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Everything posted by oderlesseye

  1. #1 Sir Francis Drake (circa 1540-1596) Revered as a hero in the fight against the Armada and despised as an upstart by the old nobility, Drake epitomizes the self-made Elizabethan privateer, rapacious in the hunt for treasure (especially Spanish treasure) but daring and visionary in exploration.
  2. My wife and Eye dig'em and are gonna see them San Diego civic center in May.
  3. Oderlesseye make his way up the ladder and climbs out the floor back into the pub wit Red Cat Jenny,False Ransom and Jacky tar followin closely behind.... Oderelesseye awaits anxiously for Jacky Tar to share 'bout the Treasure of the Lagarto Grande..... Ray Drinks all round for all us now tired rum stinched, squinty eyed Pirates.....
  4. Thinkin Eyes was holden onto a Golden Spittoon resembling me Tankard, studded wit Rubys, Garnets, and diamonds, Oderlesseye a bit wheezey, regains his conciousness and moves from a slumped position over the third chest and stands up and looks at Jacky Tar and Red Cat . Nothin like a runnooonnnnnnn sentence. Letts climb the ladder an get outta 'er !
  5. Oderlesseye happily chokes on the very dust that the ol'e door has kicked up.. Thank ye kindly mates ! Now Eyes has business wit that dar damneed Spider...... Oderlesseye steps out away from the crowd and lears closley to The Spider...Eyes Reveals the Flyntlock he has been hold onto behind his back and takes quick steady aim, as best as Eye's could any way.... ( still drousy) Eyes point the weopen at the third eye of the beast and fires... Oderlesseye's aim turned out good enough, He made "eye contact" and The spider reacted violently, Jumping about, the ol'e ship tremmers and quakes. ..... The Spider takes hold nother belayin pin and plunges it into the new hole in it's grotesque aray of eyes, having two wooden eyes now instead of one. Six Eyes to go! Oderlesseye exclaimes to the other pirates ..yelling it also at the Spider as a warnin eyes ney be messed wit so! The Spider recoils to a corner near the poopdeck of the ship and leaps accross the hollow dark and damp cave ,to a wall and crawls away.... Hisssssing at Oderlesseye, that It will return....... ...Oderlesseyes reaction is one cander and carefree having his mommentary freedom and revenge... Oderlesseye grimmices wit a satified smirk of tell-tale victory... He turns his attention to the treasure heap before him and the others and wades in deep and disapeers for a tyme and then reapears neary to one of the chest.. Oderlesseye begins to kick at the ol'e rotten wooden/iron lock of The third chest to which does not fall of but instesd the whole lid falls away and exposes... Oderlesseye Faints wit excitement...
  6. Hey what a great Idea... Play liars dice here... Oderlesseye pulls up a chair in anticipation ... So whats are the stakes aegh?
  7. False Ransom .... Has ye got the surgeons saw lass ? After all this "cage" is wood on the other three sides beings this is a ship... Eyes can cut me way out ifen ye can slip the saw to me wit out the "Spider" knowin.... :) Oderlesseye Taunts the Spider to draw near..... shaking a bit from the adrenalin, Eyes yell at the spider saying it be 'Yellow Bellied' !
  8. Wit a sly grin knowin somethin about the ol'e dust.... Oderlesseye Yells out loudly and His head nodding wildly, as he shakes the thick Bar doors.... THe disaperin curse is lifted only for those whose hands has been in contact wit it.....!!!! so When ye pic something up it will have the dust on it and the person will be able to keep it ifen that person is will to face The Spider and it's protective powers.. Oderlesseye places the loaded flyntlock behind his back... thinkin to himself perhaps the Spider can be persuaded wit a bilgerat to spew silk thread on those who wish a dim future for this pirate... Lemmeee out ! Ye Eighty legged Hairy scoundral! Snarling at Me nemissis Jacky Tar who just assuridly would leave Oderlesseye behind in the dark wit the imfamous Rum drinkin Spider ~ Aurr - Aurrr... Ther Red head looks at me lustily and slowly traces her index finger underneath me chin and warns me in a soft tone of voice not to act too fast though Eyes knows Whaty lies within one of those Chest....
  9. Have a happy new year to all and remember a cab cost 20-30 bucks a DUI can cost 10,000 to yers or nothers life! We Want ye to be around next year....
  10. Oderlesseye declarws he will fight to the death if nessesary to have his loot and protect the others from the Spider... Eyes declares the disapearin act is a trick and pulls a magic pouch of pixy dust he had aquired from Tia Mia in another previous adventure.... Eyes opens the bag o'magic. Bad breath and all Eyes blows the pea green glittering dust into the cage ...and demands the key or else!
  11. The door opens slowly wit a loud creak from the hinges, resounding squeals echo, we all end up pluggin our ears, the heap o'treasure begins to cascade to our feet. Eyes smiles, and winks at thr other pirate to begin the plunderin....
  12. Oderlesseye begins to stirr and rolls over on the floor boards of the Pub... oooohhhh my head.... What was in the Rum last night..... Eyes opens his eyes a bit and thru his blurred vision he can make out Red Cat Jenny ,Jacky Tar, False Ransom and Crazycholeblack, are present and accounted for. They are all out cold, layin on the floor except Red Cat Jenny wit her head on the bar and snoring....wit her arms moving slowly and outsretched. Oderlesseye attempts to gets up but falls over as his head be spinning a bit... at nother attempt Eyes Gets to his feet and hears Jacky Tar muttering somethin about a Spider... Then i remembered somthin about a trap door and so Eyes pan over the Pub floor and see that nothin is there... Eyes looks up at the beautiful Christmas tree in he corner of the room... Man that was some party we had last night ...Oderlesseye thinks to em'self... Boy did I have a frightful dream or what.. Oderless remembers not being able to move, Like Eyes was tied to something....By a sexy Pirate Lass! Oderlesseye looks at the calender and Realizes it's Christmas eve but need to take the edge off a bit and take a wee bit of a hit o'le Rum. Feeling better but alone amongs a slumbering crew Oderlesseye decides to stir them up and hold revely on them. Eyes get a bucket of cold water and tosses some Jackys way to wake 'em. Jacky yells Spider louder and then his Eyes pop wide open.... Oderlesseye informs him that he must have been dreaming and hands him a fresh towel to wipe of his sleepies and wet-n- drouled face... Jacky looks up at Oderlesseye and Eyes says to 'em Merry Christmas! So lets wake up the others and Celebrate!
  13. As we get to the bottom of the Stairs we sees three Large chest literally buried with golden and silver gobbletts,plates and ingots, Candle holders of appealling shapes and sizes ..... The glow of the candle light shimmers off the shinny treasure at hand.. Smiles a mile wide and eyes even bigger as we push on to touch the Cache of De Blance ..! All we has to do is get thru the iron cage that surrounds it.. The bars are 6" thick and criss~cross the same distance... above the lock is a Rose Engraved.... Now Who has the Key?
  14. Seasons Greeting to all - Happy holidays- Merry Christmas- ect- Drink up me heartys yo ho!
  15. Hey Jacky cans Eyes has me knife an flyntlock back before the Spider shows up again? ..... Oderlesseye gags a bit on all the dust from the 1st day of winters cleanin goin on. Wots this? Oderlesseye notices a pull ring in the middle of the X ..... Eyes hears a bilge rat squeekin about as He leans over to pull on da ring. It won't budge. This must of been shut o'long tyme auhgg? Well I get the damn thing open now... Oderlesseye borrows Red Cats blade an wiggles it through the crevises and then pulls again.. still nothing.. Sos Eyes pulls harder and wit all me wieght behind it , the trap door opens and oderleseye falls of ballance wit the door now completly detached from the deck..and lands on Red Cat Jenny & CrazyCholeBlack. They push me off and Eyes rolls over to Jacky Tars feet. False Ransome runs over and peers over CrazyCholeBlack & Red Cat Jennys Shoulders and exclaims there a set o'stairs and a "Golden Glow" eminatin from down there. Smiles erupt all about the room and troubles forgotten as the excitment builds , and we all head down the stair case....... This must be It Oderlessey yelps out to his Breatheren an Sisters! Eahg ... perhaps the rose be down there...? Oderlesseye takes the first step down the stairs............................................................................... Hey no pushing!
  16. Naw, Just more cookies mate. But Eyes not know ifen ye deserve one ye self ...after all ye wanted me killed, startin wit that chair act. Auuuauurrrrgggg! Oderlesseye wipes his face and straightens out his eyes and gives Red Cat a big sticky hug . Eyes turns to all the lovely Lasses and thanx 'em for not blasten the beastie wit rail cannon, lest Eyes be no more... Eyes guess Jacky Tar jest lookin to get ye all favor wit me outta the way... none the less Eyes reflect back on the stuck up preist that prayed over thanxgivin dinner and reminds me to be thankful to Jacky as well cause he did help to save me...now missin a patch of hair myself....Oderlesseye shakes Jacky Tars hand and says Thanx! now that we below decks and reconciliation has taken place ( I hope wit False Ransom over me accedentally discharging me fire arm)... We draw near the X So do we still have that surgens saw?
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