... Aaaah! but I do.... I'm making a set of more period garb for my own pleasure, My regular stuff is fantacy, and fun, so it does what I designed it to do. Am I going to "force" anyone to do the same..... NO! (if I did, Capt Gary would have someone to really keelhaul....) I think there is enough room for all of us to play
  11. This is going to be a Looooong post... sorry. Instead of stating "Renn Faire pirate" vs. "Authentic Pirate", I'll just list what I have....My pirate garb is a continuing project, but what I wear right now is... a pair of Civil War brogans, with rubber soles glued on (they wore through the soles, so I fixed them.Not period, but they work untill I get a pair of straight lasted shoes. an very old pair of grey wool ski socks, with cloth garters (need the garters or they fall down...) black wool kinda slops with a "French fly" and patches... not an authentic cut, but I only had so much wool to make them outta. cotton period cut shirt, very distressed with tea and india ink.... I'm working on a hand sewn linen shirt, but it's a pile of rectangles right now.... brown heavy cotton flaired skirt coat, with black trim (and when they arive... 60 big brass buttons) a heavy leather baldrick, with a holster on the front, and boarding axe sheath on the back... not period, but looks "cool" a black cavalier hat with black plumes a sculpy skull , and sculpy skull beads on one side. Not at all period but fun... I also carry a .58 Enfield musket... WAY outta period, but it makes a loud "Boom" when we fire at other ships... Something I'm starting to work on is more period pirate garb.... After playing on the Royaliste, the above garb is very impractical... for playing in a parade, it works great, and fits peoples idea of what a pirate looked like. From what I can figure, period garb would be... lose canvas pants, chackered drop shoulder shirt, short wool coat, and a canvas hat, painted to waterproof it. (and of course...weapons) But How many people will recognize that as a pirate? I know it will be more practicle and period. So I will have 2 sets of garb.... My Hollywood pirate, for parades and such, and a period pirate for playing on the Royaliste and such.... Both will be fun. I enjoy the Hollywood pirate, and enjoy trying to do authentic... I will just post this for now... but there have been a buncha post that I'll reply to later.......
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