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Patrick Hand

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Everything posted by Patrick Hand

  1. Been gittin meself worked up and inna proper mindset I am..... now iffin me boss gives me $5.00 I'll go out fer coffee an leave her be fer a bit..... aaaaarrrrrrgh......
  2. ...( Patrick me man, me tinks ye need some good lovin' from a curvy wench. Keep yer head up and tink possitive. )... aaaaargh.... sometimes positive gets to be such a danm hastle....... aaaargh..... a curvy wench would hit the spot just about right now,,,,, but damn.... where be a good one........ (OK stop felling sorry fer self..... there is always rape and pillage.....)
  3. WOW... I guess it would be worth the time.... I just wouldn't want to start such an expensive project and not finish it..... I've only seen one person that tryed to make a wooden model ship..... but there is so much to do... so the finished project "hopefully" would be worth the efffort.....
  4. Being single has some advantages..... but well.... I'm single and still living and working with my ex...... (Ok wierd) kinda fun helping to raise her foster kid...... (unfortunatly she is a "bit" at times) being into different "stuff" don't help with the "pick-up""bit".... was a Klingon... now a pyrate ....... too wierd......... this will get me into a bunch of trouble...... but .... I wish prostitution was leagal...... hey ... go get "some"...... leave the women who don't wanna be hastled alone..... snuggling to a pillow ain't the same....... danm I hate the frustration of it .... but I don't want to grab the first thing that comes along and later be unhappy................ whoever it was that posted about "the grass is always greener...." damn... they were right...... ...... and rum sometimes works..... sometimes makes it a lot worse.........
  5. This really isn't anything new. As a big race fan, many years ago I started a newsletter for my friends around the country and the use of the acronymn NASCAR was a bit too much for those dudes in Daytona. Though there were only 50 or so of us, we were given a "cease and dissist" order for using that term. It just seams that when "thier" lawyer s find that stuff..... they should take a bit of time and figure if..... 1..... are they trying to make money off of us. 2..... does this "hurt" us.... or 3..... hey.... its someone that is trying to promote us......... number 1 and 2 ..... the lawyers should go after....... but someone promoting an endevor...... Hey they are the ones who pay your bills...... not being a lawyer.... maybe I'm missing something here......
  6. I have'nt even "seen" the movie....... I downloaded a "pyrate" copy of one of the songs.... and fell in love with it..... now I have to get the movie.......... .....(I posted in another board about how I will download stuff...... if it's good, then I go out and buy it.......pay the artist for thier effort.......)
  7. Did you buy them as a "kit" (OK.... I kinda know the ansewer...) I looked at some of the wood ship kits..... WOW... the prices..... (guess the time spent and the finished product would be worth it.....) Think it would be fun...... but I spend to much time playing on the computer to do any "real" hobby................
  8. Actuly .... I was thinking about making some figures, and molds outta "Sculpy"...... (plastic based clay that you can "fire" in your oven) The rules look playable.... and in such a "large" scale, they would be very atractive..... Think about it.... a buncha people dressed like pyrates.... a buncha toy ships and figures...... playing a game..... everyone having fun, and someone comes up and asks "what ya doing"...... great way to recrute more crew......... as a footnote.... somewhere around here I have the rules for "Panzer Pranks".... more of a spoof on wargame rules...... but one of the funny bits, was about how the best age to wargame was about 11 years old..... you were old enough to understand the rules and play... but still young enough to make funny noises .... BooooM.... bang.... bang....... " If simulating war is enjoyable, then all aspects should be done" (or something like that) Steve Jacksons rules fit into this idea rather well......... Hey if it ain't fun why do it.....?
  9. Went to thier site, and downloaded the rules (thanks for the link Lady Barbossa) so I'll read them and see (or kinda guess) it they are any good... unfortunatly if they do sound good.... the next problem is getting a deck and finding someone to play.......
  10. Hummm.... maybe I read the article wrong..... arn't they just going after vidio (and CD) pirates.... not web sites.... I know Disney is very protective of thier copyrights.... so if you are selling or renting POTC stuff you might have to worry..... but fan stuff should be safe (fair use under copyright law) (but don't quote me on that I ain't a lawyer....) I use to play Klingon (and a pyrate crew at that...) so when the storys were going aroung that Paramont was shutting down fan sites there was some concerns...... (still don't know if it realy happened...... could just be urban myth) Anyway..... I never could see what was wrong with someone (or a group) telling other people how cool a movie was..... (fan sites etc...) And it's not that I've never downloaded ...." something".... but if it was good, I would buy the CD..... if it sucked.... "delete" Artist and the people who create ... should be paid for thier efforts.... "samples" are a from of advertising.... thieft is not.....
  11. Is there a web site for this game? and has anyone played it......... A freind and I got a deck and some boster packs for "7th Sea".... played it once, (Capt Reis and the Crimson Roger blasted the snot outta his undead crew) so we never played again...... I had the same problem with the Star Trek card game..... the Klingons would blow up all the Feddi ships and then thier homeworld..... no one wanted to play that one eaither...... I don't want to hunt for another card game, to only play once or twice......
  12. After reading through all the rules < Evil Stevie's Pirate Game,> http://www.io.com/~sj/PirateGame.html They definately do sound like fun..... only problem is...... I don't have any lego pirates........ or lego pirate ships.... and after looking on E Bay..... I don't think I will....... But I got thinking... I could make my own ships and pirates.... then play.... aaaargh.........
  13. I've got most everythin out..... just gotta shake off th' dust from the lean-to...... and fix a few of the tent poles...... Hey I still have eight days tell I go.......
  14. Hummmm...... that looks like it could be fun........ the Steve Jackson rules look a bit complex for playing with legos, but it still looks like fun..... ( I just hadda bookmark the page.... read them all later...) just think of it...... a gaming convention..... a bunch of legos and pirates..... could get outta hand real quick.............
  15. Using Patrick Hand.... Quartermaster the Black Moon 72 got throat slit.... using PATT Cook The Fluffy Bunny 150 Syphilis using my real name Grunt The Salty Monkey 125 syplilis Hummm..... startin to notice a trend here..............
  16. Pyrate Trading Cards would be a cool idea..... Now I could design and make my own cards in Photoshop.... as could everyone else... each card would be individual and unique... but would lack the "feeling" of a collectable "set" of cards...... But what if someone (Hi Red October) were to make a standard card "Blank".... (.jpg .tiff whatever... front and back) Then post it in the Pub..... That way anyone with a graphics program could "fill in the blanks" and create thier Pyrate Trading Card and print or get them printed themselves.... I think it might be kinda fun to have Pyrate trading cards to hand out... and also trade with other pyrates (collect the whole set!)
  17. Dixie gunworks and Jas. Townsend both sell a large brass buckle that will fit a 3" belt.... it's about $15.00
  18. I got "Crazed psyco pyrate...." Ok... so I hadda hack thier site..... and send a few e-mails to get that result......Hey Crazed psyco pyrate..........
  19. ouch.... I've got one of those somewhere...... I think its in the same place as the cows foot covered bottle...... But I do know where the shrunken head is..........
  20. I got one of the Jas. Tousand hat blanks, and fixed that up into a pyrate hat.... but I don't wear it when playing on the Royaleste, I wouldn't want it to blow off. So I made a tarpaulin hat out of canvas and painted it black. It's heavy enough to stay on my head in the wind, and if it did blow overboard, I could just make a new one......
  21. Calaveras (the skulls ) ... in the Gold country...... Of course there be pyrates about..........
  22. How about turtle soup, and manatee steaks..........
  23. The easiest (not exactly period ) way that I know how to make a flag, is to spraypaint/airbrush it. for a Black flag with a white skull........ Make a stencle outa thin masonite (draw your design, and then cut it out with a jigsaw) I use cheap white cotton fabric for the flag, Iron your fabric (You don't want any wrinkles in the fabric) Put the stencle in place with some weights on it so there are no gaps around the edges.... Spray paint (or I use a cheap airbruch that throws a lot of paint) the black. let the paint dry, then flip the flag over, flip and carefully position the stencle on the other side, and paint the other side. you can touch up any small details with a magic marker. when it is compleatly dry, hem the edges, and add grommets or ties when the flag gets to raty, you use the stencle to just make a new one. Just be carefull about where you store your stencle.... I have to cut out a new one for "the Rude Skull"..... it broke when I moved............
  24. I wish I could remember that realy cool pirate movie that I saw as a kid back in about the fifth grade.......... An old black and white movie with Action... adventure.... sea battles and all that good pirate stuff.....
  25. After washing them, they shrunk a bit, they are still baggy,but they are comfortable, and I've kinda gotten use to them........
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