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Everything posted by PirateMunkee

  1. WooHoo...I'm so there. Wonder if they need any extras? Hmmmm
  2. I've been there and love it but I'm thinking as a cutthroat pirate back in the heyday. I wouldn't want to lay waste to anything but if I was bloodthirsty and all.......
  3. Once you go Pirate..You never go back
  4. Ahhhh, But put yourself in Edward Teach's shoes. If you knew you were about to get caught and you knew you were going to die...how many people would you want to take with you? Hmmmm Floating Pirate Paradise with a carrier. That might work even better.
  5. I Owe I owe So It's off to pillage and plunder I go. Things to do today...Rape...Pillage...Plunder How about one of those Jesus Fishes with an eypatch, big teeth and a fin?
  6. I don't right now but I will take some and get them scanned. Damn I need a Digital Camera
  7. Hey now I never challenged the colors just said we need to discuss it. Not really though just playing around. Dang, I need to be on acid to look at that flag though.
  8. If I had a monkey I would name him "Ebola"
  9. Ahhhh but the crap is part of the charm of having a monkey. Teach the monkey to throw his crap at your enemies and you have the makings of a fine weapon as well
  10. I lived really close to the circle. Villa Park huh? Had tons of friends who went to Villa. Used to go there all the time since we didn't have a football stadium, our home games were at your field.
  11. Problem with that is the ammo for the big guns aren't part of the ship thus would be considered 2 items. Hell, I like the destroyer idea myself. The big guns alone is enough of a scare tactic to freak any unsuspecting captain or port. Taking a sea port with a carrier would be great. Big enough to block off a harbor. Huge enough to have enough pirate living on it for a pretty huge landing force. enough deck space for an arsenal of cannons. And if that doesn't work, drain the water cooling the nuclear reactors and wait for a meltdown then BOOOM. Scuttle the ship and you scuttle the entire caribbean.
  12. Yeah it does. I like a heavy blade myself but the machette was all show, Pretty good for a first sword. Next step, making a real one. The Atlanta Cutlery Company has blank blades ready for customizing.
  13. And that be why I joined up wit' ya' except we have to talk about that tie-dye pirate flag
  14. Silver polish for your sword...$3.50 Ammo for your flintlock...$10.50 Wathcing villagers run in unholy terror as you ramsack their port...priceless
  15. Hmmmm. Since I live a block from the beach and bodyboarding is my life and I love deep sea fishing whenever I can I would have to say land lubber-YEAH RIGHT SEADAWG ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. I want a monkey. Pure and simple. Teach them to steal or get into some nice tight spaces then BAM..you've got yourself more than just a pet. Besides with a monkey, I wouldn't be in the cell trying to beg some dumb dog for the keys, I would send my monkey out to kick the dog's ass and then bring the keys to me. Oh, did I fail to mention it would be a big monkey...A real big monkey. A gorilla would be better. Then I would have muscle to cover my back.
  17. I thought about it too. Without the planes or equipment to maintain them or the equipment that doesn't belong to the ship everything is fine. Everything else, the engines, radar (even though it wouldn't work) even down to the stoves, beds, tables, etc. are part of the ship thus being ONE thing, the ship. Nuclear power so you won't have to worry about fuel and there is plenty of sea water to keep the thing cool. Bang, the ulimate Pirate vessel. Imagine the terror we would strike coming into some unsuspecting port with that thing sporting our colors. Mwahahaha
  18. Many Thanks Beast. The Royaliste sent me in the direction of a crew near me called Tales of the High Seas. I hooked up with them but the crew you directed me to seems more like what I'm looking for. I'll check them out also but just started with this new crew and think I'll hang with them for awhile. Thanks
  19. Gracias Capt. William. Glad I joined this board. Already been pointed in the right direction of a crew near me and hooked up already. Thanks for the info The royaliste...sure I will meeting you soon. So happy to be among like minded outstanding persons such as yourselves
  20. Don't lose the Monkey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I always thought monkeys would be cooler sitting on a pirates shoulder than a parrot. Pretty useful too. Look at the mayhem the monkey in Raiders of the Lost Ark caused. Anyways, I loved the movie. The way a Pirate movie is meant to be. I loved Johnny Depp's portrayal of Captain Jack Sparrow. His best role yet!!!! I have a question though. Originally the film was supossed to be rated R (Or as we pirates say...rated ARRRR). I knew Jerry Bruckhiemer and Disney kept going rounds and rounds about it becuase Disney wanted the Movie released on Walt Disney Pictures instead of Touchstone. I know he had to cut alot out to make it a pg-13 movie. What scenes were cut? And will they be added on the DVD? Hell, the could even release a director's cut DVD with all the parts added. I plan on seeing this movie again, and again, and maybe again a few more times. And please...Repect the monkey
  21. Just had to try it. Hee hee hee
  22. YoHoHo it's a pirate's life for me?! Hmmmm Now where have I heard that before? I wonder if this uprising of new crewmates has something to do with a certain Johnny Depp movie. Oh well anyways, welcome aboard. I myself have been into everything Piratical since I was a wee one. Ever since I was told I have an ancestor who was a pirate, that and also the fact my father was head of the Disneyland Art dept. and we used to go to Disneyland practically every week and I would ride POTC at least 5 times in a row. That was were my addiction first started. We all have to start somewhere.
  23. Well Hello back at you. Glad to see I'm not the only new one around here
  24. A nuclear powered aircraft carrier. Plenty of room for cannon space since I wouldn't be able to bring the planes along. Yeah baby, who dares fire upon me now!!!!
  25. Greendog. I remember that game. I played it all the time. Now I'm addicted to roller coaster tycoon too (Made many a Piratical themed amusement parks) and instead of playing a surfer on a game, I play one in real life.
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