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Mad Matt

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Everything posted by Mad Matt

  1. You still stood there screaming No one caring about these words you tell My friend before your voice is gone One man's fun is another's hell These times are sent to try men's souls But something's wrong with all you see You you'll take it on all yourself Remember, misery loves company
  2. So.....for those of you who have been there before, tell me what to expect. If you want to use this thread just to vent about your ex, carry on. I've never even KNOWN any close friends in my life who've been divorced, so I have no clue what to expect. I may be planning weekend trips to the ocean every now and then to try and collect what's left of my sanity!
  3. Yer not alone, mate. That's fer sure!
  4. A REAL American hero!
  5. long eyelashes
  6. Motorbreath
  7. Careful, mate. That much thinkin' can lead to a headache...
  8. *Mad Matt stumbles in...* Whadya got fer a hangover cure, mate?
  9. Is Cal Worthington still selling cars in SoCal? If you need a car or truck, go see Cal If you need a car or truck, go see Cal If you need a car or truck, And you wanna save a buck, If you need a car or truck, go see Cal CAL WORTHINGTON AND HIS DOG, SPOT!
  10. trouble...ye are. You're in trouble....
  11. fuzzy....uhhhh....oops, wrong thread!
  12. I'm with ye, Petee!
  13. Honestly, unless something goes wrong with your trip, I don't think you'll hafta worry about a specific itinerary. Unless you're going there to visit a specific castle or something like that, everything you see is sure t' be a grand adventure. I envy you, luv. Truly, I do.
  14. Mix yer own, luv! Even out here in Aridzona, we have Trader Vic's Mai Tai Mix. We're not the savages people thynk we are...
  15. ponytails "Ponytail, cocktails - two things that will always rock!" (Club Dread)
  16. That's not ALL, but I'm tryin' t' keep this PG! Was my pleasure, tonight. You got lucky I wasn't otherwise "occupied" this evenin' (if ye know what I mean ) Thanks fer the compliments, I take them all!
  17. Hola, Sam. Liquor
  18. I like t' have me ego stroked...
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