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Everything posted by PirateMunkee

  1. Yeah, Captain Eisner and his band of cutthroat Imagineers
  2. Damn forgot about Yellowbeard. I loved that movie. Had that comedian Marty Feldman. Damn, memories
  3. 55 and Katella NO WAY. I grew up near Glasell and Chapman and graduated from Orange High in 85. Had a view of the Big A right outside my bedroom window and first job was Dland itself. Sweet. A fellow OC Brat
  4. My very first Pirate sword I took a machette I bought down in Honduras. I busted off the plastic handle and went to a machine shop and had them create a shield guard. I then hand carved the wood to replace the plastic handle. Looked awesome. A machette has that perfect Pirate sword look. Right now I am looking for a spanish type sword to go along with my spanish Dagger I picked up at Medieval times. Nice heavy dagger with no blade but easily fixed with a grinder and wetting stone.
  5. I'm Bloody Tom Rackham and I'm a Pirate now where da' women and rum be at.
  6. My favorites... Pirates of the Caribbean (Saw last night. AWESOME!!!!) The Island Disney's Treasure Island The Goonies (Ok so it isn't a "Pirate" movie per se but about Pirate Treasure)
  7. Gracias gracias gracias, Just e-mailed them about hooking up with them. Thank you my fellow sea dawggy.
  8. Nice to know that I'm not the only new one here also swabbing out the heads. We'll have to watch each others back. You know how pirates get around new meat.
  9. Hola, I'm Troy the Pirate Munkee. Bodyboarder and artiste extraordinaire living on the west coast in Santa Cruz. I'm a former Disneyland CM Jungle Cruise Skipper that's into Ren Faires and am dying to hook up with a Piratical Crew in my area are just any crew that will have me. I have been owner of a couple online Pirate Role play by e-mail games that have died out unfortunately. It's nice to know I have found an active port with so many like minded individuals. Glad to be here.
  10. Oh Yeah and by the way, I am a former Disney CM. Didn't work POTC though but next best thing...Jungle Cruise Skipper
  11. Well, if there are fools out there to part their gold for it...Disney will sell it. I do believe Mr. Eisner is the best modern day pirate there is out there. I remember when they were tearing down the Swiss Family Robison Treehouse to make room for the new Tarzan Treehouse, Disney sold each of the plastic leaves for 5 bucks a piece. They sold out.
  12. Does anybody know of any Northern California Crews that I may join up with? I would really love to hook up with a crew and have no idea how. I myself live in Santa Cruz California which would be prime location for a Pirate crew and if there is one, I never heard of them if not, I have no clue how to begin one either. Also is there any one who works the Northen Cali Ren Faire? I was majorally dissapointed that there was no Pirate's row like there is in the Southern Cali Faire. I would love to see a crew up here in the Northen Cali faire. Any Help will be greatly appreciated.
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